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04 Dec 2006, 7:44 pm

I learned to drive in Florida where all the roads are straight and flat it was a big adjustment when I moved to Connecticut with all the twisty hilly roads and snow it was like learning all over again

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04 Dec 2006, 11:20 pm

I can't drive. I've tried three times to get my license, but I just cannot drive when there are other people on the road. The variables increase exponentially, control of the situation is inversely proportional to the amount of information needing to be processed at once---and I just freeze. People don't follow the rules, so EVERY situation is different, and trying to focus on watching cars in front of you, in back of you, and to the sides of you, while maintaining an even speed, and starting and stopping and turning---it's all just too much.

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05 Dec 2006, 9:49 am

I can drive, but I don't like doing it. It's somehow both stressful and boring. What I have trouble with is figuring out how to get places. If I have to drive someplace I've never driven to before, I usually need to have somebody drive me there first so I can do my best to memorize the route. Then I have someone who knows how to get there write the directions down for me, so I can bring the paper with me and have it to refer to.

Snowy Owl
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05 Dec 2006, 11:30 am

I'm too afraid of hurting other people to drive.

My spatial perception is so screwed I doubt I'd pass the stringent driving tests one has to undergo to obtain a licence here.

I often dream I'm driving, and in my dream, I go, "Hey? But I don't -know- how to drive!" and wake up disoriented.

Would be nice to learn though, if I could just get myself to a place with fewer people/obstacles.....

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06 Dec 2006, 4:41 pm

I am trying to learn. I am doing fine until I have to go on roads I do not know, then I panic and stall, let go of the steering wheel and put my hands over my ears. Some how I do not think I will be a very good driver.


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06 Dec 2006, 6:20 pm

Grim, you are conscientious and bright. I am sure you will be a good driver, provided you take your time and don't put too much pressure on yourself.

The Sociable Hermit says:

Last edited by sociable_hermit on 06 Dec 2006, 6:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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06 Dec 2006, 6:20 pm

Tell me more about this "inverse fear" thing.

I can remember not feeling any real fear when I rolled my car and slotted it nicely between two incredibly solid Oak trees. I turned everything off and got out in a very professional and calculated way. It was about an hour later that the shaking started....

I wondered at the time whether I was slightly narcissistic. I do like the thrill of speed, but only when I'm on my own - if I'm carrying anyone else I'm always much more careful.

The Sociable Hermit says:

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06 Dec 2006, 9:44 pm

Nope, had a car since i was 18 but just haven't "got round" to learning how to drive it yet. I think part of the reason is i'm scared of hurting someone in an accident or something.


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15 Dec 2006, 2:28 pm

I drove from the giant King of Prussia mall to my house. (normally about a twenty minute drive). Unfortunately there was heavy traffic. The lights of the cars drove me crazy, and it was horrible especially at the end of the drive. I don't think I can afford to risk that length anymore. I might get into an accident.


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15 Dec 2006, 3:52 pm

I'm with you! I'm 53 and while I know "how" to drive.. I have never had a license for many of the same reasons you've given. I feel confident I could eventually become proficient at driving, but have never attempted getting a license due to anxiety primarily.

snapdragon wrote:
I've noticed other posters here talking about driving. I can't do it, I mean I could operate the vehichle-a monkey could probably do THAT- but not when there are other cars involved. Too much for me. I don't even like riding in them,as my complete lack of depth perception paired with anxiety make me convinced that disaster is imminant. I'd kill somebody,probably me, if I tried driving.



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16 Dec 2006, 3:11 am

They revoked my license. Apparently, borrowing a police car is not allowed. I mean, I pay taxes, so technically the car belongs to me. Why shouldn't I get to drive it?

They're probably just mad because I crashed into the donut shop.

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16 Dec 2006, 3:25 am

dav3 wrote:
I'm with you! I'm 53 and while I know "how" to drive.. I have never had a license for many of the same reasons you've given. I feel confident I could eventually become proficient at driving, but have never attempted getting a license due to anxiety primarily.

snapdragon wrote:
I've noticed other posters here talking about driving. I can't do it, I mean I could operate the vehichle-a monkey could probably do THAT- but not when there are other cars involved. Too much for me. I don't even like riding in them,as my complete lack of depth perception paired with anxiety make me convinced that disaster is imminant. I'd kill somebody,probably me, if I tried driving.

Sounds like me. I learned to drive at 34. Never had a license. Though I have not driven in over a year. I physically could drive as a teen but the whole other drivers
problem was too much. Oh my opinion the problem is two fold with most aspies and driving problems: physical problems and inattention(ADHD)

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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16 Dec 2006, 3:47 am

I love driving, people come over and see me putting alot of work into building cars, i strip them down, turn them over to do underneath and restyle the body to suit my taste, i dont really like driving someone elses design without my own restyling, evreyone thinks i like building cars but i hate it, there is nothing worse than your ride being off the road and at the same time you are rolling around on the ground in the hot and cold getting showered with grinding and welding sparks or wearing away your fingers with sandpaper. I do it all for the feeling you get when you are on the road.
I always wanted to drive so pushing myself to learn was nothing, it took me about 6 months before i was confident drive in built up traffic, after 1 year i could do a handbrake turn and shift into first quick enough to accelerate out wich none of my mates would even try, i have always done a bit of racing at the local dragstrip and love it.
I dont like the city, main reason is my cars dont usually like city traffic without overheating or stalling and not starting again but i also seem to get pissed off with everyone in the city and if you miss a turn or are in the wrong lane you are stuffed. I dont like making quick lane changes, i often hang onto the indicator till i am 100% sure the car next to me is leaving a gap. in my early years I had a few accidents due to loss of control at high speeds but never hurt anyone, my dad lost it on a bend in a rotary mazda and died so i am pretty cuatious on the bends not only of myself but what could be coming the other way. I dont like conversations and distractions while i drive but i do like music, i have been late for job interviews becuase the stereo was having problems.
I dont really like any new cars, i like having lots of shinny paint and chrome surrounding me even though plastic padded dashboards are safer. i used to get nervous in underpowered cars thinking a truck or something might run me over but then i had a job driving a diesel lwb transit and got used to no power, I often wont make a turn at a intersection unless there is a massive gap and if i do i often do it with tyre smoke becuase i plant it, people always say "why didnt you go?"
I hate travelling on freeways or doing any long trips in small cars, especailly if i have to sit in the back.
I seem to always get colds and stuff when i catch public transport and find myself holding my breath on the train till i nearly pass out in peak hours, there are always heaps of dirty and stinky people on trains, or i miss the train and walking anywere just consumes too much time.
I use my car to show who i am, i built it how i wanted it and it fits in with my music and the way i dress, when people hear the music and see the car they dont seem to think i am dressed so weird. my car kind of stands out and starts conversations everywere and people in other cars give me thumbs up , smile or wave and i never can work out the right reaction wich sometime feels a little awkward.
being such a stand out on the street people recognise me and say things when i am shopping and stuff wich is a pain becuase i dont remember faces and cant remember if they now me or if they have just seen me around and heard about me.
MY wife gets hates the attention i get but i dont really get off on the attention, i like the feeling of being in another era sliping through the traffic wich is all in 2006 while i am in 1961 in a 1950's car.
When i am in my car it doesnt matter if i am AS, everyone respects me and the big chunk of steel i am lugging around and some even envy.
what i dont like is having to drive somewere in a everyday car, i love bouncing on bumps becuase i am so low and the smell of the motor and exhaust and the sound of the motor mixed with some cool music, i love the pulling feel of a stong motor accelerating or the shake of the car idling along cruising main streets and the sparkle of the chrome on the dash infront of me reflecting neon lights from shop fronts and when i shift and the back swings out a little.
I like cars that look like cruisers but have the power of a drag car, it shows how i see myself as looking like a slow cruiser but having alot of power hidden away insde.
There is also alot of fun challenges and brain teasing when you take a old motor made for carting families around and try to get more power than all the latest big exotic sports cars, lots of experimenting but unfortunately also lots of money needs to be spent, anyone can buy a fast car if they have the cash but you need to use your head to make a old jalopy scream.

Snowy Owl
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17 Dec 2006, 9:17 pm

I can drive but I can understand why an aspie would have trouble with it.


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17 Dec 2006, 9:51 pm

Terribly afraid of driving at first, of course. Now driving is second nature as well as a mobile sanctuary. I take road trips to unfamiliar places alone or with friends. I have a functioning sense of cardinal direction. I cannot navigate if another person rides along. Language is distracting from my thoughts, as in the case of a chatty passenger. Ride on autopilot a lot, but so do most people. In seven years of driving not one accident occurred.


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17 Dec 2006, 9:59 pm

I'm a procrastinator. got into a lot of arguments senior year about me doing Driver's Ed.

so once I graduated my parents told me I was taking Driver's Ed. Of course I have one more drive to do, then the DOL test, then I get my licecne. think I can do it in three weeks? HELL YAH.