Young supposedly normal people are easy to influence if they respect you, and can often be convinced to be interested in anything, and you will be thanked later when they become accomplished professionals. On the other hand, our social disorder allows us to make choices based on different rules and have interests that don't change easily. We are more able to think deeper into our area of interest, making us great at specialization in a particular field. Our dislike of the high plasticity of interests and conversations which leads to only a shallow understanding of life is both a weakness and a strength.
Being highly adaptable, as a supposedly NT person is, has its down sides. In addition to the difficulty of learning deep subjects mentioned above, it enables one to forget information easily if it is found to be unnecessary to ones life in the short term. It also keeps people from getting too grounded and rooted, with the exceptions of pronounced experiences that are more difficult to erase. It also makes people more basic and interested in the needs of life such as reproductive issues and being accepted.
Supposedly NT and people with AS are right in their judgements and defenses of each other in that both ways are right and wrong. Unfortunately, one can not have the strengths of both without putting in considerable effort to be something he or she is not. It's hard for people whose "social brains" are wired for separate purposes to feel comfortable together, but it is the NT's responsibility to accommodate the person with AS, due to their adaptability and social ease. It is best that people with AS have some respect for the NT way of life, but it is probably better that people with AS group together in a kind of scientific arrangement, working on tasks applicable to their obsessions.
Without survivalists (NT's) there can be no dependent class of specialists (Aspies), and without specialists, there can be no superior advancement of mankind. Well, I hope you can figure how this relates to the topic...