I'd say when my eldest sibling was in full control of our family while I was in grades 11/12. She installed a keylogger program on my PC, went through my room while I was in class (i.e., stealing my clothes, jewellery, diary), accusing me of things I didn't do, convinced my parents I did drugs/sex/alcohol, forced my parents to make me see a therapist for Bipolar disorder and Schizophrenia (which actually backfired because the therapist concluded that I seemed normal and my sister had too much power over the family), told her friends I was planning to hurt/kill her, etc. The funny thing is, none of it was true. At most I was a quiet honor roll student with an eating disorder. I even loaned $5,000, as per my mother's request, to help pay for her post-secondary tuition fees after she moved out. In addition, I loaned her $500 when her account bounced paying the rent. Just a couple years ago she went through a nasty break up from a 5-year relationship and I still visited her after 5-years of not talking. Unfortunately, shortly after, she began to make rude and threatening remarks about me on her Facebook wall where her friends and our mother joined in. Thus I've been estranged with my family since 2009.