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19 Oct 2009, 2:45 pm

I have vocalizations (really they're just rapid, voiced gasps) that are sometimes (about 50%) associated with my Tourette's tics.

My voluntary stims are generally conversational/musical, rather than animal or non-verbal.



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19 Oct 2009, 5:17 pm

Sati wrote:
Does anyone else do this as a stimming behavior? Sometimes it's one or two words over and over again, sometimes several sounds said in a rhythmical way, or it could be a series of animal noises. These are noises I just feel compelled to make, and so I do. I used to think of it as tics, but now it seems more like stimming behavior because I can suppress them when needed.

i do that too, ever since we got a dog it tends to be either whistle or a sort of howling sound now as well lol


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20 Oct 2009, 9:29 am

guilty as charged. :lol: :oops:
i suppress them when in public or non-family. but i do tend to let them out as soon as im home alone. or just randomly do them at home or near family. other than my mum, no one seems to mind. i save the loud ones for when i'm alone. XD
im not always doing them, i will get silent moods.

lol, ive embarassed my mom by barking out the car window at dogs. i also LOVE mimicking the car alarms and unlocking beeps. you know the "beep beep" when the car is unlocked? i LOVE mimicking that, it's almost involuntary. XD oh and animal noises are fun. i've gotten quite good at some.
once i walked into the school locker room flapping my arms and making really realistic chicken noises. XD. now i get people occasionally asking me to show them my animal impressions XD


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20 Oct 2009, 10:09 am

I do that alot, it is so weird, i've been doing is alot of that noices/singing to myself.... but its been doubled since i got the dog.
But i manage to hide it from everyone (and in public) :lol:

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16 Feb 2011, 6:33 pm

Yes this has happens to me aswell, When I was little and I got mad, I would make duck noises and I would sometimes bark like a dog. Later on in Middle Schhol I would do a screaming screech of a chicken through my lungs or I would hiss like a cat when I didn't want to be bother with. I have managed to contorl those habits, the thing is though when I feel like I'm too cold, I chatter my teeth and I still do.

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16 Feb 2011, 6:35 pm

Last year I started croaking like a bullfrog, I don't know why I did this. But people and my friends around me liked to hear it all the time.


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17 Feb 2011, 12:10 am

Sometimes I catch myself making random noises that would be more appropriate in an early Pink Floyd song then randomly in And it might be kind of weird but I tend to make cat noises if I am around a I have meowed at my cat. And sometimes I just talk to myself randomly.

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23 Jun 2011, 2:09 pm

TallyMan wrote:
I'm 49 and still make animal sounds. I always mimic the sounds my dogs make back to them - it sends them nuts! Also silly little phrases or words get stuck in my head and I often mumble them aloud when alone. The words are complete nonsense. Not sure why I do it.

I also like to make a very loud clap with my hands especially if outdoors and listen to the echo - it is almost like a gunshot. I don't do it when strangers are around though - they would think I'm "odd".

A visitor to the house once thought I was playing on a synthesizer in another room - I felt somewhat embarrassed to admit that it was me making the noises.

One of my favourites is to make the sound of a fly buzzing and look around the room as though I'm looking at it - this also sends my dogs silly looking for the noisy insect. My cat impression gets the best results though - they fly out of the house running around looking for a none-existent cat!

I'm either barking mad or it is something to do with Aspergers :lol:

I used to clap alot as a ticking thing. when I was little I was diagnosed with ADD/ADHD and my parents put me on redalin(sp?) and when i was in 5th grade we took me off cuz that is when they had enough cuz they had started realizing that I was not getting treatment for ADD/ADHD and that all that was happening was that i was getting sick and I would not eat my food at all at school but when not on the medication I would eat like a starving football player and i was a little girl. so the meds made me sick and not eat. Plus I was sleeping from 4pm-10 am every day i was on redalin. Plus I had horrible turretts that were brought on by the redalin. I would curl my toes in and walk like that and I would stomp my feet hard to feel the pain and such. I also had facial ticks and ticking sounds i made with my throat like a loud swallow but deliberate. So we decided I prolly didnt have ADD or ADHD once i got off the meds I was normal like not being sick or tired or anything but the turretts were so psychological that for like 2 years after i was still ticking. I believe that today i still have slight ticks that have stayed as horrible result of redalin. my mom agrees but says that I have gotten over it and anything i do now is AS. It could be both, I have considered that possibility. But what it is that i did/do: When I was little I made motor ticks and I made gulping sounds in a ticking manor not a stimulatory way. I did this so loud I knew ppl were gonna think I was odd. Also, my whole life I have and now still do but as i got older it became a stimulatory thing and grew away from ticking but I would clap my hands like smack them together for the sound and I could not control them even if i wanted to. I learned as I got older to kinda almost angrily force myself to stop every time and if I get angry enough and get brutal enough and make myself stop I do. It works that way cuz i have learned that most of the ticks and stimulatory behaviors from Aspergers is mostly psychological to a point. sometimes strong enough that you cant control it and sometimes you can if you tell yourself you can enough. I know that when it comes to an Aspie you cannot "force" them to stop a tick or stimulatory behavior 98% of the time cuz it will frighten them into more of those behaviors but It worked to do that to myself alot. I also make animal sounds when I tell a story or recall a thing that happened earlier that had to do with an animal. I make the animal sound to recall how the animal exactly did it tho neurotypicals needs not know how the animal sounded cuz commonsense tells us for us. but I dont always grasp that and think I need to. idk why. Also when i was a little girl I would love going to the zoo cuz i would go to the animal cages and make the sound of the animals in the cage and they would come up and talk right back. I was so facinated that they really believed me and would talk back. You name it I could make that animal sound. but as I got older that fell away from me for some reason. I have a thing with numbers, both odd and even numbers I jsut do it in a pattern. When i am watching tv for a long period and start to zone from watching too much I unconseously count the corners then count in between that and then count the spaces in between that till i get a count of twenty if I dont reach twenty with that I move in to the middle and count from each corner in to the middle till I do reach 20 count. sometimes it is till a 15 count. I see what different ways I can find to count the edges of the tv screen and still reach 20 or 15. I like obsessivly counting edges of things. when I ride with anyone down the highway I count the signs and I do the tv thing with the signs. I also count the yellow marks on the road to see if i can count a specific amount before lets say we pass them or another car passes them or whatever. It used to be ticks but now i can control it and it makes me feel something strang but good like I need it to feel good in my skin or something. Idk. I have attributed all this to my AS but to confirm it with other Aspies is amazing. I have learned so much about myself and learned "ok so i do blah blah and other Aspies also do blah blah so I know its an Aspie thing" and if I can I either post the question or see if anyone has already answered it somewhere else, and figure out so now that i do this and this, how do i control it in this or that situation? and i find how to and alot of the time I can answer that question for myself. I learned that dairy, gluetin, casene, like milk, eggs, wheat, processed chicken products like chicken nuggets or pasta bring out Asperger's and that it exacerbates the symptoms, so I know if I eat pasta I will get super wired and bounce off the walls like I ate the biggest bag of straight sugar. I get super loud too if i eat cheese or drink lots of milk. I tend to talk and talk with no end or intention of ending after cheese too. Today I ate cheese before writing this. LOLZ!! !! ! anyway i love that i was able to share these things with you and be able to compare against all your stories and realize I was right I am just doing what a typical Aspie or Autie would do :)


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23 Jun 2011, 6:01 pm


I don't make animal noises, apart from mouse squeaks, but I say stupid, stupid things repetitively all the time at home. I also make Pokemon noises :oops: Other people in my family say random things repetitively, so I always thought it was semi-normal. Not normal enough to do in public, though.

I'm glad my partner is aspie and understands why I do it.

Actually, my username comes from one my vocal stims that became my pet name.

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23 Jun 2011, 6:08 pm

Sweetleaf wrote:
Sometimes I catch myself making random noises that would be more appropriate in an early Pink Floyd song then randomly in And it might be kind of weird but I tend to make cat noises if I am around a I have meowed at my cat. And sometimes I just talk to myself randomly.

I always try to speak 'cat' when I see a cat, or even think about a cat.

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23 Jun 2011, 11:26 pm

i make elephant sounds

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24 Jun 2011, 8:30 am

I always try to speak 'cat' when I see a cat, or even think about a cat.[/quote]

I do that too. I dont think I feel "compelled" I just like to hear myself make the cat meowing and puring and if the cat owners arent watching and do not see me doing it they think usually that its their cat doing it at first. they say "wow! my cat is loud today" then i tell them its me and they tell me that thats really realistic and smile.


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24 Jun 2011, 9:12 am

I can communicate far better with animals, I have mimicked animal/bird sounds since early childhood and even to this day I will ask my cat which flavour of cat food he wants.
Lamb, duck, turkey, chicken, cow are in my repertoire I haven't mastered fish yet so that has become "feeshshsh".
I will happily speak to animals in fields or passing cats but I am very much in control and don't demontrate spontaneous outbursts of this nature. If I am driving in the car alone and see something or an event of some sort I usually make a small noise which I think helps me remember later what I saw.

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24 Jun 2011, 11:18 am

Yeah, me and my s.o speak to each other in meows and other cat sounds all the time when we are together, I have been mimicking other animals since I was a kid, especially cats. I have a few cats, I think some of them try to mimick human talk.


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24 Jun 2011, 11:53 am

My niece said that I sound so much like an actual cat it freaks her out sometimes.

Also, I have made her think my other niece's puppy was barking at her.

I mostly imitate cats, though. I've done it for as long as I can remember.


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24 Jun 2011, 11:55 am

I only did this when I was younger.

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