newtybajootie wrote:
I am very good at sarcasm and have been most of my life--I grew up in a family where humor was highly prized and sarcasm was how most of us expressed it. I think the difference between me as an aspie and my NT relatives is that sometimes I don't see where the line is, when to cut the sarcasm. This was much worse as kid and often I would get in trouble for inappropriate humor much the same way that I've read other aspies had trouble with inappropriate reactions of other kinds.
Even today I can get myself in trouble with it, if I'm not careful. My humor has been described as being "as dry as the Sahara". And where other aspies may blurt out a brutally honest observation about a person or an event, I will often frame the same observation in the language of sarcasm--making it even more abrasive to others. One of my biggest challenges then hasn't been to "get" sarcasm, but to get when it's appropriate. I can almost always make people laugh...I have to work at not pissing them off.
Really well articulated, that's what I was trying to say LOL.
You described my exact experience of it.
A 47 year old adult diagnosed with Aspergers.
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