pnd3376534 wrote:
sometimes I think I'm a lot lower functioning than most people with Asperger's
Where I live people with A.S are not provided with Regional Center services. Without Regional Center services I'd still be quite isolated and if not near grocery I'd likely end up in the hospital again. I've been there once before during a heat wave. I think it is explained as my brain just focuses on one or a few things and everything else is not focused on.
Are you kind of like that?
What are you like in life?
I am one of the most highest functioning individuals part of the Regional Center and it just happens that I am also gifted in a way that I can do very well in advocacy for myself and others.
Nathan Young
The peer politics creating intolerance toward compassion is coming to an end. Pity accusations, indifferent advocacy against isolation awareness and for pride in an image of autism is injustice.