How is this an expression recognition test if the pictures are of fake expressions?
I often avoid looking at people's faces because there is too much information. The eyes alone are like lightening, but to have a whole face showing intense emotion is quite overwhelming. I have very intense visual memories of faces of people who have looked at me during an acutely emotional moment for them and it was like having my esophagus ripped out and bashed against a street curb...under a layer of nothing. I felt...yet I did not. Or I felt, shut off, and then wanted to feel but could not.
The faces in this test...
I think that I can see through them to the goofy person being asked to make faces, so none of the choices fits. But here I question I picking up on the most minute details, i.e. am ultrasensitive to the pieces of the face puzzle, and that is why I see them as actors ( o_o if they are actors??). Or have I intellectualized all the components of the experience of this test and only see them as actors because all my experience tells me it would be impossible to get pictures like this one can go through emotions quickly like that "in reality."
Yet another possibility is that I am looking at each trigger location (mouth region, nose region, eye region, etc.) on these faces so individually that the whole escapes me. I see a combination of half the options, all in different amounts.
In a real life situation perhaps the person will already have grabbed their things in frustration with me, be in their car and driving away before I decide what it is their expressing.
Because of my refusal to say that something is one thing when it is not entirely that thing, I suppose I get almost a %0 percent on this test.
Look this is my amused face ---> *amused, confused, slightly pained at myself expression*