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20 Aug 2010, 10:13 pm

the kind on the internet

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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20 Aug 2010, 10:21 pm

I only have one close friend, and she has OCD, but is the one person I can act completely like myself around. All of my other friends are NT, and get along well enough.

Sea Gull
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20 Aug 2010, 10:24 pm

My two best friends are both hardcore libertarians. I'm not. I argue with them all the time, but its all in good fun.


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20 Aug 2010, 10:26 pm

My best friend is NT but then she is eight years younger than me.

I'm not weird, you're just too normal.


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20 Aug 2010, 10:39 pm

I kind of have two groups of friends:

Group 1: Three friends. Friend 1: Weird, druggie, but not AS. Friend 2: Pretty NT. I don't know how we get along. Friend 3: Don't know as well as 1 & 2 (but I do know him well enough to call him a friend). I can see how he might be AS, but I'm not too sure.

Group 2: A group of people I got to know when I was in the mental hospital's adolescent floor. They pretty much all have a clinical form of depression (which is why we were there). I think one might have had schizophrenia, one had PTSD and OCD, and there's possibly more, we weren't really discussing, "OMG guys what diagnoses do you have?" so I don't know. I kind of doubt any of them have AS, though one of them seems to be kind of reclusive, but she can still socialize relatively well, with eye contact and everything, so yeah. Most of us had cut ourselves, and most of us (exluding me) used marijuana. I wouldn't mind marijuana, but considering the extremely difficult job-search right now, and how I might be a youth group leader in upcoming years, it's not something that would make me a good role model. If having AS, ADHD, and Depression could make me a good role model.


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20 Aug 2010, 10:41 pm

I've recently realized that my friends are only my friends because they are very patient and forgiving. My best friend from childhood always tried to get into how I feel in our teenage years and that got on my nerves big time. We didn't speak for a couple of years until it dawned on me that I'm not as self-sufficient as I thought and I do let her into my problems with not being unhappy. I think she always wants to "make me feel". Funny, because I just recognized a couple of months ago that every guy I have ever been in love with is an Aspie guy. I might just want to make them feel (as in feeling lonely but together) just like she wants to teach me to be in touch with feelings. And I am probably getting onto their nerves equallly... :roll: Because you just can't see what you can't see.
Now that I wrote down what I thought it doesn't seem to make any sense anymore... :?


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20 Aug 2010, 10:48 pm

My best friend if she was diagnosed would probably be PDD-nos and ADHD. She is very artsy.

My other friends 1 would be ADD (not diagnosed) and social anxiety (diagnosed) and also she has a few other anxiety things.

The other was suspected autistic as a child but they didn't think so when she grew up, she could compensate well and is very intelligent. She acts both AS and NT sort of mixed. She has a savant skill.

They are all gay.


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20 Aug 2010, 11:07 pm

In general my friends are between the ages of 18 and 27. I have a friend who is 15, and a female friend who is obsessed with boys. 99% are aspies. the other percent is still on the spectrum.


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20 Aug 2010, 11:10 pm

My friends are mostly geeks, nerds, whatever you want to call them. But they are so in a pretty cool way.

My closest friend (besides my significant other) has AS, possibly to a slightly greater extent than I do.

Blue Jay
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20 Aug 2010, 11:19 pm

I have two friends, who are most likely both NT, however they are each a bit odd in their own way.

Who is John Galt?


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20 Aug 2010, 11:40 pm

One is an Aspie. Like me has improved social skills. Does drugs.

Another has ADHD, is a Satanist and is paranoid and will probably remove your jaw if you sneak up behind him.

Another I don't know about. Recently seen him for the first time in 8-9 years.

Nuther is an ex-girlfriend. Borderline Personality Disorder.

Others I don't know too much about yet (still just getting to know them; more like acquaintances atm).

I love WP's color scheme. Green is awesome when you're blue!


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21 Aug 2010, 12:00 am

Used to have some core group of friends.All are busy with career and family life, which is natural and healthy. My one consistent friend is a long time buddy with borderline personality disorder. It kind of sad. Shows up once a month, we get along great, then he pushes himself away, like they do and does it all again a month later. A fractured, broken and fragile person who is empty in ways, but tremendously gifted realist painter. Borderline personality is so difficult to associate with, even psychiatrists have trouble. Then I look at myself, and my problems with getting along and having friends, and I cannot be critical. Our art is our common bond, I just hope his demons don't get him for a little while yet. It is sometimes o.k. to not be utterly alone 24 hours a day. I am sure others can relate to that sentiment.


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21 Aug 2010, 12:01 am

I recognize three groups [we are excluding relatives here]:

FRIENDS - the ingroup, I get them they get me, I do not have to put on anything or hide. A VERY small group - five is about the max in any ten year period. Nearly all are spectral somewhere; we recognize one another instinctively.

Friends - a bit further out; the relationship is more casual, more guarded. Talk, write, might visit. Maybe 10-20 at a time. Some spectrals mized with NT

Associates - coworkers or neighbours with whom I am fairly comfortable, but I reveal little; usually would not socialize except in cafeteria or at a staff party. Probably mostly NT, but usually a trifle eccentric by normal standards, or why associate with me?


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21 Aug 2010, 2:33 am

Other surfers, sometimes cannabis users too. I'm pretty friendly to most people, and usually find I click with artists, designers, musicians, they seem to dig the wierd aspie thang more than super straights

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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21 Aug 2010, 2:44 am

All my friends are NT as far as I know, I always felt the outsider growing up, and still do around those I associate with.

Though this number is under 10 people including my wife, and only her and one other that live within a 300 mile radius. The rest of the people "sorta" get me... I'm the outsider of the group that make people uncomfortable or laugh and make fun of me sometimes because of my ticks. I have one friend that just clicks with me completely, but he is in the Air Force thousands of miles away.


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21 Aug 2010, 2:55 am

Most of my friends are either from the Internet (WP), from my parents' workplaces, or imaginary (I borrowed those from Tim Burton. Hope he doesn't mind :P ). I also share a mutual friend with my brother.