MathGirl wrote:
I don't think I agree with these categories anymore. They seem to be manifestations of different symptoms of Asperger's. Every person with Asperger's is going to mainfest the different symptoms to a different intensity, and trying to clump these different mainfestations into types seems to me like a useless thing to do.
According to this, I'm Nicholls mixed with Einstein. I agree with Gavin on what he commented on a lot of the types, but why is he saying that he is convinced that Nicholls isn't an Asperger's type? It seems to me like he's saying that for someone with Asperger's, having social anxiety and having difficulty approaching people is a given for someone with Asperger's. I know a couple of people with AS who have no trouble approaching others and who are pretty outgoing.
I think there are plenty of cases of "social" Aspies. It's kind of stupid to lump everyone together as being afraid of socializing. I can be pretty extroverted myself when I wanna be.