Sophist wrote:
Given the poorer connectivity of the autistic's brain, yes, it will improve those functions which require a great deal of cooperation from various brain regions to be carried out (i.e., Executive Functioning, language, social skills, etc.); HOWEVER, with the same token, it will likely also decline the functioning levels of any talents or skills the person has, as these are almost always based on local connections and short-distance, low-energy neural communications.
Unfortunately with the human brain, it's one or the other. Greater long-distance neural communicative networks (EDF, language, social skills), or greater short-distance neural communicative networks (obsessions, splinter skills, talents, etc.).
It's your choice, but the brain does not work both ways. That is the limitation of neuronal matter.
I, personally, am staying as I am.
Agreed totally. If it comes to it, we have a choice between being Aspie or NT. We can't have both, it's one or the other. Can we honestly say we'd like to live in a world where there were/are fewer computer geniuses, inventors etc? Are we so embarrassed of being different that we have to blend in to the accepted 'normal?' I see why some people might want to take drugs to lessen the effect of certain problems associated with AS, but do we really want to throw everything out of the window, and will we be any happier for it? No way am I saying living with AS is easy, but we got given it for some reason or another.
Phew. Had to get that out of my system.
Noli ursum pungere