sacrip wrote:
If you like anime, you could expand into live action Japanese film, too. There are a LOT of good films, new and old, in all genres, from japan that a lot of people don't even know about.
Thanks for the suggestion i'll try it out, any recommendations?
Sora wrote:
You could try something really different. Some sort of physical activity? But I found this hard to get into for social reasons, so it might not be that good of a suggestion.
For some reason, the normal people at my kung fu club are almost all into video games or anime.
Callista wrote:
Well, physical activity IS a good idea; it feels good, it's good for you, and it's something that anybody can do. If you're in a reasonably safe neighborhood, I totally recommend walking or cycling. Just getting out and moving can be a really wonderful thing. Get yourself an mp3 player and headphones, because if you're like me, you won't want to just walk; you'll want to have something to think about too. Audiobooks are my favorite, but I also like musicals. At the moment I have "Chicago" running through my head.
Another benefit: If you're clumsy, then doing physical stuff helps you get practice. It doesn't have to be sports; in fact, I don't really think sports are the best idea because of how much multitasking it takes. Just practice moving around and learning how to figure out where your limbs are and how you're balanced.
i forgot to mention i take the occasional walk/bike ride