Also I'm not completely sure as to associate these things with Autism, however I am different and these are just some things that have went along with me being different too.
It's not associated with being on the Autism spectrum at all. I have none of those yet I am on it. If you were born NT you still might have all those things. My friend's daughter has a heart condition, and has affected her physically - she is 19 but is the height of an average 10 year old, and she didn't develop puberty properly (she started her periods after she left school at 17), and when she was a baby her physical development was very slow (she learnt to crawl at 13 months, and learnt to walk at 22 months - and it had nothing to do with her upbringing. The doctors said it was from poor muscle/physical development, associated with her heart conditions or something like that).
Anyway - my point is none of this has affected her brain (intellectual and social development). She is a typical NT, has lots of friends, ect ect ect. And she didn't lack accedemically.
So I'm just saying here that just because you are on the spectrum doesn't mean it will affect you physically, and vice versa.^
I'm not saying it's a definate fact - I'm just saying it's not always so.