DemonAbyss10 wrote:
I mentioned it because it was relevant to my point. There should be true equality not special provisions BASED on race or gender. IE: If the law says you can only get on welfar if you earn less than such and such a year adjusted for how many children you support , the same values should be exactly the same across ALL RACES AND GENDERS. It obviously isn't though in the United states of stupidity however.
Actually, the law is the same for everyone. If someone is really on welfare and earning $100,000 a year, they're cheating the system.
The reason that so many black people relative to their total population are legitimately on welfare is because in general, black people make less money and have fewer assets than white people. This has been
scientifically demonstrated (link).
On a side note a huge reason the welfare system got depleted in the US is because there are f***ing idiots out there who will try to have as many kids as is possible just so that they can abuse the system. I swear there should be a f***ing tax for having way too many, or a tax break for those who 'breed responsibly'.
This didn't happen, it was Republican scaremongering to push for welfare reform. It doesn't even
make sense that anyone would do this. It's a myth: ... 07,00.html people are the largest group on welfare: wrote:
anbuend wrote:
...and that's exactly why people are (accurately) calling you a racist.
haaa and if I was actually racist I wouldn't be friends with the guy. So the perception of me being racist is inaccurate to say the least. I could change the post and word it a bit differently. Was in a bad mood about him bragging bout it though.
I know plenty of sexist men who have women as friends. I know homophobes who have gay friends. I know racists who have friends who are people of color. This is not a useful shibboleth for determining whether someone has oppressive attitudes.
You said something racist, it was pointed out to you. Why try to deny it? If you are truly not racist and do not want to be racist, wouldn't it make more sense to understand why what you said is racist and move on from it than try to defend the idea that you cannot possibly be racist?