Tangerine, that sounds like me in department stores. I can never figure out how to get out of them! It drives me crazy, and there's perfume everywhere and I feel like Im going crazy if Im in one for too long, I always flag down the nearest associate and ask "HOW DO YOU GET TO THE MALL??! !" (quick before i go crazy!) lol.
A lot of varied viewpoints on this one, I've heard that a lot of mothers have trouble taking their ASD kids to the grocery store.
To me the groc store , well symbolizes several things. In college it was independence, I could buy things for myself which felt great. The actual act of groc shopping was kind of exhausting esp when there was a line but I always felt GREAT walking home with the groc because I felt so indepedent and good doing it on my own. Some of my happiest memories of college are that sense of satisfaction I got after I did my own grocery shopping and walked home with it. Except of course when the bags were too heavy, then I just wanted to kill someone, or the weather was bad, even worse, lol. (Still the satisfaction using buffered the heavy bag thing quite a bit, surprisingly.)
Shopping in general I HATE, I hate anything without any direct purpose. I mean if Im going to a chocolate store or bookstore, I love that, but just shopping as a social activity, no way, hell for me. I hate the mall. It's a sign of how bored I am that I am going there tomorrow lol. I'll prob spoend most of it in Borders, though. I wanna read the rest of Senstation Kids, hehe.... its about sensory integration dysfunction.
Bottom line: IF its not too crowded or noisy and if its not the kind of place you cant easily escape from, and especially if i'm not alone - shopping with anyone else sucks- then i hate shopping, oh and if there are smells i dont like. but if its me on my own browsing interesting stores that i find interesting and i got my walkman and i got some money to spend then it feels good just to be out in the world and i enjoy looking around, enjoy it.