My parents got divorced just before I turned 6 then my sister (NT) and I had to spend the next 40 years listening to my mom's incessant vile comments about my dad to the point that nobody could ever believe that such things could possibly be true. It was only about 6 months before my dad's death that she mellowed out about him enough to become reflective of his life. Neither of them have/had AS but my mom is highly obsessive, typically centered on herself and her imaginary superiority and is preoccupied with minute, insignificant things, so she does have asome AS traits, without the least possibility of ever qualifying to be ab Aspie. Her mom before her was equally obsessive, but a much mellower person. It is interesting to note that when I was age 4, bu dad was brushing my teeth one night (he was a dentist too) with me standing on top of the toilet seat. All seemed right in the world to me and then my mom walked in the bathroom with a raging scowl on her face, tied into my dad with all of her anger and ripped his glasses of then stormed out of the bathroom. Until I was abut age 12, I truly believed that this event and something about myself was the real cause for their divorce.
I read somewhere that there is a 75% divorce rate among the parents of those on the spectrum (I still have that link but the statement is no longer there), presumably due to the strain of having to deal with the autistic child and the inability to have any really meaningful relationship together as a result. I guess the results of this poll show that this statistic is not too far from the truth.