scumsuckingdouchebag wrote:
I probably read slower than most, due to having to re-read what I just read because my mind wanders too much.
Heh, yeah. That's what keeps me in a novel for several weeks with people going, "dude, have you like considered some speed-reading courses? My mother wouldn't take that long, and she has to squint even with her glasses!"
At other times, it's just a kind of paranoia about missing something, and I stare at it for a while just to make sure I'm getting everything. This is what slows me down most significantly in going through textbooks. I often find going into a kind of mental paralysis on that type of stuff. If I'm really finding myself a little stuck on a particular point, I'll end up so mesmerized, man!
I'm actually pretty good as a writer, though. I can generally type at about the same pace that I can talk when I really get on a roll, and I can chatter at pretty much a mile a minute. A lot of people seem to be really surprised by it, but I actually can compose a complete essay completely as I type it and without premeditation. I think that it goes a little bit with the mental wandering. I can type a ten page essay without forethought in a very short time, generally moving along with it at the fastest pace at which I can type.