I was born C-section. My mom was... uhhhhhh... 29 years old. One year older than I am, as of yesterday.
I also came out jaundiced and slightly underweight. It's my understanding that, upon my emergence, I spent all of five minutes in her arms before I was torn away and placed in an incubator for three straight days.
My brother was also born C-section when my mom was 36. There were no complications, though, and he was of normal weight. Today, he may be a weirdo, but he's no Aspie.
We should conduct a poll of users here. It wouldn't be generalizable to all Aspies, and it'd probably be pretty useless even for our own purposes (totally, totally non-scientific)... but if, like, 85% of everyone here was born that way... then... like.... Of course, there'd be no controls so the mystery would still remain, for sure.