alex wrote:
You don't have all the information. First of all, their board of directors does include an autistic person now. Second of all, their direction is obviously changing to try to support people with autism living today. They are using some of their money to support people with autism now. Please call me on the telephone. I will explain more of this.
Now that we've made our position clear, the logical course of action is to attempt to change them by guiding their actions. Continuing to refuse to talk to them and to protest them will not change the fact that they are the largest fundraising organization out there and will continue to spend the money. . . with our input or without it. . . wouldn't you rather have a say on where that money goes? or is writing angry blog posts without any result all you care about?
I'm trying to look up the board members on autism speaks now b/c I'd rather see for myself that they now have an autistic member on their board of directors. Also, even if this is true I cannot give my support to them b/c back in about January-February of this year I found a link through autism speaks to something they labeled as their Biobank and eventually found the Autism Tissue Program which collects the brains/brain tissue of dead autistic individuals. I understand you can donate tissues legally but I have a major issue with the parents of a (he was about 11-13 years old I can't remember off the top of my head) young child or severely disabled person donating their tissue for research b/c the dead person could not give consent and probably would not have understood what they were doing. I honestly still can't get the photograph of the boy I found via the autism speaks site that had his brain donated by his parents out of my head...
I can try to link some of the stuff but the BioBank and Autism Speaks links haven't worked in months on my home computer: (I can't fix it) ... 6/Home.htm
Balance is needed within the universe, can be demonstrated in most/all concepts/things. Black/White, Good/Evil, etc.
All dependent upon your own perspective in your own form of existence, so trust your own gut and live the way YOU want/need to.