Auditory Sensations:
* Loudness, particularly when it's caused by multiple moderately loud noises at once instead of a single extremely loud noise
* Screeching or squeaking, such as you'd hear when a train slows down or when you scratch at a magazine
Olfactory Sensations
* The smell of other people's breath, especially when they've recently brushed their teeth. I just hate the association with used toothpaste...
* Any remotely toothpaste-like smell, especially when it comes from somebody else's bathroom
Tactile Senations:
* The feeling of dry paint, dry mud, or melted chocolate on my hands, especially when two different areas of skin end up rubbing together
* The feeling of sand, soil, sawdust, grit, or eraser/pencil shavings on my skin, especially between my fingers or on the underside of my feet
* Pressure, particularly when it's concentrated on a fairly small area of my body, or on an area that I associate with principal veins
* The feeling of veins and tendons under the skin, even when I just touch them lightly
Visual Sensations
* Used toothpaste, especially when it's not in a sink!
* The sight of hair or eraser shavings on surfaces, especially white surfaces
* Other people's bathrooms. Again, the association with used toothpaste is at work...
The reason why I don't include gustatory sensations is that I don't have any real problems in this area.