Very sensitive to cold, but it may be because of a fast metabolism where my body seems to burn off calories quickly to the point where I have little fat on my body. No fat = always freezing. I live in Canada, too, and so winter is bothersome for me...I can never seem to get warm, even wearing layers and with blankets over me.
As a kid, I remember being either intensely warm or cold with no grey area in between. I'm unsure if I had problems regulating temperature or I had a very black/white, or hot/cold mind.
Given a “tentative” diagnosis as a child as I needed services at school for what was later correctly discovered to be a major anxiety disorder.
This misdiagnosis caused me significant stress, which lessened upon finding out the truth about myself from my current and past long-term therapists - that I am an anxious and highly sensitive person but do not have an autism spectrum disorder.
My diagnoses - social anxiety disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder.
I’m no longer involved with the ASD world.