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01 Apr 2011, 12:58 am

anbuend wrote:
The reason isn't fear for me. I have a lot of overload problems, and socializing is one of the easiest ways to do it.

Overload is an issue as well, although I don't have nearly as many problems with that. Some people have a way of pushing until I shut down and groups of four or more people nearly always do it, especially lately.


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01 Apr 2011, 1:34 am

Why would I want to? people exhaust me, there are times where I'll be so tired after just going to walmart that I have to take a nap when I get home. I don't mind going to a bar or party every so often if people leave me alone, but they rarely do... why can't people just let me sit to one side and do my own thing? why must people try to talk to me? even if I explain that I'm not keen on talking they just keep hitting me with questions. the last party I went to was me, my sister, and 4 other people.... to start with it was terrible, they wouldn't stop asking me questions, fortunately there was beer and Rockband, once we started playing it went much better.


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01 Apr 2011, 5:00 am

I wrote the following paragraphs in a note on Facebook to explain why I do not like to socialise

Socialising is exhausting because I have to keep control over what I say if I know it isn’t appropriate but I still find myself saying things I shouldn’t or misinterpreting what someone said. I don’t even understand why people say and do the things they do. My brain interprets the world in a completely different way. I even think my motivations for talking to someone in the first place is different from theirs. I’m all about learning new information, usually facts, and then passing that knowledge onto others. Even when people get annoyed at me for correcting them I see it as more enlightening them. I even exaggerate tone of voice and facial expressions and do a bit of exaggerating on my own. So the signal the body is trying to send is often misinterpreted on both sides. Another issue is that I sort of get stuck in my own mind and think that I’m right, even to the point of arguing with someone when I don’t notice it. To me arguing involves having some form of anger; an energy building and building up within you and it becomes hard to control, so hard in fact that when I do argue it is not in any clear or concise way. It’s more yelling, lashing out or instinctual stiffening up to show a sort of submission. Socialising is also exhausting because I have to take care of my appearance and at times, my hygiene.

I can also at times fail to pick up sarcasm. This leaves me a lot of the time becoming confused or easily insulted. There are times when I do become insulted easily by what people say because I have high morals and I don’t really like the collective opinions of most people. Sure everyone has their own opinion but there’s always a pattern to it. There is a sense of what is cool and what is not. People know who they should look upon as weird and reject them or at least treat them as inferior. While not everyone is like that it’s hard to separate those people from the masses that are like that. This leaves me with little desire left to socialise.

No one replied or even liked my post...

This was from one of my drafts but it seemed to go on and I thought others would find it insulting in some way.

Socialising to me is a confusing, an exhausting and at times a humiliating experience. It’s confusing because I really fail to understand the motivations of others; why they say and do the things they do. I’m not very good with knowing what people are thinking. Now you might think everybody is like that but while people can’t actually read minds they do have an idea about the thoughts and feelings of others through the use of non verbal body language. Recently I became aware that others feel pain just like I do but maybe for different reasons. At times I can often forget this too. I also don’t notice or understand body language, despite my many attempts to learn it. It just doesn’t sink in for me. And instead of no longer having a lack of understanding for facial expressions and tone of voice, I exaggerate it. Or maybe people really do get that angry with me and just deny it? I have no idea.

It’s exhausting because I have some knowledge about what is appropriate to say and that I should take care of my appearance and hygiene when around others. Since being able to talk to people more I also found that I’m impulsive and very opinionated. There is a constant battle going inside of my head when I talk to people because I’m trying to hold back the things that I want to say but that may not be necessary for the conversation. That pretty much involves every thought I have. Sometimes if not most times I would like to say more than just a few easy phrases I’ve memorised that are supposed to keep a conversation going but there’s always a moment when that falters and I’m left with a blank mind. Dressing appropriately is also exhausting. I barely dress up anymore. I just wear what I usually wear as long as it’s clean and I make sure I smell ok. That sound likes an obvious thing to make sure of but for an autistic it’s really something we struggle with.

The humiliating part is probably when I get corrected from my lack of knowledge both in a social sense and general one. I’m an intelligent person, I know that but there are still some things I’ve either forgotten or have never needed to learn up until that moment. Lately it’s not bothered me too much; after all, I love to learn. Another thing that is humiliating is that when my symptoms keep popping up unexpectedly especially after a time where I thought I was finally overcoming them. These can be anything from short memory slips, taking things literally/ not picking up on sarcasm, staring at ceilings, stimming (repetitive movements), having my routines and other peculiarities pointed out to me to being made to feel inferior by people. I’ve now got an arrogant air about myself where anyone who dares call me stupid will have their own ignorance pointed out to them. Or I say stupidity doesn’t exist because it is most often used as an insult to say to people when criticising their lack of knowledge in one minor area which has no reflection on their overall intelligence. Yeah, sometimes I can understand why people find me annoying.

There are also other issues like having moments of thinking I’m always right. It’s like a trance I am in. I usually think of it as having my mind in a higher plane of existence or in another dimension. The only thing that seems to bring me back down to this reality is when someone yells at me. Somehow I’ve been arguing with them the whole time and haven’t even noticed it. Although being yelled at for something you are not even aware about is hard to deal with.

I also find socialising frustrating, not just in the real world but online too. I find people can just become annoying for one reason or another, usually when they complain about little things or seem too conformist to me. And I’m not saying that to sound cool – why would I anyway? I do not seek to please others by altering my personality to suit their needs. I’m a natural non-conformist, meaning I don’t even have to try to be different from people. It’s not just the fact that I’m different but dislike it when people seem similar to one another, either by dressing the same or speaking the same way. I also dislike this internet culture that glorifies laziness and mocks intellectualism.

Another thing that annoys me is that there are people who don’t understand my symptoms or think I’m making a big deal over nothing. I have hypersensitivity to sensory stimuli which has exacerbated overtime from the use of medication. I have extreme photo sensitivity especially around flashing lights, though flickering shadows are just as bad. I have noise sensitivity and the tinnitus and hyperacusis is not helping. Many people with autism also have sensory processing disorder which means they have difficulty blocking out noise and other senses. See naturally the brain can choose what sensory information to focus on and then mute everything else. Such is not the case in autism or in other people with sensory processing disorder.

Then there are people that try to stop me from having meltdowns. People think anyone that gets angry over what seems like little things are just overreacting, when really it’s about a lack of emotional control and that the trigger for such meltdowns have nothing to do with the real reason. My state of mind never stays the same throughout the day and it has nothing to do with becoming happy/sad/angry. I refer to these as periods of being: hyperactive (lack of focus/too much energy/ impulsive), inattentive (lacking energy for focus and motivation), having a sudden behavioural switch (usually angry for an unknown reason – not related to meltdowns – more of a physiological disturbance in the brain caused by too many neurotransmitters firing at once), sensory/ emotional meltdown, regressive (stress becomes too much so I revert to acting like a child) and balanced (medicated form). So it is a little bit frustrating living with my brain at certain times.

When I do socialise more I cannot spend as much time on my special interests and my routines get disrupted and when I return to them I begin to feel uncomfortable and confused. I’m a chronic non-multi-tasker meaning I do things not just one at a time, but can only focus on one thing for a couple days to a week, depending on what it is. To be focused on socialising I have to be focused on that and nothing else. That doesn’t leave me with a whole lot to talk about. These days I will be more focused on a special interest even when around other people and like it or not those people are going to hear about it. They have the choice between me not talking to them at all or me talking to them about something that might not interest them but is means the absolute world to me. People need to understand that my dominate special interest isn’t just something I have as a hobby but it’s something that is for a short period the most important thing to me. Saying anything that is remotely criticising it is taken as an insult. It’s something that I spend the most time on, know the most about and am constantly thinking about when not spending time on it. For example my current special interest is Stargate. I watch between 3-5 episodes a day – 7 has been my record. I collect the merchandise and display them on my shelf like trophies. I think about my own episodes in my head (in such vivid detail it’s like watching it on TV) and I mimic the characters involuntarily. In fact having the voice in my head just like Dr. Daniel Jackson makes it easier for me to read and write. It also makes me pronounce certain words and explain things that I would usually stumble over.

I should leave it there. You get it though? I really hate socialising. I think I might turn that post in a blog post. Not that the people I want to read it will read it and if they do they probably will misinterpret it. Oh, somebody is bitter tonight.

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01 Apr 2011, 5:16 am

I have two really close friends while at the same time, the NT population is a waste of my time. I'm not going to pretend to like the things that I don't to fit in with people that I have nothing in common with.

The Family Enigma


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01 Apr 2011, 6:03 am

I have some kind of a social life, though it's nothing like as extensive as I'd like it to be. I've looked at the situation and it seems pretty clear that it's my own fault.....I'm just not social enough, I don't contact people enough, I don't ask to hang out with them, I don't invite them to things, I don't encourage them to share much with me, I don't ask them many questions, in a nutshell I don't seem all that interested in them, they don't really figure in my life. I can hardly ever do reciprocal conversation; it's either verbal constipation or verbal diarrhoeia. Much of the time I can't make sense out of what people say to me, so I lose the plot and then I have to bluff my way through.

I'd not be surprised to find that the reason was something to do with fear, though I don't really feel much anxiety, apart from a twinge of it when I'm about to phone somebody, or take a small risk. I don't know how anxious I'd be if I forced myself to be as social as I need to be if I'm ever going to get myself the social life I seem to want. I'm a strange guy, if I expect to be scared then usually I won't be, or at least I won't feel it.

Perhaps my current social life is about the most my brain can cope with, and the reluctance to extend it is just my brain's way of protecting me from harm - though it would be nice if it would tell me that! All I notice is apathy. I have big difficulties in negotiating conflicts, and I'm not particularly good at sharing. Apart from my music and a few rudimentary empathy skills, I guess I'm not all that interesting. I'm reluctant to make new friends because I don't want them invading me, I don't want to raise their expectations and then let them down. I've really no idea how to get rid of people in a way that doesn't hurt their feelings.

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01 Apr 2011, 3:35 pm

Surfman wrote:
Fear of being bullied??

You get bullied anyways.

Your Aspie Score: 176 of 200 - You are very likely an Aspie
Your neurotypical score: 20 of 200

Not diagnosed - yet (In process)

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01 Apr 2011, 3:42 pm

I don't much see the point of a social life. If I'm largely happy on my own, so what? Now and then I worry about not having a life, until I realize I'm just worried about odd things like, if I died, no one would notice in time to feed the cats, and don't really care about getting out to see people. I have a few very close friends, I keep kind of in touch with them, but apart from them, why bother?

"Has anyone ever told you that you're a bit weird?"
"They never really stop."
(Doctor Who/The Lodger/by Gareth Roberts)


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01 Apr 2011, 3:57 pm

A lot of people have said I was shy, but I think "awkward" is a better word for it. I just don't communicate well most of the time because it's so hard for me to "read" people. I've improved over the years but still have trouble.


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01 Apr 2011, 4:28 pm

For me, I didn't have people who shared my interest for a while and I lack a lot of the social things most people find intuitive. Like calling or even thinking I need to call friends or text them when I haven't seen them in a while. I am extremely independent and can get lost in my own world quite easily and forget about people if I don't force myself to be around them. I am happy with friends and happy without friends. But friends can get overwhelming and then I get tired of them.
However, right now I have a great group of friends and have kind of engineered my life so that I have to spend time with them. I am beginning to pick up some social cues, but still need help on some things. I love them in small doses and they have really improved my life. I am kind of dreading moving off because I think I may go back to being unsocial where I move and I should miss them. But such is life.


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01 Apr 2011, 5:10 pm

For me I could say it is fear.

F*** Everything And Run.


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01 Apr 2011, 5:12 pm

I kind of have a social life, but I hardly ever go out and do stuff with friends despite the fact that they call themselves my friends. I spend great deals of time on the computer, reading, learning, and listening to music.


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02 Apr 2011, 2:55 pm

I have AS and I don't have a social life. The reason is not fear though. I just don't have a clue how to function in social settings. I want to make friends and get to know new people, but I don't know how to do it. I want to socialize a bit, but preferrably one on one or in a small group of people who actually accept me and treat me like an equal, but that just seems to be impossible. I find many types of social settings draining, difficult and not that pleasant, because I can't function well in them, and it's easier said than done for me to get the opportunity to socialize in more suitable settings.

When I'm forced into social settings I don't feel afraid or stressed, I just feel awkward and disappointed and often have a meltdown afterwards.

What keeps me from having a social life is a) lack of social skills and b) other people's intolerance of differences and poor social skills.


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02 Apr 2011, 2:57 pm

Awkwardness is tiring. Hence a social life is null. Trying to compensate is also tiring, remembering rules - acting interested. Its like working.... might as well stay home and read.


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02 Apr 2011, 3:09 pm

People bring anxiety, "relationships" (friends, boyfiends, husbands, etc) never fail to end up feeling like they are crossing too many boundaries, that there is always pressure to make me be what or who they want me to be, or thought I was when they "picked" me.
I end up feeling like screaming "LET ME BE ME!
(from little stupid things like a boyfriend being upset that I like a certain TV show, to "don't act like that", to "why do you have to say things like that?")

Don't like feeling wrong all the time for just being me.
That's why I believe I belong here :wink:


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06 Apr 2011, 4:34 pm

I lack confidence, I have low self-esteem, I'm too sensitive, and I can't change this because I've been told somewhere on WP that most Aspies cannot escape those weird vibes we give off, whatever we do to try and improve ourselves (and I constantly try to better myself and try to be more assertive, and I still seem to find myself being crapped upon).



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06 Apr 2011, 5:38 pm

I don't have anything interesting to say. Not to mention anxiety and low self-esteem.