I used to wear nothing but shorts, no matter how cold it was (thankfully, it was never that cold in California). Then I started wearing dening shorts, because of a school dress code (jerks). Then I started wearing sweatpants on every cold day, no matter what. Then I got really angry and disillusioned about some trivial, non-important issue that no one else knew about, and as a result I started to wear nothing but black (Paint It Black!) denin jeans; I only wore blue jeans when I had no black ones left. And I still do. But now I have enough black jeans to never have to wear the blue ones.
I can't understand what thrill people get out of shopping for clothes. For me, it's just "is this shirt a style I like?", "does it look okay to me?", and I'm done. I get no thrill out of looking at clothes, and I tend to wear very boring ones at that. I don't even bother to shop; I just have my mom (who knows what styles I like) buy them for me, and if I don't like them, I have her return them. Honestly, I think she might wish I took more interest in what I wear. But then again, I'm very inexpensive to shop for, compared to what my brother was like, so she's happy.
I've never actually had any sensory problems with clothes though, aside from hating ties becasue they feel so tight around my neck. Too bad I'm forced to wear them for work, because all men at Walgreen's have to wear formal shirts and ties, plus a labcoat if they work in the pharmacy. The women, on the other hand, get away with wearing any unproffessional thing they can cover up with a labcoat. Now THAT sucks.