Since I am 34 and s-dx I wanted to ask the opinion of wrong planet if I am Aspie or not?
-Social situations bother me, if there is more than a couple of people around I won't say much and most of the time am trying to think of something to say. The only thing is, when I figure out what to say, the subject is already passed. Even when I go to friends houses and I'm walking up to the house and alot of people are outside I am stressly thinking about what to say for my introductin. When I was in school and I would hear about an oral report, I would be stressed out every time it was mentioned, and when it came time to make my speech my face would turn bright red, sweat would pore from my body and hands making the paper stick to my hands. I would have very violent heart palpitations and would stumble on my words as my face sweated also. But if I actually did the report I would almost always get an A probably for my courage. In college I've dropped out of many of classes when it came the day of the report.
- Eye contact was extremely difficult as a child, now I'm not as scared but when someone's eyes meet with mine I feel like I don't know what expression to make.
- I always have trouble trying to determine when is the right time to leave a conversation and walk away, always feels wrong as I walk away.
- I'm can make quick calculations in my head/ great speller/ and very good memory especially numbers.
I have a sense of humor but mostly am a serious person, I like funny movies and I don't like many action movies, because it seems so unbelievable so I end up spacing out most of the movie. On the contrary I can get very interested in documentaries, discovery channel or the science channel.
I only read about asperger syndrome about 2 yrs ago on the internet, actually I read about savant syndrome first and saw alot of similarities so since I saw Dr. Darold Treffert's name everywhere I looked on the internet, and his phone# was displayed I gave it a shot and he answered the phone himself, he asked me a couple of questions and told me since I attended some college, you wouldn't be S.S. you probably have AS. I have been on the ropes since then still on whether I am AS, but I'm pretty sure.
Let me know what you think.