Bonne wrote:
Now I've read this entire thread; what a great idea. Some of the rules seem very obvious and some are more subtle. One of the subtler ones - for some people at least - is the one which pointed out that just because people are having a conversation does not mean that your participation is wanted. I remember making a 'note to self' about that, after finding it out the hard way at a new high school.
Reading the original post about joining a conversation where one might not be wanted, and also your sentiment about it might have sparked a new understanding of a social situation that confused me, thank you both..! !
Although, my situation in particular might have been a combination of both joining a conversation where my participation was not wanted or expected AND simply saying the wrong thing.... Nasty combination, that..
To clarify, I'll tell about the actual situation..
At the communal pool one day, after my 5 yo daughters swimming practice, all the mothers and daughters was in the showers/changing area... One of the moms was changing in to a one-piece (the latest fad here.... say no more..).
She was talking about how comfortable it was, with a couple of other mothers who also happened to live in the same street as her.
I also own a one-piece, and think it is really comfortable to wear, but while I love how comfortable it is, I don't wear it outside the house.....
At some point, I said as much, that I also had a one-piece, that it was one of the most comfortable garments I've ever owned, but that I wasn't as tough as her as to be able to wear it outside my house....
To my utter shock, confusion and horror, all of them went silent and got what I described to my mother later as "a funny expression on their faces".....
I don't really remember what happened after that, but that moment just stuck... Because I didn't understand what happened, what went wrong.
My mother couldn't really give any insight either, and she's about the most NT person in my immediate family.
But what was said about joining a conversation where one was not really wanted really gave me an eye-opener.
And I DO see, after the fact, that what I said might not have been taken the way I meant it.......