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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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24 Apr 2011, 8:28 am

And in self-medicate, I mean what you do to calm yourself leading up to or after a meltdown. Maybe self-medicate is a bad term for this, feel free to suggest another. :) I'm not always completely articulate. I'm going to copy/paste from my blog because I'm lazy.

Some people read books, or talk to friends when they are upset or hurt and need to rest their mind. Some take medication. For me, it's video games. I like being so immersed in something that all the other thoughts bleed away. I like the feeling that you are living in another universe.

I use a lot of games to self medicate myself, but World of Warcraft, Civilization IV, and Sims stand out among them. I like the idea of being the hero. I like building towns, countries, and dominating continents with cities (but I'm not so sure about the war part of CIV). I like taking care of sims that would otherwise do stupid stuff and die. I like giving them the chance to succeed.

What or how do you self-medicate?

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24 Apr 2011, 8:36 am

Music, currently ambient music. Rather dark one at that and preferably the kind which sounds like large structures.


junk food (there is a reason why I weigh >100 kg)

if at work, go to the toilet and let warm water run over my hands...

I am not a native speaker. Please contact me if I made grammatical mistakes in the posting above.

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24 Apr 2011, 8:39 am

Merit wrote:
How do you self-medicate?

( just joking :) )

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24 Apr 2011, 8:48 am

Hiding under a desk. If it's not possible, then just music. Darkness. It's relaxing.
I like music that also sounds like machines. Very good stuff.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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24 Apr 2011, 8:50 am

I've heard that other people use music as well. I find however that music makes me even more frantic, as I cannot listen to a song I like while sitting still. I get the overwhelming urge to pace, to run. I have a room in my basement just for it. What is IRC?

Doesn't heroin amp you up? Like make you have hallucinations and stuff? (and yes, I know you are joking.)

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24 Apr 2011, 8:57 am

Merit wrote:
Doesn't heroin amp you up? Like make you have hallucinations and stuff?
I have no idea.

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24 Apr 2011, 9:06 am

i also use music, usually; on youtube, there is a genre called 'epic music' that does the trick quite nicely; it usually consists of trailer music or ambients from movies/video games.

if i'm in a situation where this is not possible, there is another quick-and-dirty technique i know, but dont like to use, since it works like a red-bull (if the effect wears off, you feel worse then before), and it is quite visible, so you're bound to get some strange looks.
this one is based on the premise of overruling input; overstretching my arms for example, or sitting on my hands on a non-smooth surface.
since i'm hypo-sensitive to these kinds of touch, i cannot get overloaded from doing this, but it will overrule other inpits that are overloading me.
another adaptation is driving my fingernails into my handpalms (of the same hand; just clenching a fist) when squeezing trough a line or something.


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24 Apr 2011, 9:15 am

I listen to the same songs over and over again.

I absorb myself into my main passion which at the moment is sequin art.

I watch the same Movie over and over again.

I rub a piece of material I have.

However I can also do the NT thing and smoke or raid my chocolate stash lol.

Snowy Owl
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24 Apr 2011, 9:17 am

I've only heard the term "self-medicate" used in a negative light. As in someone who self-medicates with alcohol or drugs to escape the pain in their life.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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24 Apr 2011, 9:34 am

Andie09 wrote:
I've only heard the term "self-medicate" used in a negative light. As in someone who self-medicates with alcohol or drugs to escape the pain in their life.

Okay, do you have a better term?

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24 Apr 2011, 9:55 am

IRC is internet relay chat... I don't have to chat there to feel better, just to be in irssi (the IRC client I prefer).

I am not a native speaker. Please contact me if I made grammatical mistakes in the posting above.

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24 Apr 2011, 10:03 am

Merit wrote:
Andie09 wrote:
I've only heard the term "self-medicate" used in a negative light. As in someone who self-medicates with alcohol or drugs to escape the pain in their life.

Okay, do you have a better term?

I know someone who goes into some kind of "natural high" or whatever by running long distances, and that seems to me to be a positive form of "self-medication" since she is not doing that in an effort to escape reality altogether and/or forever. Also, there is nothing self-destructive in what she is doing like there was when I used to drink and smoke dope like I did.

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24 Apr 2011, 2:20 pm

I use videogames, too. I know exactly what you mean about them being immersing. I play RPGs, which have pretty intense storylines at time. They get me lost in another world for a little while, which is a good thing when I feel that I can't deal with this one.

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24 Apr 2011, 2:36 pm

Video games and music at the same time. Playing an MMO + electronic/industrial metal is pretty medicating. Plus, I've always loved the feeling of the muscles in my hands moving, so anything involving a keyboard is good (or just tapping along with music).

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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24 Apr 2011, 9:36 pm

How I self-medicate is to do my meditation tape, listen to music, surf online, hug my rabbit, and watch a good show on tv. Also, I try to exercise or take walks outside in nature.

Hope this helps you. :D :)

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24 Apr 2011, 9:48 pm

I did energy drinks for a while.

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