Can aspie traits actually worsen with age?
I've always been like this, and it's always caused me trouble, but recently I've noticed it even more since I started a new job. I noticed the behaviour of my workmates, and thought maybe it was just that I'm new, still being trained, they don't know me very well and I'm not a big talker. But then I was with another bloke who was recruited with me - and the difference was stunning. The way "normal" people interacted and how people interact with me is very, very different. Superiors just talked to him, and he talked back, and I was left watching and feeling ... well, like an aspie. They seemed to be talking in a code I didn't understand, without being self-conscious or halting. All people seem to do to me is either snap at me or ignore me, while I trip over words and try to make everyone happy.
Is this just an example of things seeming more pronounced given the complexities of the adult world as opposed to the child world, or can aspie traits actually get worse the older you get?