My experiences with sharing special interests are always abysmal.
I attribute this to several human, and NT behaviors.
The first is the emotional commitment that NT people have for opinions that are not well founded. If your comprehensive knowledge on something happens to counter something they "think" or "believe" they will be offended. If you continue to discuss the deeper evidence behind your knowledge versus their ignorance, they feel belittled. This happened during my most recent evaluation session with my the child psychologist I am seeing, because he is the only one in the valley that diagonses Asperger's, and I am on an HMO. His knowledge pertains only to childhood diagnosis, I constantly correct his misunderstanding of the nature of late-identified aspergers, and I can see and hear that he gets agitated, though it doesn't "process". I am completely incapable of processing someone elses emotions in the context of my speech. He tells me "There is no need for you to do further research on the condition".. HA, what a cop out. How dare someone with only a "high school education" lecture him, a Doctor, on a topic hes been 'practicing' for umpteen years. These people always point out the duration of their experience, rather than the quality of their experience. I say fifteen sh***y years is still sh***y. I told him I will continue to do research and obtain knowledge, that it is a part of who I am.
Like once at work, the Principal of the school I work for came in while I was filling out the beginning of the year paper work, the pay term/rate, the "I agree to not do drugs or look at porn at work", etc. He told me, "You need to fill those out on your own time, after hours". I told him "If these papers are based on the terms of my employment, and are required by this entity that has hired me, I will most certainly fill them out during business hours". It wasn't even that I wasn't doing my work, I do the work of a half dozen people and stupidly can't stop doing things above my pay grade because they need to be done. He just wanted to feel authoratative. "Those papers are to be filled out after business hours", he said. As he walked away, I stood up and stuck my head out of my office door and said "I will fill these out during work hours" and sat down, finished filling out the papers (all of 10 minutes total, not counting his interruption). I have been given directives for this type of behavior, and threats of being written up, but they never do anything because I know the education code very well, along with various other conditions that form public education in california, and know that they can try to throw their weight around at me but as far as doing anything official, they would be engaging in a loosing battle. I wish I could just say "Ok Boss" but it is not in my wiring. This is why to this day, despite having 'relationships' with my family, I really hate them all except one set of grandparents and those in my generation, because they treated my like such s**t because I was always so literal and couldn't understand their so called 'gray area' nothing better than being bullied by your own family.
Most people's minds are a single dimension, so they can only process one thread of simple information at any given time. Obsessive knowledge about complex topics, and therefore talking about them, require several interconnected and codependent concepts and trains of thought. Often times, even if someone is innately interested in the topic, they simply cannot engage it at such an advanced level, and it makes them start to feel physically ill, because it isn't tingling their happy buttons on the inside and is 'draining them'. If you are above their level, then the response is basically "I wanna play, but I don't know how to play at this level, so this stinks. Waaaaahhhhhhh".
My problem is that I have tons of special interests, so I have a lot of knoweldge about a lot of things. People who feel highly entitled to their opinions, because they have a Master's or Doctorate, often can't just handle the idea that someone with no education might know some, a lot, or more than they do on their field. You will often hear "but you need to understand, I have a degree on X and you don't" from these people. "Yeah but you graduated ten years ago, whens the last time you did anything to maintain conception at the state of your art"? Insert raging-NT.
And lastly, society is just becoming dumber en masse. Many people only care about fake s**t. If you talk to them about something real, they just aren't biologically capable of being interested, following along, etc. because the fabric of their existence is dependent on not understanding the true nature of existence, they are only concerned with their own BS microcosm.