POLL!! ! Asperger's and god!! !!
Why do you think that when someone stops being a christian that they're referred to as "losing faith"?
You are contextualizing the word "faith" in a way that invokes a rather specific meaning. Faith can be more general than belief in Christianity.
Tell me there's more than semantics to the argument that Atheism is a religion.
There is more to semantics to the argument that Atheism is a religion.
Why do you capitalize atheism?
Religion as defined historically is a system of beliefs about gods, deities and such. But from your previous post, you prefer a contemporary definition of atheism. If you are allowed to choose your definition of atheism, one that abandons the historical definition of "not believing in God" in favor of "lack of belief", is it too much for others to have a flexible definition religion that is also less fixated on historical meaning?
edit: I think I may not understand the intent of your statement, so forgive what might appear to be a strange response..
When God made me He didn't use a mold. I'm FREEHAND baby!
The road to my hell is paved with your good intentions.
Last edited by wavefreak58 on 11 Apr 2011, 1:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
God has so much mercy that he sent His Son to die on the cross for my sins and the sins of the world. God showed us the ultimate mercy. He is long suffering towards us that NONE should perish, but have everlasting life. Unfortunately the fact of the matter is that some people will reject God and cling to the world and things of the world,Its sad and terrible and I wish it wasnt so, but unfortunately God can not have fellowship with people who didnt accept him.
Only if more people would realize this.
I love theology but find theological debates with unthinking non-believers to be boring and repetitive. They don't progress in their arguments or consider opposing information, so they just end up repeating themselves ad nauseum. I might as well debate abortion with a Roman Catholic as to debate God's omnipotence with an Atheist. Both scenarios provide the same headache. When someone thinks people aren't too narrow on this forum to attack a believer for having beliefs, they haven't been paying attention. That's about all that does happen. I find myself feeling very frustrated, especially when people try to claim that Aspergers automatically means a specific way of thinking, believing or acting. Anyone educated in Autism should know better.
Lots of people on this forum attack others for their beliefs.


As I said in another thread, this is why I believe.
Random fact about semantics: Did you know that Atheist used to be a term to describe Christians and those of the Jewish faith? They were called such because they did not believe in a "god" that one could touch or see. And Christians didn't even have a set place to worship such as a temple, which was even more odd. Who knew God could be found in someone's home? :p
But I don't usually debate people about religion, for two reasons. One, when people are religious, their faith is often very important to them, and I don't want to disrespect something that matters to someone that much. And two, I don't really have anything to debate. I just find the existence of God to be implausible, and I don't really think about it much. To me it's just another fairy tale (no offense intended) and I would not generally debate the reality of fairy tales, as I wouldn't find it an interesting topic for debate.
it is fustariting that people decide I must be choicing to be a chirstian for unlogical reasons. my choice comes from lots of thoughts that are logical. my belif is also not infulenced by the crul treatemnt I have often sufered by christains and chruchs.
In my country athisits is the norm. Christaisn are laughed at and called names. I was at one time after a athisit asked me if I was a christian and I say yes they then folowed me pushed me over and kicked me. I do not let this afect my judment of other athests. not all athisits folow christains half way home and corner them and asult them. not all christains decide you must be bad because of autism. and also not all christians becoem christians for no longical reason. as a christian I have to put up with christians dislike of me becuase of autism and athisits dislike of me for my belifes. It is not a easy choice. but I have to make it every day.
I am a bit diapointed about this forum. I did belife that it was suposed to be mroe acepting of peopel and there difierences. including difernt belifs.

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But I don't usually debate people about religion, for two reasons. One, when people are religious, their faith is often very important to them, and I don't want to disrespect something that matters to someone that much. And two, I don't really have anything to debate. I just find the existence of God to be implausible, and I don't really think about it much. To me it's just another fairy tale (no offense intended) and I would not generally debate the reality of fairy tales, as I wouldn't find it an interesting topic for debate.
Religion is not something to pu*syfoot around, it's not something worthy of our respect or admiration, it's an insult to human dignity, I would stand in front of the world and say it, I have no respect for religious beliefs whatsoever, I don't care how much your delusions bring you happiness, our how much my fellow atheists respect there religious friends beliefs, or they "believe in belief", I think this not because I am absolutely sure that there is no God, because I am not sure since I have a scientific mindset (And dawkins said the same thing, he isn't sure either, because he's a scientist), I think this because, regardless of there being a God or not, his followers are a bunch of hooting dickheads, if you'll pardon my Klingon, God can exist and his followers will still use the existence to justify carious nonsensical beliefs, and God might not exist and nothing on earth will have changed
In other words, the question over God's existence is unimportant, God can not exist or exist and nothing would change, there would still be fundies living in authoritarian mindsets, which seems to suggest to me how irrelevant the question is.
Call me an apatheist.
Now here's a stirring analogy to have fun with: libertarianism means a lot to libertarians, conservatism means a lot to conservatives, socialism means a lot to socialists, but we feel free, actually we're encouraged to debate their beleifs, religion deserves no protection any other belief has, I'm a socialist, I expect people to question me and debate with me about socialism, it means a lot to me and I wouldn't have it any other way, how else am I to be sure of my own beliefs if I cannot defend them.
'not only has he hacked his intellect away from his feelings, but he has smashed his feelings and his capacity for judgment into smithereens'.
Religion is not something to pu*syfoot around, it's not something worthy of our respect or admiration, it's an insult to human dignity, I would stand in front of the world and say it, I have no respect for religious beliefs whatsoever, I don't care how much your delusions bring you happiness, our how much my fellow atheists respect there religious friends beliefs, or they "believe in belief", I think this not because I am absolutely sure that there is no God, because I am not sure since I have a scientific mindset (And dawkins said the same thing, he isn't sure either, because he's a scientist), I think this because, regardless of there being a God or not, his followers are a bunch of hooting dickheads, if you'll pardon my Klingon, God can exist and his followers will still use the existence to justify carious nonsensical beliefs, and God might not exist and nothing on earth will have changed
Hey... You do realize you're being really rude about it.. I'm sure you can find a less disrespectful way to convey your idea.. Im sure your intellect is up to it! Please! There's no need to be so rude.. Btw.. I agree on what you said.. Hahaha.. Hst dont be so rude about it..
In other words, the question over God's existence is unimportant, God can not exist or exist and nothing would change, there would still be fundies living in authoritarian mindsets, which seems to suggest to me how irrelevant the question is.
Call me an apatheist.
Now here's a stirring analogy to have fun with: libertarianism means a lot to libertarians, conservatism means a lot to conservatives, socialism means a lot to socialists, but we feel free, actually we're encouraged to debate their beleifs, religion deserves no protection any other belief has, I'm a socialist, I expect people to question me and debate with me about socialism, it means a lot to me and I wouldn't have it any other way, how else am I to be sure of my own beliefs if I cannot defend them.[/quote]
I do not believe in god because I do not see proof of god, others may but its not enough for me.
I respect others decisions to think differently but I expect them to respect my thoughts on the matter too.
I find it interesting that it becomes a debate about religion. God and religion are not mutually exclusive. One can and does exist without the other. Organised religion is in my opinion dangerous, a simplistic belief in the existence of god or gods is not.
I have not time for name callers or those who put down non-believers. A person is not defined by their faith it is merely an influencing facet of their existence.
I do believe there is more to life beyond the point of death but in my mind I explain it in terms of science. Some will explain it in terms of god. As long as there is a mutual respect that we all explain these things differently. Even between different denominations of the same faith e.g. christianity, there are different explanations for things.... this does not make any one more right than the other.
I just wish people could allow others their right not to believe in the same way they are afforded by legislation their right to believe.
Yes indeed you are right! God, religion, whatever.. exists for the sole purpose of MAKING YOU HAPPY! Some people drink to be happy, some people take drugs to be happy, some play video games to be happy, others choose to believe in a superior force! In the end.. its all about being happy.. If it works for them then fine!! ! Just because it doesn't work for me and some other people here, doesn't mean that others don't have the right to try it!
And for those of you who really don't care about being so rude.. Take it from someone who has had to learn this the hard way.. BEING POLITE WILL SAVE YOU A LOT OF TROUBLE! YES, A LOT! So it is very wise to be polite..
This is just me but I find alot of my atheist friends used to be christians. I used to be a christian and attended youth group, that all stopped when they started saying god is the only way and being preachy. Unless somebody can prove god is a physical, living thing I'm not going to believe in him. Christians believe the good life is all in the afterlife, I think the good life starts here and now. I don't need a book to tell me this

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Okey, to be less rude about it:
Religion should not have any more defensives or taboo's about criticizing it as politics or philosophy, we are free to completely attack other peoples political beliefs and such, we are encouraged to, I beleive we should be whole heartedly encouraged to attack religious beliefs in the same way, saying that we shouldn't criticize religion because it will hurt theists feelings is absurd, they're not babies, if they are faithful then it shouldn't bother them so much, if it bothers them then maybe they are not as secure in there beleifs as they think they are.
That's how idea's progress, through critic.
'not only has he hacked his intellect away from his feelings, but he has smashed his feelings and his capacity for judgment into smithereens'.
Yes.. yes.. If we see it literally, then you are free to completely attack other peoples political and religious beliefs.. That doesn't mean you have to, and that certainly doesnt mean its right.. If you really believe your statement.. then you should maybe think a little more.. Society works because people have learned to RESPECT others.. If you were right.. then EVERYONE would constantly attack everybody else, cause NO ONE thinks exactly alike.. but that DOES NOT HAPPEN! Why do you think that is? This world would be a chaos if everyone thought like you, conflicts occur because people are not able to respect what others think.. Although I get how you feel.. I once felt like that.. I saw your age.. you're 18.. In time, you will learn you are wrong. Additionally, you are totally confusing the meaning of ATTACKING and criticizing..

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We should not be disallowed from doing this.
Society works?
What do you mean "right"?, I said people should feel free to attack other people's religious beliefs the same way they criticize their political beliefs, theres nothing correct or incorrect in what I said, it's my opinion.
Do you realise that almost the whole world is a hellhole ruled by dictators?
And it's in the nations where people are freest to speak out and criticize that wars do not occur.
Conflict occur's for purely economic reasons.
don't patronise me
'not only has he hacked his intellect away from his feelings, but he has smashed his feelings and his capacity for judgment into smithereens'.
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Religion - a group who share the same beliefs, practices and doctrines.
That's a fairly standard definition I've seen used across sociology and religious studies, as a religious atheist I would also put my money on the idea of Atheism in fact being a religion...although as my sociology lecturer pointed out, by the above definition of religion all Elvis fans could be seen as some sort of religious sect...
Atheists don't lack of belief, atheists believe there is no god.
Given as Atheists are just as clueless as the rest of us about this whole existence deal they can't say their world view is fact any more than Christians can say god is fact...unless Richard Dawkins, current raining *messiah of the Atheists, knows something we don't. All religions or groups of people in general will have their zealots, and why it's important I feel to differentiate between 'Positive Atheists' and 'Negative Atheists', atheism is a spectrum too folks!
*he's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy.
Good-looking girls break hearts, and goodhearted girls mend them.
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