SammichEater wrote:
This is the way I see it.
Low functioning - someone who does nothing but hit oneself constantly
Mid functioning - this guy
High functioning - someone who can live without support
Lines too easily drawn there - I'm visibly milder than this guy and most describe me as "high functioning" but I also need support. Also, I think a lot of people labeled as "LFA" are capable of more than "doing nothing but hitting one's self constantly." Anbuend mentioned some going to university (and at least one who had a doctorate), driving, and/or having a job.
But then I think functioning labels are often arbitrary and come with a lot of assumptions about people's capabilities. The video itself discusses autistic skill scatter - where we can be really good at some things and really bad at others. I tend to think that certain patterns of scatter tend to be interpreted as LFA or HFA or MFA (although the last more rarely) on the basis of a few traits without a full understanding of what people may be dealing with.