Gwenfloor wrote:
"What is it doing?"
By making "it" separate she feels she can simply cut it out, kill it, or cage it away from you, or more directly, away from her. She is seriously in denial and needs to have some counseling. It could also be an early sign that her denial is weakening, by admitting that "there IS something", but that may just be wishful thinking on my part.
I feel for you, growing up without support. One of your best possible sources of compasson and aid has turned her back on you. I might be able to understand her if you were still two or three, but you're old enough to use keyboard and she STILL has a problem with reality.
I hate to give up on people, but YOU are the one who needs (deserves?) help, not so much her. I think you can be "saved". I hope you can learn to laugh at how ridiculous she has been treating you. Your courage is admirable.
You are definitely not alone. There's a little boy in a group I belong to who's mother is a jewel, but his dad is a total jerk. He says, everytime I see him, that this is an invented disease and we didn't have any of this crap when he was younger. I just want to deck him, but then I would be the "Bad Guy".
Hang in there the best you can. It will get better.
It's just music for me. The other stims don't work.