Relative difficulties of areas of functioning for Aspies
Assertiveness, self confidence, self esteem
- Conversation: keeping it going, thinking of topics etc.
5. I'm not the best at this, many times I cannot think of how to keep the chat going, However I talk a lot (unfortunately, on the moment I shouldn't be chattin)
- Dating, romance, marriage, sexual relations
3, The only girl I was in love of was at a relation, I was not shy to say I loved her, but I'm a loser at flirting (plus, I preferred bein her friend than her bf)
- Driving, learning to drive (selected as an example of something requiring co-ordination/multitasking)
I've not begun my driving course, and I dont have a car right now, so... n/a
- Education - school/college/university, studying/exams
8. I am not the best student, but I'm usually good (If I'm not depressed) in all subjects, math's the only one I'm weak at (not 'coz I'm too bad at it, but I have an issue with signs [90-348x.5x^3=54:3x, can turn into 90.384^x+x5.3=45x.3])
- Employment - finding and keeping, job interviews
N/A,, I'm in high school
- Independent living, housekeeping, home ownership
I live w/my parents, regular for my age
- Making friends, social life, maintaining a network of friends
7 I'm good at keeping friends, I do not have a lot of good-good friends, but most ppl I deal w/ like how I'm. I don't have much of a social life but I don't care a lot 'bout that
- Mental health - maintaining good mental health, staying free from depression, anxiety etc.
5 I'm anxious all the time, I've a llot of mood swings, etc
- Sense of humour, banter, sarcasm, repartee, literal interpretations
9. I've a great sense of humour, much more sofisticated than most ppl's, based mostly on sarcasm and social unconscious (what ppl think, but they are too afraid or shy to say)[this are by far my best humour resource as they're based on our own reality, it has to be extremely spontaneous], most of the time I don't think over-literally. I enjoy comediants'humour but the average kind is not good enough
- Assertiveness, self confidence, self esteem- 6, It's pretty poor, though in some ways it has gotten better.
- Conversation: keeping it going, thinking of topics etc.- I tend to be rather to the point when speaking, and I have a tendency to go off on a tangent or change the subject. I also have a habit of speaking away from people when talking to them.
- Dating, romance, marriage, sexual relations- 1, I've never been in a relationship, though people have taken an interest in me, though unfortunately it's never requited. It doesn't help that I tend to be oblivious to other people's attraction towards me unless it's overt.
- Driving, learning to drive (selected as an example of something requiring co-ordination/multitasking)- Haven't gotten to it yet, though I was pretty good at driving a go-cart until I crashed.
- Education - school/college/university, studying/exams- I do rather well in school academically, and I'm starting my sophmore year of college on Thursday.
- Employment - finding and keeping, job interviews- I tend to do rather horribly in interviews, and I've never held a real job outside of an internship.
- Independent living, housekeeping, home ownership- I'm still living with my parents.
- Making friends, social life, maintaining a network of friends- I do have a fair amount of friends, though I rarely speak with them often due to my lessened need for social interaction. Most of my friends, however, I met through my best friend.
- Mental health - maintaining good mental health, staying free from depression, anxiety etc.- I've suffered from depression in the past, and I often have a lot of anxiety.
- Sense of humour, banter, sarcasm, repartee, literal interpretations- While I can be a bit of a literalist, I do have a sense of humor, and a rather dry, sarcastic wit.
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

Joined: 19 Aug 2010
Age: 56
Gender: Male
Posts: 56
Location: Birmingham, UK
Assertiveness, self confidence, self esteem
Assertiveness = 1
Self Confidence = 1
Self Esteem = 1
Conversation: keeping it going, thinking of topics etc.
Keeping it going = 10 , I forget to stop if I start.
Thinking of topics = 6 or 7
I cannot begin conversation with strangers and find difficulty keeping it going and so on with them,m so for strangers = 3
Dating, romance, marriage, sexual relations
Dating = 1 , not currently dating, not looking for dating , have not been looking for dating for some time.
Romance = 1 , see above.
Marriage = 6 , I was married in the past, so I know this can occur.
Sexual relations = 5 overall, when I was dating as have never came across any problems not dealable with for myself or partner in this area, it is not a lazy activity and requires work in more ways than physically.
When not dating still get some, not rocket science, but not so easy either, so 4 overall.
Preferable is relationshp and sex together , rather than sex as a mechanical only, overall 4.
Driving, learning to drive (selected as an example of something requiring co-ordination/multitasking) = 10 , I have a clean licence still after 15 years driving , passed my test first time.
Education - school/college/university, studying/exams
School = 1
College = 8
University = 1 (minus 1 actually) I only lasted one year in the environment.
Employment - finding and keeping, job interviews
Haven't looked recently, will be undertaking a course relating to this and other aspects life in 2 weeks = 1
Independent living, housekeeping, home ownership
Independant living & housekeeping = 6 , I only shop online or a local shop, I should vacuum or dust a bit more often than I do.
Home ownership = 10 , I own my own home , I do not have a mortgage.
Making friends, social life, maintaining a network of friends
Making friends = 1 , I do not make friends easily.
Social life = 1 , I do not socialise at all currently, this is another part of the course I begin in 2 weeks and will be trying this
Network of friends = 1
Mental health - maintaining good mental health, staying free from depression, anxiety etc.
= 5 , I get anxiety.
Sense of humour, banter, sarcasm, repartee, literal interpretations
Sense of humour = 2 , I do not find jokes funny very often.
Banter 1 (or less) , I do not like banter.
Sarcasm = 1 (minus 1000 more like) , I really do not understand sarcasm and have great difficulty spotting sarcasm, verbal or written/typed sarcasm always reads to me as agression, I have to show this to someone or ask them if it is sarcasm or anger and if sarcasm what exactly they are trying to say or to mean by it, I have no idea at all how to respond to sarcasm, and I will not respond to it using suggestions from whomever I ask as to what it means because that would not be my response independantly.
Repartee = 3 , I can do this face to face sometimes but not very often.
Literal interpretations = 4, I do make these and sometimes quite embarassing ones, not too often but regular enough to be a problem.
Assertiveness, self confidence, self esteem- 2. I can be assertive, but I have no self-confidence or self-esteem
Conversation: keeping it going, thinking of topics etc.- 1. Because i'm generally bored by just about everything people (myself included) talk about...I just remain silent most of the time. Everything seems obvious, even things I don't understand seem obvious and uninteresting. That is...the answers to things I don't understand (like higher math equations for example) probably wouldn't be all that compelling if I did understand them. This is why i've felt a near-constant state of ennui in life. Nothing is new under the sun, everything seems dry, sterile, grey, drab, etc.....I often say I wish I could see a UFO or something.
Dating, romance, marriage, sexual relations- 2. I have had my share of sex partners, but i've only been in one LT relationship that lasted five years. This person is now one of the few friends I have even though I don't talk to her much. I suppose I could define myself as anti-sexual rather than asexual. The sex drive to me is more of a pointless burden than anything else. It is an itch that screams for regular scratching. I once asked a psychiatrist if I could be chemically castrated. Human sexuality causes more problems than it's worth IMO and I greatly envy the asexual.
Driving, learning to drive (selected as an example of something requiring co-ordination/multitasking)- 10. I'm fine in this area. I can't drive stick though and I became very frustrated and anxious the few times someone tried to teach me. Beyond that....I drive quite well and have a good driving record. In spite of my visual-spatial problems, I can even parellel park better than alot of NTs I know.
Education - school/college/university, studying/exams- 2. This and the next two categories are the sources of most of my misery in life. I have an AA liberal arts, but I obtained that only with course substitutions for math. I took introductory algebra twice and dropped it both times. I always wanted to be a marine biologist or a psychologist, (with a track in either neuropsych or forensic psych) but my abysmal math skills (and possibly other factors like memory) robbed me of these dreams. If there was a god....I could never forgive "him" for this (among countless other things.) Nonetheless, I plan on going back to college in Jan though marine bio or psych are probably out of the question. I'm 40 y/o and even if I suddenly developed a great aptitude for math, i'd have to spend at least the next 8 years in school. A BA/BS in either subject means virtually nothing. I still plan on giving math (at least up to college algebra) another try though, if only for my own self-edification. The neuropsychologist who just tested me said that would be a bad idea until I had a "history of success" under my belt. He said I should get something like a paralegal certificate (or anything which would tap into my "strong verbal/language skills" ) and then go back and attempt math if I wish. I hate law though and would find paralegal studies/work intolerably boring. Therefore, I really don't know what i'm going to do yet insofar as what to study in college is concerned.
Employment - finding and keeping, job interviews-1. I have always worked in menial, low-paying and unskilled jobs. I have even been fired from many of those jobs usually because of AS/NVLD-related reasons like poor executive functioning, motor skills, the social deficits, etc....Also, my visual-spatial/mechanical skills are rubbish (probably even worse than my math skills), so any job which requires anything more mechanically complicated than screwing in a lightbulb is off-limits for me. I am not employed at the moment and I have only had sporadic employment with a family friend (as a salesperson in his retail business) for the past 10 years.
All this and my IQ scores have been anywhere from the high-average to very superior range on five out of the seven professionally-administered IQ tests i've had. I tested squarely average (104) and somewhat low average (94) on the other two because my PIQ and processing speed scores were particularily low on those.
Independent living, housekeeping, home ownership-5. I lived independently for ten years though i've never been fully financially independent. I had a small apartment and lived there with my ex-gf (who is an NT) for five of those years. I managed fairly well as far as housekeeping, grocery shopping, paying bills on time, etc.....was concerned. My poor visual-spatial/mechanical reasoning abilities made any sort of repairs impossible though. Luckily for me.... landlords take care of that stuff for you when you're renting. I can't imagine owning my own place though, i'd have to call somebody to fix everything with the exception of replacing lightbulbs. My horrible mechanical and math skills really make me feel stupid no matter what any of my IQ tests say.
Making friends, social life, maintaining a network of friends- 2. I have a few friends, but I don't talk to them much anymore. One is my ex-gf and another is somebody I met in college years ago. I just never have anything to say to them and nothing they do or say interests me. I rarely call them, but they call me quite a bit and wonder why I never answer my phone or call them back. I just don't have any desire to have friends really. I talk to another women friend online and we've met a couple times and have been intimate together. She lives out-of-state, so I rarely see her. She is also very busy with nursing school, so we don't IM or talk on the phone all that much either. She is also NT, but doesn't have any friends herself and she has her own mental problems (bipolar, ADD, borderline personality disorder, perhaps some dyscalculia, etc....)
All in all though...I have a diminished desire to have friends, socialize, have sex, be in romantic relationships, etc.....I have been dxed with schizoid personality disorder... so this is pretty much expected.
Mental health - maintaining good mental health, staying free from depression, anxiety etc.-1. I have severe depression and i've been depressed to one degree or another most of my life. Even as a child, long before I knew anything about AS/NVLD, I was often quite depressed. I have always been gloomy, melancholic, somber, austere, etc...Some people have said i'm the most "negative" person they've ever met. Mostly young women have told me this after their initial interest in me faded. I also deal with a tremendous amount of anxiety, but the depression is the most crippling and agonizing aspect of my psychological problems. I used to get severe panic attacks too, but those have subsided since I cut out all caffeine intake. I still shake and tremble quite a bit and I always have. People have always noticed this and I hate having to always come up with excuses for it. Just like I hate coming up with excuses as to why I don't smile. It's at the point where if some stranger asks me if I ever smile....I simply reply with an abrupt and serious..."no" and walk away.
Sense of humour, banter, sarcasm, repartee, literal interpretations-1. I get sarcasm quite well and I don't interpret everything literally. I don't really have a conventional sense of humor though, I don't even know how to define my sense of humor. All I can say is there are countless things people find funny that leave me utterly blank. For example....people often find the behavior of children uproarious. I find it predictable, annoying and otherwise non-stimulating in every conceivable way. I really have no CHILDLIKE quality about me at all. My overall personality has much in common with that of the wizard Saruman in the Lord of the Rings. I only wish I had his brains, but I could live without his "evil" characteristics. I have no desire to harm or dominate anyone or anything. I just wish to left alone to and become my own god complete with omniscience and omnipotence. I wish to be free of the crude, petty and animalistic things this mortal coil entails. I despise having to dress, shave, bathe, etc....Aside from the sensory organs which allow me to enjoy, create and perceive beauty wherever I find it, I despise the body and all it's needs and desires. I hate eating and I hate sex...I don't even enjoy getting massages because they're pointless, mindless and boring. Mind and the sensory organs are the only pearls of great price within the human person. I could do without the rest of the things which we share with the vulgar apes. I do not smile very much at all and when I do, it's rarely, if ever, genuine. I value the intellect, knowledge, creavity above all other things in existence. Hence the reason i'm so miserable, because while the spirit for these things is quite strong, the flesh of my brain seems very weak. Thus.....I pretty much despise all existence for bringing me forth from oblivion and denying me of the very things I cherished above all else. Truly...I would probably be happier as a serial killer with tremendous abilities in math, science, music, etc....
I find certain comedians like George Carlin, Lewis Black and Bill Maher quite funny though. IOW....i'm a somber, brooding, austere, angry, "negative", unsmiling, humorless, deadly serious troll of a man who nobody likes to be around. That IN ITSELF....suits me just fine.
The long and short of all this is (not to mention the terrible irony)...I am quite content with the areas of diminished functioning which matter little, if at all, to me. I am burning in hell because of my diminished functioning in the areas which I valued above all else. Therefore...I cannot say I merely have some neurological "difference". Instead what I have is the blackest of neurological curses from an indifferent, unconscious universe. A place so absurd and horrific that I can't possibly imagine how humans continue to justify the creation of new humans.
lol. I can soooo relate to everything you said. Especially the part about everything seeming obvious. I often feel this way reading this forum. It gets old quick but I still keep coming back for some reason.
I think I'm a bit of a thrill craver. Excitement is the only thing that can stave off the ennui and depression. I wouldn't mind skydiving at all and I often dream of spending the rest of my life chasing storms. If I believed UFOs were real extra-terrestrial vehicles I would love to be abducted by one.
- Assertiveness, self confidence, self esteem
5 - as far as assertiveness, which is a big improvement from where it started. If it's about a bill or something, it's not too bad. If it's about something personal, then I find it a lot harder (I'd rate that a 2).
Someone who knew me well seemed to think I had total crap self-esteem and confidence. I think they're not sky-high, but it didn't seem that bad to me. I'm still not sure who had the more accurate view, so I don't know what to rate that.
- Conversation: keeping it going, thinking of topics etc.
3 - I learned things/tricks over the years, but it's exhausting. And there's a degree of un-realness to it; I end up patching together things to say that sometimes have little to do with what I'm really thinking. And if I'm tired it can fail completely. I think people also pick up on the manic-level-stress/effort under it. I get by in non-personal situations, but it is very much a facade and doesn't work well with personal sorts of things.
- Dating, romance, marriage, sexual relations
2 - Had 1 or 2 near-misses as far as potential dates (but was clueless at the time), and had a very close friendship once, but no actual romance. Out of high school I was very discouraged as no one would even talk to me (I had vocal and other problems I was oblivious to at the time). Then health problems and working my a** off and other things came up and the next thing I know I'm 30.
- Driving, learning to drive (selected as an example of something requiring co-ordination/multitasking)
9 - Driving, in particular, is generally not a problem. I live in a small town with little traffic which helps. City driving is taxing, but I can do it. There are some conditions where I can't interpret what I'm seeing, but that's usually avoidable.
But I can't speak and drive at the same time. Or punch buttons on my iPod and walk at the same time. Multitasking is not my friend. The load of multitasking driving requirements I can manage, but that's it. Anything more and I can't keep the car in the lane. So for a normal level of multitasking, I'd rate it a 3.
- Education - school/college/university, studying/exams
9 - Was always good at academics.
- Employment - finding and keeping, job interviews
4 - I was lucky with my first jobs. When I later had jobs with co-workers, I realized I wasn't so well adapted to work as I thought.
Never had a successful interview, except for "performance" interviews in which I always got the hired.
- Independent living, housekeeping, home ownership
1 - Health problems blew away the possibility of those years ago.
I had a 6-month spell of independent living once, and learned what "executive dysfunction" means the hard way. Other than that I've always been ridiculously lucky: in college, the place I lived was run so there was just enough informal help to be perfect. I even learned to cook there (and liked it). Since then it's been living with relatives (they do the day-to-day EF stuff, and I do the things like argue on the phone with their car insurance company, or figure out what to do about a malicious mechanic's lien).
- Making friends, social life, maintaining a network of friends
2 - Had one real friend, once. And few acquaintances here and there over the years. But that's it.
- Mental health - maintaining good mental health, staying free from depression, anxiety etc.
2 - Have had bad depression & anxiety problems since about age 12 or so. Have always been "sensitive" (ugh), with the resulting mood-related consequences. A constant battle.
- Sense of humour, banter, sarcasm, repartee, literal interpretations
9 - IRL I'm actually quite a smart-ass (in a good natured kind of way). I like to joke around when I get comfortable (which takes a while, though). People generally seem to take it well. It's been my one saving grace many times.
As far as literal interpretations, I usually don't have trouble with that, and when I do usually make a joke out of it.
- Finally, a space to add any other category you can think of that I may have missed (please specify/rank)
My list:
Sensory issues - my most difficult area - crowds, bright/fluorescent lighting
Conversation: keeping it going, thinking of topics etc.
Sense of humour, banter, sarcasm, repartee, literal interpretations
Assertiveness, self confidence, self esteem
Mental health - maintaining good mental health, staying free from depression, anxiety etc.
Driving, learning to drive (selected as an example of something requiring co-ordination/multitasking) - sometimes I have problems with feeling dizzy/faint while driving, it seems to be related to vestibular/sensory issues
Making friends, social life, maintaining a network of friends
Independent living, housekeeping, home ownership
Dating, romance, marriage, sexual relations
Education - school/college/university, studying/exams
Employment - finding and keeping, job interviews
These are all my current levels at the age of 30. They do not necessarily reflect my lifetime levels. I am sometimes bad rating things like this so bear that in mind too. Especially with little basis for comparison. Also I'm autistic but not technically "aspie".
- Assertiveness, self confidence, self esteem
These are all hard but I am learning. I can be assertive on behalf of others or for a cause more easily than I can for myself. So it surprises people who have seen me vocally defend the rights of others, when they see me struggle to defend myself. The worst part is them thinking if something were wrong I'd stand up for myself so if I don't then nothings wrong. I wish.
- Conversation: keeping it going, thinking of topics etc.
I have huge trouble starting conversations. I can sometimes maintain them and sometimes not. It depends. I can't think of topics on my own but can respond to others ideas with topics if it triggers them. Same with can't start but can respond if words are triggered. The whole difference in maintaining is between if someone triggers it and if not. I also can't get out of a conversation easily if nothing triggers me leaving. It all depends on if something triggers me to act or not. Very inertiaish. So the reason it's not 1 is that I can be triggered into it by another person's actions.
- Dating, romance, marriage, sexual relations
As of now none of these have happened with my preferred gender. The only time it happened with my nonpreferred gender it was someone else initiating and keeping me in the relationship, and me being extremely confused. And that was 15 years ago when I was by some definitions pretty.
- Driving, learning to drive (selected as an example of something requiring co-ordination/multitasking)
Not a chance.
- Education - school/college/university, studying/exams
These days not possible at all. When it was possible I wasn't learning from it in the long term.
- Employment - finding and keeping, job interviews
Also not possible these days.
- Independent living, housekeeping, home ownership
I can do none of these things by myself. I have some level of assistance with every daily living skill. I receive services that have people come in much of the day and a service at night that is like what a roommate might do except not living with me. I qualify for a roommate but haven't done that yet. Often have had to fight to keep out if group homes, nursing homes, etc.
- Making friends, social life, maintaining a network of friends
I technically have many friends. However: 1. I didn't make them, they made me. 2. I can only concentrate on one and a half at a time and can't even remember the rest exist unless they put forth a lot of effort. 3. They are almost all autistic and the rest very familiar with autistic people and all are disabled. (Not that they aren't real friends but they don't require the skills for interacting with typical people.)
I have no standard social life at all. It's 99% over the Internet and only a bit in person (the in person part is only with one neighbor in my building who is also autistic).
- Mental health - maintaining good mental health, staying free from depression, anxiety etc.
I used to struggle terribly with this but I am quite happy these days.
- Sense of humour, banter, sarcasm, repartee, literal interpretations
Sense of humor is easy. I have a great sense of humor. That part would be well towards the easy side if that were all it was.
Banter? Oh God. I could do 3rd grade playground style banter by the time I was about, oh, 17. I was so happy I had mastered it that I didn't understand why my teacher yelled at me for it, to me it was an accomplishment. I have spent a lot of time around people who do true witty banter and it is so, so over my head that it's not even funny. I can josh around with a good friend but it's not sophisticated joshing.
Sarcasm? When I do it, nobody notices. When others do it, I rarely notice unless it's accompanied by huge neon lights or something.
Repartee... I had to look it up. Swift witty retort. I am horrible at that except once in a blue moon. This is why I suck at sophisticated banter. I used to know a lot of people who were really into repartee and I was so utterly lost it wasn't funny. They judged each other on the quality of it and I was a nothing to them.
Literal interpretations. This one is interesting because I am on two sides of it. First off I have such extreme language comprehension issues that I often struggle to even get to literal, let alone beyond it. Second off I learned language as chunks of words associated with situations. This meant that sometimes I process several words as if a single word, and don't even notice the literal meaning of a saying because I attach the chunk of words to the situation instead of each word. So for instance if someone said "beating around the bush", I might not even notice the separate words "beating" "around" "the" and "bush", and would go straight to remembering the situation where someone is avoiding something. Other times I might not know it already, then I might take it literally. So I often either have trouble even getting to literal, or shoot right past it.
Can't think of stuff to add. May come back later to add something.
"In my world it's a place of patterns and feel. In my world it's a haven for what is real. It's my world, nobody can steal it, but people like me, we live in the shadows." -Donna Williams
Wow reading other people's responses I can see how subjective this is. I don't think you will get accurate data out of this at all. I have seen people whose descriptions sound much like mine who chose quite different numbers. I have seen people who actually have employment rating themselves at 1 in that area because they didn't like the kind of jobs they got, when I rated myself 1 because I have no employment at all, and other examples of people doing something better than I do who rate themselves lower than I did. I have also seen examples of people who do worse than I do rating themselves higher. I doubt that the numbers themselves will tell you a lot.
"In my world it's a place of patterns and feel. In my world it's a haven for what is real. It's my world, nobody can steal it, but people like me, we live in the shadows." -Donna Williams
4 - Assertiveness, self confidence, self esteem
3 - Conversation: keeping it going, thinking of topics etc.
1 - Dating, romance, marriage, sexual relations
4 - Driving, learning to drive (selected as an example of something requiring co-ordination/multitasking)
2 - Education - school/college/university, studying/exams
4 - Employment - finding and keeping, job interviews
4 - Independent living, housekeeping, home ownership
1 - Making friends, social life, maintaining a network of friends
5 - Mental health - maintaining good mental health, staying free from depression, anxiety etc.
8 - Sense of humour, banter, sarcasm, repartee, literal interpretations
Very's quite difficult to avoid the subjective however. Even the so-called science of psychology is riddled with subjective ideas about everything from Asperger's to Zoophobia. The root of this subjectivity seems clear enough to me. A principle of polarity is at work when it comes to things individuals value and prioritize. With this in mind....a 7-8 for me would be no less legitimate for things like "making friends/social life". That is....while my "functioning" in this area is very poor in the eyes of most people, it's not something that causes me much personal distress. In retrospect....I should've picked numbers solely based upon the personal distress my lack of ideal (my ideal, ofcourse) functioning in these areas causes me.
In that case....only the following would've received a one or a two:
-Education - school/college/university, studying/exams
-Employment - finding and keeping, job interviews
-Independent living, housekeeping, home ownership
-Mental health - maintaining good mental health, staying free from depression, anxiety etc.
Additional categories.
First, somebody else's category:
Cultivating wide interests and activities
I've never been able to control my interests. I'm interested in what I'm interested in. I'm also mostly fine with that.
Areas I have thought of:
Starting point for processing language.
I will have to explain this a bit. Most people start at or near the top, which is where language makes automatic sense to them. I am not talking about auditory or visual processing but rather the processing itself. I will explain roughly what 1-10 would mean for this. I've skipped some numbers, think of them as spaces in between the other things. I'm adapting this from something I wrote specifically about reading, so some parts of it may be stretched a little far to make them appropriate for sound:
10. Words automatically make sense to me.
9. I hear coherent word-like sounds/see letters I can sound out, but it might as well be a foreign language because it makes no sense to me.
8. (If reading) I can make out the letters as familiar letters but I can't sound them out.
7. When I see the words I am conscious of the letters as symbols but unable to recognize them as letters or put meaning to them.
5. I see/hear separate letters/sounds (without noticing they are word-pieces) but cannot perceive them as symbols.
4. I see an overall black pattern/hear an overall pattern of sounds but cannot see/hear the separate letters/sounds. I can see them/hear them but there's nothing special about them other than that I can notice them.
2. I perceive the entire world, in every sensory system, as simply patterns of color, shape, and visual texture, of tone, pitch, timbre, of texture, warmth, pliability, shape, etc. What Donna Williams might call "pattern form and feel". I don't even notice the text/voice.
1. Not even sensory impressions make much dent in conscious awareness. This isn't as empty as it might sound.
Here's a visual representation of these:
(The bottom part is both 1 and 2)
I'm aware this isn't the only way to divide this up and maybe not the best way. Such is the process of artificial rating systems.
So anyway, be aware that what I am asking is (roughly) where you start from when you're in your average mental state, not any more shutdown than usual, not where you can get to with enough effort. Basically your average starting place without effort.
Here's a similar one:
Starting point for recognizing what is in front of me in typical terms
10. I see a table, a bookcase, a computer, etc.
9. I can single out the different objects. I just can't remember what they're called.
8. I can single out pieces like the leg of the table. I can see sort of that they connect to each other and have some kind of meaning. I just can't quite connect them up into each object.
7. I can single out pieces like the leg of the table. I am aware that there is something significant about them. I am not able to tell that they are supposed to connect to each other. At this point I can do things like easily pick out every circle or other such shape in the room.
5. I can single out pieces like the leg of the table. I am unaware there is anything significant about them.
4. I can't really single out pieces like the leg of the table. I am still aware of the general shape of the table and its vicinity but I don't distinguish it as anything in particular.
2. I perceive the entire world, in every sensory system, as simply patterns of color, shape, and visual texture, of tone, pitch, timbre, of texture, warmth, pliability, shape, etc. What Donna Williams might call "pattern form and feel". I don't even notice the table/bookcase/etc. in particular.
1. Not even sensory impressions make much dent in conscious awareness. This isn't as empty as it might sound.
As usual, I'm asking about the average place you start at when not particularly concentrating on it and not particularly in any state of shutdown. I'm still aware this isn't perfect but try to get an approximation. If my ideas don't sound quite right to you make up something else. I am just going from all the levels I have ever gotten stuck at beneath the standard "right" way to see things.
And yet another (and my last) similar idea:
10. I am good with ideas. I regularly engage in the activity of piling ideas on top of ideas, building entire structures out of ideas, moving ideas around and comparing them, combining them, bouncing them off each other. This is second nature to me. I might not even be aware there is the possibility of not being this way.
9. I can combine ideas, but not as many or as easily.
8. I can combine ideas together but not even as many as that, and it's a struggle.
7. I can barely combine ideas, if at all. It's sometimes hard to hold a single idea together. But I can do it.
5. Generally ideas tend to fall apart into pieces. It's easier to perceive at least parts of the world around me, although bits of ideas can warp that perception.
4. I find it easier to perceive the world around me than to perceive ideas. I can't fully see the world in terms of patterns of sensory perception, but not fully in the world of ideas either.
2. I perceive the entire world, in every sensory system, as simply patterns of color, shape, and visual texture, of tone, pitch, timbre, of texture, warmth, pliability, shape, etc. What Donna Williams might call "pattern form and feel". Ideas don't exist, they are up in the sky far above me.
1. Not even sensory impressions make much dent in conscious awareness. This isn't as empty as it might sound.
So for me:
Starting point for processing language.
1 or 2
Generally I am either in the realm of patterns of sensory perceptions, or somewhere even before that. I have to climb really far to get to language and often I can't get there at all.
Starting point for recognizing what is in front of me in typical term
1 or 2s
Generally I am either in the realm of patterns of sensory perceptions, or somewhere even before that. I have to climb really far to apply typical categories to my surroundings and often I can't get there at all.
Starting point for dealing with ideas
1 or 2
Generally I am either in the realm of patterns of sensory perceptions, or somewhere even before that. I have to climb really far to get to ideas and often I can't get there at all.
Yes, those are really similar but I think it's because my problems in those three areas are connected.
"In my world it's a place of patterns and feel. In my world it's a haven for what is real. It's my world, nobody can steal it, but people like me, we live in the shadows." -Donna Williams
These are the average scores for each item, from the replies received, ranked from more to less difficult. (Where a respondent gave more than one figure for a category, I simply averaged them.)
- Making friends, social life, maintaining a network of friends 3.31
- Dating, romance, marriage, sexual relations 3.34
- Conversation: keeping it going, thinking of topics etc. 3.50
- Assertiveness, self confidence, self esteem 3.73
- Employment - finding and keeping, job interviews 4.16
- Mental health - maintaining good mental health, staying free from depression, anxiety etc. 4.38
- Independent living, housekeeping, home ownership 5.65
- Driving, learning to drive (selected as an example of something requiring co-ordination/multitasking) 5.72
- Education - school/college/university, studying/exams 5.99
- Sense of humour, banter, sarcasm, repartee, literal interpretations 6.07
Assertiveness, self confidence, self esteem: 1 I am not very assertive unless my buttons are pushed. My self-confidence and self-esteem have been very low ever since I was a child, and show no signs of increasing.
Conversation: keeping it going, thinking of topics etc.: 2 The only person I converse with on a regular basis is my mom, and I have a hard time thinking of things to talk about that don't involve my interests.
Dating, romance, marriage, sexual relations: 1 I've never had a boyfriend. Ever.
Driving, learning to drive: 1 I would make a horrible driver because I don't pay attention to my surroundings and I freak out if other cars get too close to the one I'm riding in.
Education - school/college/university, studying/exams: 1 I didn't even complete high school.
Employment - finding and keeping, job interviews: 1 I've never had a chance to try to work at a job because I'm considered disabled.
Independent living, housekeeping, home ownership: 1 I'm not high-functioning enough to live on my own. Once my parents pass away I'm going to have to live in an assisted living facility.
Making friends, social life, maintaining a network of friends: 2 I have friends, but they're all internet-based and I don't talk to them very often.
Mental health - maintaining good mental health, staying free from depression, anxiety etc.: 4 My mental health goes through good times and bad times. Right now it's going through a good time, but I know that once I go through another life change, it will plummet.
Sense of humour, banter, sarcasm, repartee, literal interpretations: 7 I'm told I have a great sense of humor. I banter with my brother at times. I'm not good at repartee, but I understand most sarcasms and figures of speech.
Assertiveness, self confidence, self esteem:. 3. I'm a horrible timid, shy person with low self-esteem. Worse, sometimes when surrounded with confident people I'll try to emulate them. This always ends in disaster with me crying and somebody getting offended.
Conversation: keeping it going, thinking of topics etc. 5. If I can initiate conversation, I'm generally okay. I do have problems with auditory processing though so sometimes people will have to repeat themselves, which makes some people frustrated.
Dating, romance, marriage, sexual relations: 7. I got lucky and found my perfect match on the Internet. Bar a few misunderstandings which he is tolerant of, we have the perfect marriage. However, if he didn't exist and I had to date I know I'd probably be alone.
Driving, learning to drive: 4. Learning to drive was hard and terrifying. I almost gave up, and nearly got killed quite a few times. It destroyed the friendship I had with the people who taught me. Now I'm an OK driver, but horrible at parking. Sometimes in unfamiliar areas I still get overwhelmed and panic, and I have to plan long or complicated trips well in advance. Other than that I'm not too bad, I stick to the rules and never phone or text while driving. I can't swim or ride a bike though, I have tried many times, been mocked by my peers and nearly drowned.
Education - school/college/university, studying/exams: 6. I'm smart and a good learner. School was easy, and the work gave me a sense of pride. I liked being good at what I did. I finished top of my year for exams. However, once school was over I was too afraid to apply to college, so I made money the excuse and never went. I regret it, but I'm still making excuses about it because I'm still too frightened, don't know what I would want as a career, don't know if I could even cope with said career, and money is *actually* an issue now.
Employment - finding and keeping, job interviews: 4. I sold myself to a McJob because I needed the money, and I figured it was something I could cope with. Now I'm in a routine I'm too afraid to break, and I've been there for three and a half years. I make excuses about this too but the fact is I'm probably going to be there for the rest of my life, wasting my intellect and working alongside drug abusers and criminals, unless I win the lottery or my writing skills get noticed.
Independent living, housekeeping, home ownership: 3. My apartment is a mess. I rent it - too broke to buy, too afraid of the responsibility as well. Live with my husband who does all the cooking because I seem to burn things and have panic attacks whenever I get near a recipe. I do the washing. Estranged from my parents.
Making friends, social life, maintaining a network of friends: 2. I have no friends, bar a couple of people online who I talk to now and then. Husband is my only real life social contact who I'd call a friend, we share a lot of interests and spend our time enjoying them together. I'm shy and struggle meeting people, and have no interest in "hanging out" at bars, clubs etc to engage in vapid, lifeless, drunken discussion about things I don't care about.
Mental health - maintaining good mental health, staying free from depression, anxiety etc.: 2. I'm almost always depressed and lonely. I yearn for meaningful friendships but never find meaningful people to make them with. Sometimes I have suicidal thoughts. I'm too afraid to go to the doctor because last time I tried meds suicidal thoughts increased and meds are also very expensive. When I'm good it's nice though, but this hasn't been a good year for my mental health.
Sense of humour, banter, sarcasm, repartee, literal interpretations: 5. I often take things way too literally or misinterpret, but I've learned to appreciate humor since I met my husband and I usually know when he's being sarcastic now. In conversation I have a tendency to hijack conversations, forget what I'm saying if I can't immediately speak, and not always know when it's appropriate to join in a conversation. I seem to manage to scrape though day to day though, and I manage one-on-one pretty well. It's group conversations that really mess with me.
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