Why Do So Many Desire An Aspergers Diagnosis?
My parents sought my diagnosis only for the fact that my dad has mild Aspergers, my younger brother at 19 also has mild Aspergers, and my 14 year old youngest brother has autism.
It only makes sense that I too have Aspergers.
Its really just there for me, to realize issues and how to manage them.
Let's take it like this.
A diagnosis is like the ingredients on a food item, let's say Campbells Soup.
Most people with food allergies, want to look back at the ingredients so they can avoid certain side effects of their allergies.
In the same way, people use a diagnosis in order to see the ingredients and know how to manager their "allergies".
I love how I am being called a troll for asking a legitimate question.
And to those that ask me why I feel I can diagnose my friend. I'm not diagnosing him, I'm disagreeing with him. I've know him for over 10 years and he displays non of the traits. He even tries to lie about being socially awkward but I have seen him at parties and he is quite the social butterfly. He is even more outgoing than I am. He is a typical self diagnoser just looking for a reason to explain why he can't handle stress.
And to the person that claimed to have mild aspergers give me a freakin break. Isn't aspergers already considered to be a mild form of autism? So what you have a mild case of mild autism?
And to those that ask me why I feel I can diagnose my friend. I'm not diagnosing him, I'm disagreeing with him. I've know him for over 10 years and he displays non of the traits. He even tries to lie about being socially awkward but I have seen him at parties and he is quite the social butterfly. He is even more outgoing than I am. He is a typical self diagnoser just looking for a reason to explain why he can't handle stress.
And to the person that claimed to have mild aspergers give me a freakin break. Isn't aspergers already considered to be a mild form of autism? So what you have a mild case of mild autism?
So because your friend may have gotten wrong all people have gotten it wrong?
A 'mild case' of autism is still worlds away from being 'normal'. Perhaps you should read more and learn what you are talking about before passing broad sweeping judgements.
And to those that ask me why I feel I can diagnose my friend. I'm not diagnosing him, I'm disagreeing with him. I've know him for over 10 years and he displays non of the traits. He even tries to lie about being socially awkward but I have seen him at parties and he is quite the social butterfly. He is even more outgoing than I am. He is a typical self diagnoser just looking for a reason to explain why he can't handle stress.
And to the person that claimed to have mild aspergers give me a freakin break. Isn't aspergers already considered to be a mild form of autism? So what you have a mild case of mild autism?
So because your friend may have gotten wrong all people have gotten it wrong?
A 'mild case' of autism is still worlds away from being 'normal'. Perhaps you should read more and learn what you are talking about before passing broad sweeping judgements.
Many of the people on this board sound like my friend. Just dead set on having an answer even if it is the wrong one.
And how mild do we go? Can someone have a mildy mild for of mild autism? How little can your autism be before you just become an "NT" with certain traits?
And how mild do we go? Can someone have a mildy mild for of mild autism? How little can your autism be before you just become an "NT" with certain traits?
And what's your point?
NO psychiatric condition is diagnosed if it is so mild that the symptoms are effectively a non-issue. A "mildly mild" form of autism would have essentially no deleterious effects and would not even receive a diagnosis. A requirement for a diagnosis is some demonstrable impairment across several areas.
And why do you even give a s**t? You don't seem to have any interest in learning about autism so much as venting some frustration about lazy assed people with disabilities.
FWIW, I am employed and have never gotten and 'assistance' for my autism.
When God made me He didn't use a mold. I'm FREEHAND baby!
The road to my hell is paved with your good intentions.
And how mild do we go? Can someone have a mildy mild for of mild autism? How little can your autism be before you just become an "NT" with certain traits?
If your friend seriously believes he has AS and that it is somehow hindering his life - as a friend, I would encourage him to get a diagnosis or, at least, do some heavy duty research. If you beleive your friend is using it as an excuse without any real knowledge to back up his claims - that is entirely possible.
Assuming EVERYONE who reached a self diagnosis has done the same is quite short sighted. Most of those who have self diagnosed have done months or even years of research, utilizing many of the same tools doctors use in dxing. I have found very few people here who take their dx lightly or use it as some sort of excuse. The dx of AS didn't exist until 1994, that doesn't mean the condition didn't exist. ALOT of people were never afforded the benefit of a childhood dx. Women in particular are easily missed in dx.
Perhaps there is much more to this issue than you realize...
Asperger's is considered a 'difference' - brain structure is different, thought processes are different and there are, most times co morbid conditions that accompany it. There are many people on that edge - bottom line, they need to find what they are comfortable with. There are lots of people with autism - there are some who would choose it all over again. There are many many more who would not chose it. Autism isn't an easy way out of anything.
Last edited by draelynn on 04 Apr 2011, 8:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Mild in the sense that I can do house chores and can somewhat function normally with responsibility.
But am still affected in a social world and real world aspects of life.
Mild in the sense that if you took a look at someone you may not have guessed.
Like I said a diagnosis is like the ingredients list on the back of some packaged food.
They do it for piece of mind. They want to desperately know why they are so odd and knowing that they have AS and are diagnosed makes them feel ok about themselves. They may even suffer from less anxiety and depression once they know.
Now I am critical about mild AS and people that get professionally diagnosed with it. If it is mild there is no need to get diagnosed. I don't mind if they remain self diagnosed.
I need to be on special services because I am not able to work. I want to work. I could tear my hair out about having my resume constantly overlooked and tossed aside because of my poor social skills. I've been unemployed for so long being on disability feels like a death sentence. I also can't live independently.
My friend, Verdandi, whom I think you insulted, is actually very affected by their symptoms and really needs to be diagnosed with AS. I have read their many posts and spent many nights sending and reading PM's to know that they are very affected by their symptoms.
I hope you don't mind me saying that, Verdandi.
I still think AS is overdiagnosed and I'm happy to see the merge in 2013 which will see the autistic spectrum turn into autistic disorder because I feel that will lessen the self diagnoses, because saying you have AS sounds much better than saying you have autism, right?
I have mild AS and needed the diagnoses to get me through school and get the education I needed. So mild aspies are also impaired by it too but not as much as real aspies. God I hate functioning labels sometimes because I have noticed there is ignorance about mild AS. Lot of people seem to assume they don't have any problems and should have no issues at all in getting a job or issues with school and education or issues with social situations or relationships and it just ticks me off. I also feel that is why I may have gotten crap here, because of my mild AS so they expected more out of me? Is that why some aspies would expect me to have NT gifts? I remember one aspie telling me in 2007 he is more aspie than me so I should have not taken his question literal and I remember how much that upset me then. Now he claims to be less aspie than me.
And I have struggled getting a job too because no one would hire me. Maybe it was because I didn't have the experience or not enough so I blamed it on that. Then I blamed it on the economy but come on, if it was the economy then these hotels wouldn't be hiring and not one called me for an interview. So I always figured they found someone with more experience than me. I used my AS diagnoses to get a job by going to this company that is for people with disabilities. I don't know if my other labels would have worked but this one did. It has also gotten me on social security in the past because my anxiety was worse then and I was inflexible back then too so that would have effected me on the job. My life may have been harder too without the diagnoses but I felt it has made it easier. I have thought about getting rid of the diagnoses but decided I better keep it so I can keep getting help in life or have an explanation for my problems or be protected by the American Disabilities Act.
God stupid functioning labels. Someone can have mild AS and have symptom that are worse than others.
A diagnosis may be important in school but an an adult I don't think so. There are other ways to get through your issues.
It's my opinion and right now I really don't care how one interprets it. My autism is disabling to me so one should be able to understand why I feel the way I do about AS.
I do have a solution for you Pensieve, well you say that your autism is disabling you to do the things that you want to do about how you can't do this and can't do that. Just think about the things you CAN do and keep on trying to enjoy life, even though you will find it hard yourself but once you get hold of yourself.
Think of 10 things you find positive about yourself and your life and that be cool and keep doing that and build yourself up.
I refuse to think about the things that I can't do and focus on more on my strong points, makes you feel more better about yourself I suppose.
Sounds unrelated but it helps.
Ah thank you. You said it better than me because I was so upset by it. I won't say anymore.
And to those that ask me why I feel I can diagnose my friend. I'm not diagnosing him, I'm disagreeing with him. I've know him for over 10 years and he displays non of the traits. He even tries to lie about being socially awkward but I have seen him at parties and he is quite the social butterfly. He is even more outgoing than I am. He is a typical self diagnoser just looking for a reason to explain why he can't handle stress.
And to the person that claimed to have mild aspergers give me a freakin break. Isn't aspergers already considered to be a mild form of autism? So what you have a mild case of mild autism?
There is mild moderate and severe to everything and honestly I hate functioning labels sometimes.
And some doctors don't even use functioning labels. They won't tell their patient if they are mild moderate or severe and some people rate their own condition.
Honestly, I did not read all five pages of replies, but I thought that I'd post my answer, though I am sure there is probably a similar one on this thread somewhere.
I'm 22 and just heard of asperger's last year. I came across it in House Rules, by Jodie Picoult and was intrigued. I laughed at the stuff that was explained to the aspie kid, Jacob, because even as an adult reading the book I didn't properly understand those parts either.
As with most things that catch my interest, I google-searched Asperger's Syndrome and started clicking around.
I will tell you now that I have never been to a doctor, my mother didn't believe in medicine or doctors growing up. The few friends I had usually had BiPolor or ADD/ADHD or some other diagnosis, and most would comment that they were "SURE that I was ADHD too and should be evaluated"
I always felt out-of-place/sync with my peers. I've never understood their obsessions with fashion and couldn't understand why ime travel wasn't a discussion that would last longer than 5 minutes with any of them. But when I clicked into the sites about Asperger's, I felt like I was reading an auto-biographry of my life.
True, some things were off. I don't consider myself sensitive to light/sounds, but after a few months of research it appears I may be hypo-, not hyper, sensitive.
Parts of what I now consider "my aspie-ness" almost cost me my job last year (talking too much too loudly, not being able to communicate with my manager when I didn't get something, impatience with my coworkers, compulsion to leave work and just general bordem with the job) And while, at the moment I'm under an AMAZING manager who works with me well, I don't want that to happen again. So I'm seeing about a diagnosis to help my get through and survive work with just a few basic accommodations.
Also, to know that Asperger's makes me a certain way, and that it's of no fault of my own will be a great relief. I know I don't choose to be dense, I don't choose my special interests, I don't choose to memorize everything I read but forget where I put my keys/ID Badge/hairbrush/book/insert-other-important-item-here. I don't choose to not-hear/understand others when they talk to me... Still, all these things and more are things I'm told (currently/in the past) that I need to "work on" or "improve".
Also, I have ideas that make perfect sense to me that others just don't get, and I don't understand their ideas wither. For example, I don't mind that I work and my husband is currently looking for a job for the last year. I'm upset that minumim wage is so low (even though I do admittedly make over minumim wage now), but other than that I am OK being the one that works. all my family and friends of my family counsel me saying "he needs a job. He should support you" or something along those lines. When I say that he does, emotionally, which is way more important to me than a pay-check, they say "but you are the woman. He should be helping you." And we go in this circle till I can find a way to escape. They don't get that I don't care. As long as he helps out (and he does) i'm happy. My mom's friend finally got fed up with me and just flat out told me "Well, you should care."
But I don't. And I can't help it. And, I'm hoping that along with some much needed reprieve at work, that a diagnosis will help others understand how I think. And I know that having one will help me better accept and be happy with myself.
Your Aspie score: 154 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 39 of 200
You are very likely an Aspie
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To find a scientifically trusted label for our social condition. Beofre I found out about autism, I always wondered why I was so different socially from other people my age (including my brothers) even though we all had around the same kinds of experiences socially. They speak and communicate so naturally with each one another, but me? I had to train myself to say the word "hello" properly and with the right social tone. NTs just says things so easily and comfortably as if it's in their blood.
Becuase of the invention and possible overuse of the internet, Infomaion on ASDs are more availble and there are many people who have not found an explanation for thier mind set..
there are aslo many (myself Included) that have been messed around with psycologist and given Dxes which do not fit or explain everything..
I personly trust my opinion over perfessionalsfor two reasons 1) they can and have make mistakes. 2) one of the plus points of AS for me is that I research things obessivly.
In regard to servises.. It is needed for some poeple to recive these so that they cope with the issues and situations that ADs and ignorance there off can cause.
Not all sevvices give money most just give suport.
existence is your only oblitgation
Quietly fighting for the greater good.
Perhaps he is an autistic extrovert (they do exist). Perhaps he is wrong in his self diagnosis. The fact remains that he can't handle stress. It is perfectly understandable that he wants to know why. He's gone looking for a reason about why some things stress him out so much more than they do other people.
If I had a friend who I thought had misdiagnosed himself with Aspergers on account of not being able to handle stress, then I would be concerned too. But I would be concerned because I would worry that the actual cause of his problems would be unaddressed or misaddressed. That could be a problem for him. But what on earth would it have to do with WP? You seem oddly more concerned that other people are misdiagnosing themselves when this has no effect on your friend. And you haven't raised the issue of him potentially mis-handling a very real problem (stress) when it seems like that's the only issue there should be for a friend concerned about a friend.
So what is it really? Is this just an oblique way of saying he should suck it up and just start being able to handle stress because he doesn't really have a problem? Because that's all I'm seeing in the various threads- not concern that his true source of stress is going unaddressed.
I know I was diagnosed twice. Once when I was in Primary School and rediagnosed halfway through my first year of Secondary by my local CAMHS, (National Health Service ran Child/Adolescent Mental Health Service), by different doctors. I was diagnosed because of certain problems my parents observed at school and home.
I don't know if Americans have to pay to receive a diagnosis from a medical professional or not but if you can I'd say get one. A diagnosis is recognised in the medical profession and could help diagnose any other associate conditions such as OCD, depression, etc.
If I thought I had something, I'd go to see my GP (family doctor in the 'states?) or psychologist. Even if it was just to verify your suspicious.
"'Cos it's gonna be the future soon
And I won't always be this way
When the things that make me weak and strange get engineered away."
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