What do you hate the most about having autism/aspergers ?
The inability to read social cues, which forces me to be a recluse due to the racing mind exciting my senses.
I really hate my anxiety but I dont know it it is all the fault of my Asperger's because I think some of my anxiety is from being abused by people that do and did not understand me. I am sometimes free of my anxiety and Im able to be happy and enjoy myself with my family but I have extreme anxiety a lot of the time. I have that feeling of impending doom, like something is coming to get me or something bad is going to happen. I can just be lying in bed and it will hit me. Sometimes its brought on by seemingly nothing but there is usually a root reason for it. Then there are times when it is straight foward, like I have to go shopping or I have to go to the doctor. I feel more comfortable in my own house but I cant hide from my anxiety, it always finds me.
I also do not like the fact that the general public is so misinformed about what Autism/Asperger's is. Its the reason I post my daughters videos on youtube (under Autistic Princess or my name Aspiemom42) to spread positive awareness. I was very upset not long ago when I was on a grief support site when I lost my cat. I met a woman who lived not far from me. We emailed back and forth for a long time and she asked me to go to a cat show with her. I wanted to go but I wanted her to know that I had Asperger's so she could be better prepared to meet me in person. I never heard from her again! I wont hesitate to tell someone if that happened again because it actually alleviates my stress if the other person is aware of it. Still I find this persons treatment of me to be cruel and rude. We really do need to cure ignorance!
the label it self makin u look like a ret*d to the NTs
And the social skills u lack to hang with NTs
Ever since 2004, I have tried to improve my social skills, learn the social cues for which should have been learnt in a early age, but in my opinion being in a specialist school, I missed this training, I really believe that a person can be misdiagnosed with Aspergers, ever since I have been trying to find such evidence.
Prior to 2004, I was mainly with peers with social impairments, for example if you mix a NT child with Aspies, that the NT child would pickup similar behaviors and still be diagnosed with Aspergers this is the very theory I have tried to prove ever since 2004.
I really believe this should be explored, this has to be possible, that Aspie/Austic like behavioral habits are being picked up by NTs, due to have a social circle of Aspies.
Points of View:
Social skills are not what you are born with, if this was the case there would not be Aspies, Aspies to me are just people "NT"s with special gifts and talents and the obsessional habits are a product of these gifts, there is no such thing as a social impairment, its just the person has not been properly trained, evidence of this, you lock a child in a room especially during their developmental years, they have developmental delays and social problems, so therefore these problems are not Asperger exclusive, I think a NT if exposed to these situations can exbit similar behavioral.
All due to social isolation, against their will, and these children can still be diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome, there is cat's whiskers in Aspie diagnosis, now think about it, you place a child into isolation even if they are NT. they can exbit Asper-like behaviors.
Learning difficulties and anxiety. I think my life be more better if I didn't have those two. They're my road blocks for a successful life.
The meltdowns. So embarrassing and hell to deal with.
Saying the wrong things. This is why I am shy.
Also the fact when I would try and socialize, I get told to mind my own business so I have given up. I had that again in 2009 at a group and it reminded me of my high school years and it reminded me of why I don't even bother. Same as trying to make friends. I seem to do better when people come to me. But when I go to them, it's a failure.
Falling into loopholes. I hear the rules or read them but do things that aren't in the rules and then I find out I had fallen into a loophole. I hate that. I know it appears to other people I am trying to bend the rules, whatever it's called. I hate it when people do it too but on accident is one thing but intentional is a no no.
Taking things literal. Makes me look stupid.
Being oblivious, also makes me look stupid.
Using the wrong words and not realizing what they really mean, same as saying stuff I have heard others say not even realizing what they imply. Then I wonder why the other person got so uptight or said something irrelevant to what I said or I don't even know what I had implied until my husband tells me so who knows what that other person thought when I said it. If it's a stranger, thank goodness.
Relationship difficulties. Though I don't have to worry about it anymore because I found the right guy but it still effects our relationship and he is very flexible about it.
Oh yeah I hate it when I forget words too, I always thought this was a human thing, not an AS thing.
Losing my train of thought as I am talking I have to stop and think what I was going to say (not sure if this is an AS thing or not)
I also hate the stereotypes about AS.
I had someone stop talking to me once when I was 14. I had a pen pal and I told her things about my past and I think I mentioned AS too but didn't even know what it was then and I never heard from her again. I am not sure what I did wrong. Maybe the label scared her off or I said too many things about myself and she realized I wasn't "normal." I let it go and took it as "at least I don't have to write anymore." Maybe there are social rules about pen pals?
Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed and ASD lv 1.
Daughter: NT, no diagnoses. Possibly OCD. Is very private about herself.
I really hate having sensory issues. People think I'm rude, because I can't stand any sort of smells, so I'll be very blunt about bad perfume, breath, etc., but I really can't concentrate if there's a bad smell. I also can't stand physical contact. Hugging especially, but even just brushing up against people in a crowd or sitting too close to someone.
Putting my thoughts into words. It almost always takes me a while....to think about what I'm going to say....before I say it. Otherwise it comes out....odd.
My shallow, monotone voice when I speak. Which, if I remember correctly, is a common trait among aspies.
"I trust them. I understand them. It's people I don't understand."

Sometimes I feel like shouting back, just for effect (although it's driven by anger so not a good idea) when someone says to me, yet again, and usually in that accusing voice which implies I'm some sort of cretin - "Why don't you speak up? You're very quiet".
Giraffe: a ruminant with a view.
Heh, my dislike is simple, having both selective mutism (Yeah, I have the inability to talk to people I don't know, viscious circle much?) and aspie syndrome I can't talk when I want to and have an inabillity to voice my true thoughts. I often find it irritating that I cannot express my own intelligence, and no one will give it a second thought that I may be more intelligent than my sister, though don't take it that I think I am.
Having said all that, I can also see the kind of person I would have been without aspie syndrome, and I can never say how thankful I am from that point of view
Face blindness. Much as I love always meeting new people, including the roommate who just got her hair cut, I work in a customer-service based job and there are a lot of regulars. They expect me to recognize them. I should recognize them. I rarely do. It can get awkward, and jokes only go so far to smooth things over. I have no idea how often I've played out the scenario with people who were too polite to give any sign (that I could catch), and then played it out with them again.
1) Trying to explain why I do certain things so people do not think I am crazy
2) I do not like to be touched or hugged
3) How unexpected sounds make me feel, same goes for some lights going thru blinds
4) How I zone out
5) The way I am slow at every job I have ever done
6) How people single me out for torment
7) Having to pace or tap my feet all the time
8.) How people like to talk down to me like I was ret*d
9) The way the laughter of children makes me nervous
10.) The anxiety I feel when going to the store
11) How meeting new makes me anxious
12) How my constant daydreaming keeps me from driving safely
13) My awful memory
14) I have the bad habit of talking too much
15) How some people are nice to me because they think I am ret*d
16) My inability to get a good nights sleep
17) The way some people look at me with pity
18.) How some co-workers hate me because the boss likes me
19) How forget people's faces and names
20) Not knowing what people are thinking an inabilty to read their faces
21) Laughing when hearing bad news
There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die -Hunter S. Thompson
How everyone seemingly ignores me.
How I'm in my 20s and still never had a romantic relationship.
That I'm rarely, if ever, invited to do things with people outside of organized club events. (In grad school, I actually asked a professor to extend the due date of a big paper because some classmates invited me to a movie theater with them. I never told the professor that, it was just an "emergency".)
My intolerance for certain noises or movements, especially when I'm sitting in a quiet place. (I find it hypocritical that most theaters and some churches I've been to make it a point to tell everyone to silence their cell phones but don't bat an eye if a baby whines. Cell phones are much more pleasant to me than little kids.)
How I get the mental capacity of a little kid during a meltdown when my mother yells at me.
My lower likelihood to get a job, even though I have a masters degree.
I don't like the emphasis on having a high IQ
It's too much pressure. When I was a kid, my mom would brag about how high I scored when I was only five. People began to resent it and it became a pointless pissing contest.
It made it more difficult to use what was inside waiting to be developed.
The stereotype that Aspies aren't good with words and metaphorical language, art and literature isn't accurate.
I hate the some of the sensory issues.
Like when my mom yells at me, which she does a lot, I start screaming and asking for her to stop.
She doesn't know how horrible it is for me, so she just continues and gets madder :/.
Also a silly sensory issue, I can't stand it when my dad burps , I know it sounds stupid but when he does it, it just hurts so bad that my body gets a random convulsion every time he does.
That and not being understood and bullied about it.
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