marshall wrote:
Well, people get sloppy with actual definitions and call anything that employs hyperbole and/or sardonic humor "sarcastic".
I'm not particularly sarcastic. I'm sardonic.
In keeping with the Aspie spirit of excessive pedantry, a cursory Internet search for synonyms of "sardonic" most commonly finds "sarcastic". This would suggest that sardonic humor and sarcastic humor are only slightly different shades of the same thing.
/ˈsɑrkæzəm/ Show Spelled[sahr-kaz-uhm]
harsh or bitter derision or irony.
a sharply ironical taunt; sneering or cutting remark: a review full of sarcasms.
adj \sär-ˈdä-nik\
Definition of SARDONIC
: disdainfully or skeptically humorous : derisively mocking <a sardonic comment>
When God made me He didn't use a mold. I'm FREEHAND baby!
The road to my hell is paved with your good intentions.