Various psych tests-let's diagnose ourselves with disorders!

Joined: 3 Jan 2009
Age: 32
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Posts: 9,896
Location: Stoke, England (sometimes :P)
I was inspired by another thread to make this. These are various quizzes from the site "psych central" about various disorders and mental ailments. These tests are obviously not to be taken seriously and are not a diagnostic tool so don't anyone go "I just found out I've got ADHD and I'm depressed!!" because these tests only have quite a small amount of questions. If you want you can add whether or not you do actually have these disorders.
Adult ADD/ADHD test
My score:
You scored a total of 91
It is highly likely that you are presently suffering from adult attention deficit disorder, according to your responses on this self-report questionnaire. You should not take this as a diagnosis of any sort, or a recommendation for treatment. However, it would be advisable and likely beneficial for you to seek further diagnosis from a trained mental health professional immediately. (What's funny is that immediatly was in bold, I'm not even diagnosed with it!)
Scoring key:
Adult ADHD: 70 & up
Moderate ADHD: 50 - 69
Mild ADHD: 35 - 49
Borderline ADHD: 25 - 34
No ADHD likely: 0 - 24
Anxiety test
My score:
You scored a total of 43
Based upon your responses to this screening measure, you are most likely suffering from an anxiety disorder. Your responses are similar to others who experience severe anxiety symptoms. You should not take this as a diagnosis of any sort, or a recommendation for treatment. However, it would be advisable and likely beneficial for you to seek further diagnosis from a trained mental health professional soon to rule out a possible anxiety disorder.
The most common anxiety disorders diagnosed are either panic disorder or generalized anxiety disorder. (I am not at all surprised my this since a life long severe phobia of mine has been causing me a lot of hassle this year)
Scoring key
Severe anxiety 38 & up
Moderate anxiety 23 - 37
Mild to little anxiety 6 - 22
No anxiety 0 - 5
AQ test
My score
You scored a total of 38
Based upon your responses to this autism screening measure, it appears that you are likely suffering from an autism spectrum disorder, or Asperger's disorder. People who score similarly often qualify for a diagnosis of autism or Asperger's.
People with an autism spectrum disorder often suffer from severe and sustained impairment in social interaction and the development of restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, and activities. The disturbance must cause clinically significant impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.
You should not take this as a diagnosis of any sort, or a recommendation for treatment. However, it would be advisable and likely beneficial for you to seek further diagnosis from a trained mental health professional soon to rule out a possible anxiety disorder. (No s**t sherlock! )
Scoring Key
34 & up Autism likely
30 - 33 Possible autism
0 - 29 No autism
OCD test
My score:
You scored a total of 20
Based upon your responses to this screening measure, you are most likely suffering from an obsessive-compulsive disorder. You can view symptoms and treatment options for this disorder. This is not a diagnosis, or a recommendation for treatment. However, it would be advisable and likely beneficial for you to seek a professional diagnosis from a trained mental health professional in your community immediately. (For christ sake, what next?? I'm messed up I am)
Scoring key
OCD is likely 12 & up
OCD is probable 8 - 11
OCD is unlikely 0 - 7
Others you might be interested in:
And heres the link to the whole page of quizzes: CLICKY
What film do atheists watch on Christmas?
Coincidence on 34th street.
As a person who has undergone five full and professionally-administered neuropsych evals in their life, I doubt any of these will yield different and/or further insights.
I just happen to believe the characterstics of their diagnostic labels are only the tip of the neuropsychological iceberg in my case.
You scored a total of 62
You appear to be suffering from a moderate amount of attention and concentration difficulties according to your responses to this self-report questionnaire. You should not take this as a diagnosis of any sort, or a recommendation for treatment. However, it would be advisable and likely beneficial for you to seek further diagnosis from a trained mental health professional soon to rule out a possible attention disorder.
You scored a total of 21
You have answered this anxiety screening in such a way as to suggest that you are not likely currently suffering from an anxiety disorder. Remember that a little anxiety in normal, everyday life is to be expected and is a good thing. Nobody should be without any anxiety whatsoever, as anxiety is our body's way of telling us that we should pay closer attention to a situation, event or person in our lives (even if that person is ourselves). Scoring in this range suggests you have that normal level of anxiety but would not likely qualify for an anxiety disorder diagnosis. You should not take this as a diagnosis or recommendation for treatment in any way, though. (strange - I was expecting to be very high in Anxienty)
AQ test
You scored a total of 23
You have answered this autism screening in such a way as to suggest that you are not likely currently suffering from an austism spectrum disorder, including Asperger's disorder.
You scored a total of 12
Based upon your responses to this screening measure, you are most likely suffering from an obsessive-compulsive disorder. You can view symptoms and treatment options for this disorder. This is not a diagnosis, or a recommendation for treatment. However, it would be advisable and likely beneficial for you to seek a professional diagnosis from a trained mental health professional in your community
You scored a total of 31
Based upon your responses to this bipolar disorder quiz, you appear to be suffering from a bipolar disorder. It may be a Bipolar I or Bipolar II type disorder, but it's difficult to say given your responses.
You scored a total of 38
Based upon your responses to this depression quiz, you appear to be suffering from a moderate to severe depression. People who have answered similarly to you typically qualify for a diagnosis of major depression and have sought professional treatment for this disorder.
You scored a total of 7
You have answered this schizophrenia screening in such a way as to suggest that you are not likely currently suffering from schizophrenia or a schizophrenia-related disorder. Because no online test is 100% accurate, please be aware that this does not necessarily mean you do not have schizophrenia, only that this particular quiz did not find sufficient evidence to suggest that you do.
I don't have fun with predictable quizzes
Change Your Frequency, when you're talking to me!
Das gehört verboten! size does matter after all
My Industrial Love:
Eegawds I do have add! And all this time I've been using it as an an excuse for my incompetency!
Results of your
Attention Deficit Disorder Quiz
You scored a total of 94
It is highly likely that you are presently suffering from adult attention deficit disorder, according to your responses on this self-report questionnaire. You should not take this as a diagnosis of any sort, or a recommendation for treatment. However, it would be advisable and likely beneficial for you to seek further diagnosis from a trained mental health professional immediately.
Anxiety Screening Quiz
You scored a total of 29
Based upon your responses to this anxiety screening measure, it appears that you may be suffering from moderate anxiety, symptoms that might typically qualify you for the diagnosis of an anxiety disorder. Sometimes people who feel such anxiety symptoms don't realize that their body may be trying to tell them something. Look for patterns in your behavior, such as when and what circumstances under which you experience the symptoms you've described. For example, if it occurs prior to public speaking and your job requires a lot of presentations you may want to find ways to calm yourself before speaking or let others do some of the presentations.
You should not take this as a diagnosis of any sort, or a recommendation for treatment. However, it would be advisable and likely beneficial for you to seek further diagnosis from a trained mental health professional soon to rule out a possible anxiety disorder.
The most common anxiety disorders diagnosed are either panic disorder or generalized anxiety disorder.
Meh I was actually diagnosed with GAD last year.
Autism / Asperger's Screening Quiz
You scored a total of 27
You have answered this autism screening in such a way as to suggest that you are not likely currently suffering from an austism spectrum disorder, including Asperger's disorder.
You should not take this as a diagnosis or recommendation for treatment in any way, though.
Can I still come on here?
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Screening
You scored a total of 16
Based upon your responses to this screening measure, you are most likely suffering from an obsessive-compulsive disorder. You can view symptoms and treatment options for this disorder. This is not a diagnosis, or a recommendation for treatment. However, it would be advisable and likely beneficial for you to seek a professional diagnosis from a trained mental health professional in your community immediately.
That one suprises me
Last edited by susannahmia on 16 Apr 2010, 4:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Results of your
Anxiety Screening Quiz
You scored a total of 47
Based upon your responses to this screening measure, you are most likely suffering from an anxiety disorder. Your responses are similar to others who experience severe anxiety symptoms. You should not take this as a diagnosis of any sort, or a recommendation for treatment. However, it would be advisable and likely beneficial for you to seek further diagnosis from a trained mental health professional soon to rule out a possible anxiety disorder.
The most common anxiety disorders diagnosed are either panic disorder or generalized anxiety disorder.
Results of your
Autism / Asperger's Screening Quiz
You scored a total of 42
Based upon your responses to this autism screening measure, it appears that you are likely suffering from an autism spectrum disorder, or Asperger's disorder. People who score similarly often qualify for a diagnosis of autism or Asperger's.
People with an autism spectrum disorder often suffer from severe and sustained impairment in social interaction and the development of restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, and activities. The disturbance must cause clinically significant impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.
You should not take this as a diagnosis of any sort, or a recommendation for treatment. However, it would be advisable and likely beneficial for you to seek further diagnosis from a trained mental health professional soon to rule out a possible anxiety disorder.
Results of your
Bipolar Quiz
You scored a total of 23
You appear to be experiencing some type of mild bipolar disorder (such as a Bipolar II Disorder, the less serious type) or depressive symptoms which are often common amongst the general population, but border on the possibility of a depressive episode. It is unclear as to whether you suffer these problems severely enough to need to seek further diagnosis and treatment of them. You should not take your responses to this self-report questionnaire as a diagnosis or recommendation for treatment of any sort. Consult with a trained mental health professional if you are experiencing depressive feelings and/or difficulties in your daily functioning that you are worried about.
If you scored...
You may have...
51 & up
Bipolar disorder
- Serious symptoms
36 - 50
Bipolar disorder
- Moderate to severe symptoms
25 - 35
Bipolar disorder likely
16 - 24
Either a mild bipolar disorder (II) or depressive disorder
10 - 15
Possible depressive disorder
0 - 9
No disorder likely
Results of your Mania Quiz
You scored a total of 22
You appear to suffer from mild to moderate mania from your responses to this self-report questionnaire. You should not take this as a diagnosis of any sort, or a recommendation for treatment. However, you may want to look into seeking further consultation with a trained mental health professional if you are experiencing any difficulties in daily functioning or if you'd like a more in-depth answer.
Results of your
Depression Quiz
You scored a total of 56
< 10
50-59 « You
80 >
Total data points: 151,905 (updated quarterly)
Based upon your responses to this depression quiz, you appear to be suffering from a severe depression. People who have answered similarly to you typically qualify for a diagnosis of major depression and have sought professional treatment for this disorder.
You should not take this as a diagnosis of any sort, or a recommendation for treatment. However, it would be advisable and likely beneficial for you to seek further diagnosis from a trained mental health professional immediately.
If you scored...
You may have...
54 & up
Severe depression
36 - 53
Moderate/severe depression
22 - 35
Mild to moderate depression
18 - 21
Borderline depression
10 - 17
Possible mild depression
0 - 9
No depression likely
Results of your
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Screening
You scored a total of 25
Based upon your responses to this screening measure, you are most likely suffering from an obsessive-compulsive disorder. You can view symptoms and treatment options for this disorder. This is not a diagnosis, or a recommendation for treatment. However, it would be advisable and likely beneficial for you to seek a professional diagnosis from a trained mental health professional in your community immediately.
Results of your
Schizophrenia Screening Quiz
Please note, this quiz has limited validity.
Please interpret the below results cautiously.
You scored a total of 6
You have answered this schizophrenia screening in such a way as to suggest that you are not likely currently suffering from schizophrenia or a schizophrenia-related disorder. Because no online test is 100% accurate, please be aware that this does not necessarily mean you do not have schizophrenia, only that this particular quiz did not find sufficient evidence to suggest that you do. You should not take this as a diagnosis or recommendation for treatment in any way. If you have concerns regarding your mental health or well-being, please consult a trained mental health professional for further assistance.
Balance is needed within the universe, can be demonstrated in most/all concepts/things. Black/White, Good/Evil, etc.
All dependent upon your own perspective in your own form of existence, so trust your own gut and live the way YOU want/need to.

Joined: 11 Apr 2010
Age: 33
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Posts: 471
Location: United States
Wait, I love things like this hahaha.
Results of your
Anxiety Screening Quiz
You scored a total of 30
Results of your
Autism / Asperger's Screening Quiz
You scored a total of 45
Results of your
Bipolar Quiz
You scored a total of 47
Results of your
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Screening
You scored a total of 18
Results of your
Schizophrenia Screening Quiz
Please note, this quiz has limited validity.
Please interpret the below results cautiously.
You scored a total of 4
lol the bipolar quiz is such BS. Those are traits of being human... definitely not specific enough.


Joined: 3 Jan 2009
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 9,896
Location: Stoke, England (sometimes :P)
Anxiety Screening Quiz
You scored a total of 39
Based upon your responses to this screening measure, you are most likely suffering from an anxiety disorder. Your responses are similar to others who experience severe anxiety symptoms. You should not take this as a diagnosis of any sort, or a recommendation for treatment. However, it would be advisable and likely beneficial for you to seek further diagnosis from a trained mental health professional soon to rule out a possible anxiety disorder.
Autism / Asperger's Screening Quiz
You scored a total of 47
Based upon your responses to this autism screening measure, it appears that you are likely suffering from an autism spectrum disorder, or Asperger's disorder. People who score similarly often qualify for a diagnosis of autism or Asperger's.
People with an autism spectrum disorder often suffer from severe and sustained impairment in social interaction and the development of restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, and activities. The disturbance must cause clinically significant impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.
You should not take this as a diagnosis of any sort, or a recommendation for treatment. However, it would be advisable and likely beneficial for you to seek further diagnosis from a trained mental health professional soon to rule out a possible anxiety disorder.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Screening
You scored a total of 30
Based upon your responses to this screening measure, you are most likely suffering from an obsessive-compulsive disorder. You can view symptoms and treatment options for this disorder. This is not a diagnosis, or a recommendation for treatment. However, it would be advisable and likely beneficial for you to seek a professional diagnosis from a trained mental health professional in your community immediately.
AS scoring I can handle, Anxiety scoring I can handle, but 30 for OCD I consider ridiculous! True, i find myself constantly worrying, gathering useless objects, washing my hands fairly frequently and playing with my hands alot, but 30 is 2.5 times the "severe" score!
Not surprised to find I'm seriously depressed. Was surprised to find that, as a middle aged man, I'm not actually a person, though. Which is quite depressing.
According to the 'further info' on the site:
Depression in People
* Depression in Women
* Depression in Children and Teens
* Children and Depression
* Teen Depression Symptoms
* Teenagers and Suicide
* Depression in Seniors
Do middle aged men not count as people? It's probably that nobody cares as they are all just after our cash. Too late in my case, I've already spent it all. Mostly on trying to keep women and children happy.
Circular logic is correct because it is.
Thanks for the quizzes MONKEY.
You scored a total of 84
It is highly likely that you are presently suffering from adult attention deficit disorder, according to your responses on this self-report questionnaire. You should not take this as a diagnosis of any sort, or a recommendation for treatment. However, it would be advisable and likely beneficial for you to seek further diagnosis from a trained mental health professional immediately.
You scored a total of 9
You have answered this anxiety screening in such a way as to suggest that you are not likely currently suffering from an anxiety disorder. Remember that a little anxiety in normal, everyday life is to be expected and is a good thing. Nobody should be without any anxiety whatsoever, as anxiety is our body's way of telling us that we should pay closer attention to a situation, event or person in our lives (even if that person is ourselves). Scoring in this range suggests you have that normal level of anxiety but would not likely qualify for an anxiety disorder diagnosis. You should not take this as a diagnosis or recommendation for treatment in any way, though.
You scored a total of 40
Based upon your responses to this autism screening measure, it appears that you are likely suffering from an autism spectrum disorder, or Asperger's disorder. People who score similarly often qualify for a diagnosis of autism or Asperger's.
People with an autism spectrum disorder often suffer from severe and sustained impairment in social interaction and the development of restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, and activities. The disturbance must cause clinically significant impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.
You should not take this as a diagnosis of any sort, or a recommendation for treatment. However, it would be advisable and likely beneficial for you to seek further diagnosis from a trained mental health professional soon to rule out a possible anxiety disorder.
You scored a total of 9
Based upon your responses to this screening measure, it is probable you are suffering from an obsessive-compulsive disorder. You can view symptoms and treatment options for this disorder. This is not a diagnosis, or a recommendation for treatment. However, it would be advisable and likely beneficial for you to seek a professional diagnosis from a trained mental health professional in your community at your earliest convenience.
You scored a total of 16
You appear to be experiencing some type of mild bipolar disorder (such as a Bipolar II Disorder, the less serious type) or depressive symptoms which are often common amongst the general population, but border on the possibility of a depressive episode. It is unclear as to whether you suffer these problems severely enough to need to seek further diagnosis and treatment of them. You should not take your responses to this self-report questionnaire as a diagnosis or recommendation for treatment of any sort. Consult with a trained mental health professional if you are experiencing depressive feelings and/or difficulties in your daily functioning that you are worried about.
You scored a total of 15
You appear to be experiencing some depressive symptoms which are often common amongst the general population. It is unclear as to whether you suffer these problems severely enough to need to seek further diagnosis and treatment of them. You should not take your responses to this self-report questionnaire as a diagnosis or recommendation for treatment of any sort. Consult with a trained mental health professional if you are experiencing depressive feelings and/or difficulties in your daily functioning that you are worried about.
Kinda strange how some of those questions describe executive dysfunction.
You scored a total of 3
You have answered this schizophrenia screening in such a way as to suggest that you are not likely currently suffering from schizophrenia or a schizophrenia-related disorder. Because no online test is 100% accurate, please be aware that this does not necessarily mean you do not have schizophrenia, only that this particular quiz did not find sufficient evidence to suggest that you do. You should not take this as a diagnosis or recommendation for treatment in any way. If you have concerns regarding your mental health or well-being, please consult a trained mental health professional for further assistance.
Eating Disorder
You scored a total of 0
You have answered this self-report questionnaire in such a way as to suggest that you do not likely currently suffer from an eating disorder. You should not take this as a diagnosis or recommendation for treatment in any way, though.
Do I Need Psychotherapy?
You scored a total of 37
From the information you provided, you appear to be someone who might benefit from psychotherapy from a mental health professional at this time. You appear from your responses to be grappling with a problem in your life that is causing you some concern. People in situations similar to yours often find that talking things over with a therapist can help them get back on track.
It would be advisable and likely beneficial for you to seek further diagnosis from an experienced, trained mental health professional soon to help you with the problem behaviors and feelings you're experiencing.
You can often obtain a referral for a qualified professional in your area from your family doctor or by consulting your employer's insurance plan. We do not make recommendations for specific mental healthcare professionals.
My band photography blog -
My personal blog -
That wouldn't happen to be MY thread, would it?

hhhmmmmmm... might be

Guess I should have clarified that I knew that the Narcisissm test wasn't meant to be a diagnostic tool or taken seriously...

Joined: 17 Jul 2004
Age: 50
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Posts: 117,616
Location: In my little Olympic World of peace and love
Results of your
Attention Deficit Disorder Quiz
You scored a total of 48
You appear to suffer from mild attention and concentration difficulties according to your responses to this self-report questionnaire. You should not take this as a diagnosis of any sort, or a recommendation for treatment. However, you may want to look into seeking further consultation with a trained mental health professional if you are experiencing any difficulties in daily functioning due to these difficulties or if you'd like a more in-depth answer.
If you scored...
You may have...
70 & up Adult ADHD
50 - 69 Moderate ADHD
35 - 49 Mild ADHD
25 - 34 Borderline ADHD
0 - 24 No ADHD likely
You have a score of 35
Based upon your responses to this autism screening measure, it appears that you are likely suffering from an autism spectrum disorder, or Asperger's disorder. People who score similarly often qualify for a diagnosis of autism or Asperger's.
People with an autism spectrum disorder often suffer from severe and sustained impairment in social interaction and the development of restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, and activities. The disturbance must cause clinically significant impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.
You should not take this as a diagnosis of any sort, or a recommendation for treatment. However, it would be advisable and likely beneficial for you to seek further diagnosis from a trained mental health professional soon to rule out a possible anxiety disorder.
If you scored...
34 & up Autism likely
30 - 33 Possible autism
0 - 29 No autism
You scored a total of 42
Based upon your responses to this depression quiz, you appear to be suffering from a moderate to severe depression. People who have answered similarly to you typically qualify for a diagnosis of major depression and have sought professional treatment for this disorder.
You should not take this as a diagnosis of any sort, or a recommendation for treatment. However, it would be advisable and likely beneficial for you to seek further diagnosis from a trained mental health professional soon to rule out a possible depressive disorder.
If you scored...
You may have...
54 & up
Severe depression
36 - 53
Moderate/severe depression
22 - 35
Mild to moderate depression
18 - 21
Borderline depression
10 - 17
Possible mild depression
0 - 9
No depression likely
The Family Enigma
Ok, I had some fun I took Eating Disorders Test and my result is 32.
I'm definitely not anorexic. And it's not required to get high score. Being Nutritionist is enough It's impossible to not think about food, if have this job. And if you are also picky eater with IBS...
Change Your Frequency, when you're talking to me!
Das gehört verboten! size does matter after all
My Industrial Love:
You scored a total of 31
You appear to experiencing some type of attention and concentration problems which are often common amongst the general population, but border on the possibility of being more severe. It is unclear as to whether you suffer these problems severely enough to need to seek further diagnosis and treatment of them. You should not take your responses to this self-report questionnaire as a diagnosis or recommendation for treatment of any sort. Consult with a trained mental health professional if you are experiencing difficulties in your daily functioning that you are worried about.
You scored a total of 14
You have answered this anxiety screening in such a way as to suggest that you are not likely currently suffering from an anxiety disorder. Remember that a little anxiety in normal, everyday life is to be expected and is a good thing. Nobody should be without any anxiety whatsoever, as anxiety is our body's way of telling us that we should pay closer attention to a situation, event or person in our lives (even if that person is ourselves). Scoring in this range suggests you have that normal level of anxiety but would not likely qualify for an anxiety disorder diagnosis. You should not take this as a diagnosis or recommendation for treatment in any way, though.
You scored a total of 38
Based upon your responses to this autism screening measure, it appears that you are likely suffering from an autism spectrum disorder, or Asperger's disorder. People who score similarly often qualify for a diagnosis of autism or Asperger's.
You scored a total of 48
Based upon your responses to this depression quiz, you appear to be suffering from a moderate to severe depression. People who have answered similarly to you typically qualify for a diagnosis of major depression and have sought professional treatment for this disorder.
You scored a total of 14
You appear to be experiencing some types of depressive symptoms which are often common amongst the general population and little or no bipolar symptoms. It is unclear as to whether you suffer these problems severely enough to need to seek further diagnosis and treatment of them. You should not take your responses to this self-report questionnaire as a diagnosis or recommendation for treatment of any sort. Consult with a trained mental health professional if you are experiencing depressive feelings and/or difficulties in your daily functioning that you are worried about.