An Aspie can't act completely NT, no matter how hard he or she tries. That said, you should really try to get some of the more important things right because it will make life a lot easier for you and not doing so will hurt your potential. There is a compromise to be had.
Things such as:
Maintain your special interest(s) but do not let them consume you; also, try to catch yourself when you begin to talk about it for too long.
Do try to make eye contact and make an effort to learn and master NT social skills. You will never be perfect, but nobody is perfect.
Do not try to deny your creative spirit, it is your greatest asset. If you get a "stroke of genius" solution to a problem, by all means, SPEAK UP!
Create rules and boundaries for yourself, don't let procrastination get the better of you...make sure that you develop a good work ethic (just developing a good work ethic takes a lot of work). If you can get started on a project, then your laser-sharp focus will take care of the rest.
Avoid career paths that will make it more difficult on you (for instance, don't take a job that requires a lot of multitasking).
Plan everything using something like a Day Runner (try to make it fun to get through your list).
Play towards your strengths and work on your weaknesses. (You can learn anything)
Remember that AS might be unfair in both directions: For instance, you might have trouble getting started studying but, in the right environment, in won't take you nearly as long to finish it. Some NTs would say it was unfair that you studied so little and still got a good score. You have advantages that others do not. You have disadvantages that others do not.
Remember this: You're an Aspie and you can figure out a creative workaround to almost anything (social, career, school, technical)!