anbuend wrote:
I barely know what my body's doing when I'm awake unless I videotape it, so I would have a really hard time in my sleep knowing what my body was doing in a dream (I get body sensations but I don't get a good sense of what my body is doing except in unusual circumstances). As for communication, again it's on a different level in dreams than real life so it's not even comparable. That's why it's hard to answer. My dreams are pretty weird and surreal, and involve a lot of abilities that don't even exist in real life. (So I suppose you could say I'm "not human" in my dreams by those standards, because humans don't have the abilities I have in dreams.)
Yes, exactly this for me too, I was thinking of a way to put it ... When I walk, my legs don't really move, I sort of float about. And I also communicate differently, like thoughts materialise and can be heard if I want them to. I don't remember really "speaking". I also see what is around me very differently, as if i could only see right in front of me and there was no "scenery , just "the path" or "the corner of the room". Then when I turn around, generally, things are different than they were when I first looked. Nothing is stable. Except me, I'm always me, same personality, same age.
I can fly everytime I dream , if I remember that I am in fact dreaming. It used to be exciting, I loved it as a kid, now I only do it if it's "relevant" or something.
My nightmares changed focus 9 years ago. It used to be about me being in danger of death or plain dying and waking up, now it revolves mainly around my kids dying in horrible circumstances.
After my father died, I had a few bittersweet dreams about having long conversations with him and realizing in the middle of it that I must be dreaming since he was dead. I asked him if it was the case, just to be sure, and he would nod and hug me. I liked those, shame they're gone now