Like many of the people here I find it almost impossible to tolerate certain textures, mostly the kinds found in vegetables, like onions. The "scratchy" feeling they give off provokes the same reaction in me as normal people get from nails running down a chalk board. On top of that I've also been extremely reluctant to try anything new except on very rare occasions (I was mortified by the idea of eating cheese on pasta until I was about 8 years old, and always ate it completely plain until then, yuck) So most of my life I've had an extremely limited diet, consisting almost exclusively of very simple pizzas, macaroni cheese, and occasional bursts of chicken, ham, and eggs. Really, not much else at all.
No matter who tried to convince me to eat all the weird crap that everyone else was eating, I never would. Even while my parent was screaming and hitting me and literally trying to shove burnt potatoes down my throat by force, I just couldn't do it. Eventually they just gave up and I've been eating the same few things over and over ever since.
Lately though I have been really trying to expand the variety of foods that I can eat, on my own. Surprisingly not because of any health concerns or anything like that, I'm just trying to experiment in overcoming the limitations I have in various areas of my life, even if it is unpleasant, in fact mostly only when it is unpleasant, and adding new foods onto the agenda of things to overcome seemed like a good idea. The more experience you gain in things like that, even just relatively small things like eating a food you thought you could never eat, the more your perspective of what is and is not possible starts to change, in other areas which you might not have expected.
Things like spaghetti bolognase with mysterious pulped meat and onions in the sauce, cheap flavoured instant noodle meals which smell revolting for hours, canned raviolis with bland tasteless cow parts hidden inside, creepy sludgey soups with god knows what kind of horrific vegetables lurking beneath the surface... Out of all of the things I've tried so far, no, none of them were particularly great and I'd still prefer to never eat them again. (What were you expecting?
) But at least now I know that if I'm ever in a situation where I don't want to appear like a completely deranged and childish aspie, and want to try to "blend in" at least a little more than usual during a meal with other people for whatever reason, then I will be able to do that. We generally don't think of how our fussyness might look to others, but it has more of an impact than you might imagine, and although most of the time it doesn't matter what they think, sometimes, depending on the circumstances, it can.
I have learned a few things. It turns out that some things are more important than trying to completely avoid all discomfort, even if it's intense. It turns out that the things with nasty textures can sometimes be swallowed without really chewing. And it turns out that sometimes "being a man" isn't just about standing on your own two feet in the world, and not letting other people drag you down, but it's also about not being defeated by something as simple as an onion either.
It'd be pretty hard for someone to enslave the NT's and take over the world if they couldn't even dominate an onion.
Uh... Save... I mean save the NT's. And protect the world. Of course.