Cornflake wrote:
"But you don't have a monotone voice".
Well yeah; but what if you can barely hear it because I speak so quietly? And you laugh it off when I say "because otherwise it feels like I'm shouting and it hurts".
Oh my gosh yes. I had this battle with my speech teacher (like the regual class about public speaking, not special ed, just for clairification that she doesn't know how to deal with me). She kept telling me to be louder and be more expressive and whatever. I told her I didn't know how. I mean I can be louder, but I feel like I'm screaming at everyone. So I got Bs and Cs all semester until my mom had a meeting and explained that I really didn't know how (like she thought I was lying or something? I can't see the motivation for that, but whatever) and that if she wanted me to improve she was going to have explain exactly what she wanted me to do different. I got 100's on the rest of my speeches even though she ceased telling me to do better and I didn't change anything. I guess she was trying to make up for be a jerk.
I can't have autism because I get good grades.
I can't have autism because I have friends.
I can't have autism because I'm an ABA major. (I don't know where that one comes from. I guess the concepts used to try to "fix" people like me are supposed to be too complicated for someone with autism to understand. I considered taking a class on ABA for autism this semester, but I figured the overwhelming ignorance would just piss me off.)