Willard wrote:
When I was a kid, the social rule of thumb was : Children are to be seen and not heard, so any child who prattled nonstop at an adult for 30 seconds or more would usually have been told to STFU. My folks did, however, stress things like eye contact, firm handshakes, terms of respect like 'Sir' and 'Ma'am', common 'please' and 'thank you' etiquette and that neither tantrums and/or meltdowns in public would not be tolerated - period.
As far as friend-making strategies, not so much, but like you with the stream-of-consciousness talking exercise, I don't think that would have made any significant changes in my behavior.
Totally Willard.......me too.
My father also bought me "How to win friends and influence people"(Dale Carnegie, I think), encouraged public speaking and I was captain of the debating team in high school. I have often been told that I have better social skills and social etiquette than some without AS. It is all just a formula to me.......the skills are there, but the understanding still ain't.
Nothing like good manners to get you what you want sometimes. Good manners and social etiquette are good survival tools. But a life lived CONSTANTLY in this state with no rest leads to big burnout.......as I am currently experiencing. I am learning when to balance my AS brain with practicing behaving NT.......I spend a lot of time on my own.
Take care,