bee33 wrote:
I got 15 out of 20.
The statement at the end makes me wonder if NTs are actually worse at this: 'Most people are surprisingly bad at spotting fake smiles. One possible explanation for this is that it may be easier for people to get along if they don't always know what others are really feeling." We may be more objective?
Also, there's a lengthy explanation of how the eyes crease up differently in fake and real smiles, but I was only looking at mouths and I did pretty well. Perhaps it's not as necessary to look at people's eyes to understand their emotions as we are always being told?
I've always felt that it isn't deemed polite to really look into someone, and really see how they really are. I think for politeness sake, we are supposed to accept the front that they throw up. And we're also expected to have our own fronts too.
I mainly looked at the eye creases, but I also gave some attention to the face as a whole.
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