I had chronic ear infections. I was not speech delayed (family joke is that I started speaking at 9 months and haven't shut up yet), but I did lose my hearing. By age 2, I could hear almost nothing. Luckily, I underwent a successful operation to restore my hearing. Once I started wearing ear plugs to go swimming (at age 6), the ear infections pretty much cleared up. I did have one out of the blue at 15; lost all hearing in one ear. The PA who checked it out said, "Aren't you a little old for an ear infection?" After antiboitics, I could hear again.
Nonetheless, I think I was born with AS. I'm clearly a genetic sport -- I look so little like my family that people ask if I'm adopted. I'm a freespirit and a bit of a rebel in a conventional family. I have ADHD and dyscalculia, no one else does. I'm the only diagnosed Aspie, although my mother and I suspect her cousin Alan may be an Aspie too. I figure that some recessive bit of DNA surfaced in me (and maybe Alan) that just wired us differently from the norm. I also suspect my great-grandmother's brother Georges was an Aspie, but he died at the Barricades in Paris, so there's no way of knowing.