I thought this topic was interesting, sorry.
I can ''feel'' when people are staring. This is why I get annoyed when people ask if I'm looking at them, and I have to keep saying, ''no, this is the problem, if I'm not looking at them then why are they looking at me?''
But feeling it makes you feel worse than seeing it. But when I feel that someone is looking at me, I can feel a slight pressure all over my cheeks, as though their gaze has some sort of physical pressure on to my face. This is horrible though, because once my mum's friend got on the bus and sat in front of me, and I wasn't looking so I didn't know who it was, and as she sat down I felt her staring at me and so I turned away even more because I angrily thought, ''who's this woman staring at me?!'' and then she called my name and said hello. I felt bad after that.
But I don't think this is related to Autism because other people have said that they can tell when somebody is looking at them. I think I read somewhere that they have good periphery, which is why they can spot someone they know even without looking for them in the first place, they can also probably feel that someone is looking at them and so they look round and notice it was their friend or relative, which is how they spot them.