I think it totally depends on whether you will see it as a benefit.
Personally I'm trying to get a diagnosis now because I need it - I'm unemployed, the job centre are prejudice against me and keep trying to force me off benefits because I can't do what they expect me to because of asperger's, a formal diagnosis would make it easier for me to get into disability benefits so I don't end up with no income at all, and it means getting the support I need to get back into work. At college I had to sort of fudge the details of 'diagnosis' when going through learning support because I needed the support in class and without formal diagnosis they may not be able to help - without diagnosis it's just your theory.
On a far more personal level I'd like to know for sure that I'm an aspie because then it explains what was 'wrong' with me growing-up, it will help with my self-esteem to know that I wasn't just weird, that there was a reason why I was like that, it will help to be able to explain why I act how I do now to people like family and friends. I also feel like a bit of a fraud without that formal diagnosis, although I do think that if you have asperger's you know it...for me within a very short space of time discovering asperger's I KNEW that I was an aspie...but to other people it's not real without an expert confirmation. I do worry that knowing about asperger's I may come to rely on this too much - where as the rest of my life I had no choice but to try to live as an NT, if I hadn't I'd not be where I am now.
As an adult I was like an NT, but now being unemployed for some time means that I'm regressing a lot - this can happen to us all, you may not need support now but if you go through a stressful time in your life you may regress, or just one bad day can trigger off a chain reaction - e.g. you have a bad day at work and don't perform as you should, your boss may fire you and legally you don't have a leg to stand on when it comes to disability rights because you don't have a diagnosis. I find now I am needing more support there is a fear that I may not be able to get support if/when I need it, it's all well and good saying 'I have asperger's' but without a diagnosis that means nothing officially-speaking. If you need support in higher education, in benefits system, at work, if you need advice or support in any area without diagnosis you may not be able to get the help or understanding that you need.
Good-looking girls break hearts, and goodhearted girls mend them.