glider18 wrote:
I have just made a couple posts tonight---the first since Feb. 26. I got anxiety from some of the threads in the past, and finally I said enough is enough---I'm leaving. But I would still log in and see if I had any PMs and very briefly look at some threads. But tonight, I decided to post.
But I will use caution. I will try not to look at threads of the type that typically cause me anxiety. Don't ask me what kinds of threads those are---they vary a bit. They can be about many different things. And when I open one---BAM---ANXIETY. I am going to try to look for threads that seem enjoyable to me or ones that aren't so likely to cause me issues.
Anyway, I am glad to be back---I think.
I remember you! Welcome back
Eh, no worries chief; I don't exactly post here on a daily basis anymore either.
While I'm more than happy to offer advice to other Autistic folks who ask me, I'm busy doing other things now