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Sea Gull
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16 Jun 2010, 10:34 pm

I think I have low tolerance for alcohol, sometimes just one drink gives me a ''hangover'' the next day so I have to be careful what I drink and when I drink it
As for caffeine I seem to be ok with that, I always look forward to my coffee to wake me up a bit 8)

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18 Jun 2010, 3:54 am

I am okay with alcohol. I have a moderate tolerance.

But caffeine...NO WAY! I don't know if this is due to my having mitral valve prolapse but I had 1 can of Red Bull once- 1 CAN- and had to go to the hospital. My heartrate was at 130 for about 8 hours. It was seriously frightening. Now I avoid all caffeine, except chocolate.


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18 Jun 2010, 4:06 am

Kiseki wrote:
I am okay with alcohol. I have a moderate tolerance.

But caffeine...NO WAY! I don't know if this is due to my having mitral valve prolapse but I had 1 can of Red Bull once- 1 CAN- and had to go to the hospital. My heartrate was at 130 for about 8 hours. It was seriously frightening. Now I avoid all caffeine, except chocolate.

Is Red Bull one of the ones that has taurine in it? I know a guy who avoids energy drinks because he has bad reactions to taurine.

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18 Jun 2010, 4:10 am

I love caffeine so much. Much more than any human being. It's just soooo good.

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18 Jun 2010, 5:45 am

Alcohol seems to be a very complex drug, interacting with all kinds of parts of your nervous system, affecting your hydration levels, and removing your inhibitions. Would it ever get through medical trials?
With me, I feel fuzzy after the first drink, then don't get much more drunk. Wine for some reason makes me depressed, but a spirits or Madeira/Port are just dandy. I suffer from neuropathy, and alcohol seems to be more effective than prescription painkillers at stopping the pain. As I said, a very odd drug.


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18 Jun 2010, 8:10 am

Sparrowrose wrote:
Kiseki wrote:
I am okay with alcohol. I have a moderate tolerance.

But caffeine...NO WAY! I don't know if this is due to my having mitral valve prolapse but I had 1 can of Red Bull once- 1 CAN- and had to go to the hospital. My heartrate was at 130 for about 8 hours. It was seriously frightening. Now I avoid all caffeine, except chocolate.

Is Red Bull one of the ones that has taurine in it? I know a guy who avoids energy drinks because he has bad reactions to taurine.

Yeah, that's right. But I also get shaky and get heart palpitations from coffee and too much green tea.


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18 Jun 2010, 8:13 am

I have pretty much no tolerance for alcohol. Granted, I almost never drink it, but the few times I have... I get incredibly sleepy and sway-y with very little.

As for caffeine, it just doesn't affect me. I can drink tons of caffeine right before bed and sleep just the same. This seems to be more a trait in my family, I guess; my parents routinely had expresso before bed for a few years, and it didn't bother them at all. I do have an issue with energy drinks - I get exceptionally sleepy with those too - but I don't think it's the caffeine (and if it is, it's doing the opposite of what it should).

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18 Jun 2010, 8:17 am

The total opposite to the magpie above, as usual. :P

Booze doesn't do anything.

Caffeine gives me the jitters and makes my Raynaud's phenomenon come out.

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18 Jun 2010, 9:02 am

Absolutely I am hypersensitive to the effects of alcohol and mind-altering medications and anesthetics! I don't drink much (maybe a 6-pack of beer a year), but I have tried getting drunk ONCE when I was 20. That was enough. If I drink beer, I feel 1 bottle, and am about passed out at the 3rd. I had a dental problem (root canal gone bad), and I was given some kind of routine pain pill. It got me all screwed up, and when I went to drive home, I was hallucinating and felt so scared I pulled over and fell asleep on the highway! Lucky I didn't get arrested. I think the pill was Percocet (spelling???). It was 2 weeks before my sleeping habits were back to normal. I always wind up being able to use the very lowest dose of any medication, successfully. You'll have to ask my wife what happened when I tried Viagra :P



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19 Jun 2010, 11:04 am

I get more introverted by drinking alcohol. Apparently unlike most people (NTs).


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19 Jun 2010, 12:57 pm

Alcohol - it makes me cry or I walk around and sing very loud. More often I cry. I avoid alcohol, because few times I got crying attack in public places.

Caffeine - depends on dose:
- low - better concentration
- medium - more talkative, but about the same topic did you know...?
- high - headache, nausea, delirious raving

I look funny on Ephedrine - I get energy kick and I make very enthusiastic speeches. I keep away from this, because it makes a brain sponge.

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19 Jun 2010, 1:07 pm

This is my brain:


This is my brain on caffeine:


Any questions?

I'm currently on my second cup of black coffee for the day. I'd say I have a normal reaction to caffeine. Granted, I've been drinking small amounts of coffee since I was very young, when I had trouble with the taste of cold milk. My mother used to put a splash of coffee in it to flavor it.

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13 Jul 2010, 1:30 pm

I have very low alcohol tolerance, 0.5 to 1 liters of beer makes me drunk, and any more makes me sleepy (why do NT's insist on drinking "depressant drugs" while staying up late at parties!?)

Caffeine does not affect me more awake at all (thoug since I drink it habitually i get a headache if i forget one day), in fact any warm drink makes me sleepy. Large amounts makes my heart race and makes me less aware that I am sleepy but it does not stop me falling asleep at all.

Actually I once (by accident) took my morning dose of Ritalin (20mg) when I went to bed, and I had no problem sleeping though my dreams were a bit more vivid in color than usual..

Someone told me at a festival that I seem to have my drug response skewed: "when you drink alcohol you seem to be on heroin, and when you smoke cannabis you seem like you're on LSD" ;)

BTW: I've ADD (but I think I may be a little aspie too. At least I write like one - with lots of punctuation; and I speak almost like this too)
I'm not sure if it's typical for ADD/ADHD's to react differently to drugs (apart from Ritalin of course)...


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18 Oct 2010, 5:37 am

Alcohol makes me dissociated and clumsy, and less able to be bothered with socialising. It also sends me to sleep.

Caffeine kills my attention span.

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18 Oct 2010, 6:48 am

I'm fine on alcohol, I have quite a high tolerance, I think I'm more socially adept, although I'll just talk and talk about whatever it is with which I'm obsessed. I drink a lot of caffeine, predominantly very strong tea or black coffee, but I don't seem to have a sensitivity to either.

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18 Oct 2010, 7:06 am

Alcohol affects me less now. My body has gotten used to it. Caffeine doesn't affect me but sugar makes me hyper.