Did hitler have autism?
Sorry, I had not heard about the Sinti before; I'm assuming the Romani I've talked to in the past are all Roma.

I wouldn't be surprised, since although all groups share a certain underlying culture, there is a lot of variation. One group can be very different from another, which shouldn't really be surprising, I guess, as they're all over the world mingling with a whole variety of other cultures. No need to apologize about the confusion. I'm happy when I find people who don't think we're all from Romania.

Yes, it definitely had its moments. I still love genealogy, but a combination of economic factors, and the collapse of the publications I advertised in at about the same time my old computer bit the dust, helped to push me out. And just when I was considering what to do, a certain discussion in the Association of Professional Genealogists exploded in my face. I didn't have the stomach to take them to court for promoting a hostile work environment - not to mention the fact, in that situation, the existing law is far from clear.
The work itself was fun. It was the stupid politics that surrounded it (and at this point, I didn't yet understand what I was struggling against, which didn't help) and my inability to, well, brown-nose the right people, that got me down. I'd already made a few enemies because I knew what I was doing as well as most of them, and better than some, but failed to kiss the right feet.
Ironically, the discussion was not unrelated to this one. I had just discovered the extremely close links between genealogy and eugenics (the generic term for what the Nazis called "race science") in the past. I suggested we publicly apologise for that past involvement, add a clause to our code of ethics forbidding genealogists to aid in such projects, and also urge the various societies to consider stripping the honours given to those who were prominent in the eugenics movement. For that, I was attacked. Viciously. I've come to understand there are still those who make money participating in the very low key successors to those early programs, and I threatened their interests.
Even more ironically, in the aftermath of that - despite my resignation from the Association, I did go on monitoring the public mailing list - in another discussion, someone broadly hinted that I might have Aspergers. (Not one of my attackers; I believe she was trying to calm them down with this suggestion.) I didn't get it at the time, and thought she was talking about another person on the list.

AQ Test = 44 Aspie Quiz = 169 Aspie 33 NT EQ / SQ-R = Extreme Systematising
Not all those who wander are lost.
In the country of the blind, the one eyed man - would be diagnosed with a psychological disorder
Pretty much everyone of the hundreds of people that I work with like me. I can give good speeches thanks to years of practice. I guess I'm kind of good looking because most of the girls that I work with have had crushes on me, but try to sit down and have a conversation with me,... unless it involves one of my interests or I'm just regurgitating information at you, good luck. Hitler was a master of film and the manipulation of people. Being charismatic from a distance does not qualify you as not having PDD.
You can not blame God for the things that men do.
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I don't think so, although he did have a rather bizarre personal life, and appeared to be closer to his dog than he was to his girlfriend. The main reason I don't think so, is that he was so talented at public speaking, and was able to get a following of the people so easily. What an evil combination: Hatred and the ability to brainwash otherwise good people into following him. If he was an Aspie, let's deny it.
No. You guys acknowledge that. If you want to pretend Edison had aspergers then you need to pretend Hitler had it too. You can't just accept the good people.
What does that have to do with autism? Autism is a neurological disorder, not a most-of-us-look-like-we-were-beaten-with-an-ugly-stick disorder. Also, I don't know what you are getting at, but I do not find Hitler attractive at all. How is this supposed to relate?
Who said he was charismatic from a distance? He must have been more charismatic than that since he successfully managed to brainwash thousands upon thousands of people. Besides, charisma was just one example I used. I still do not believe that he had an ASD even if he was the least charismatic man out there, just because I don't think he fits the bill.
I think he might have OCD, probably some narcissism as someone else stated, or maybe even something else. I do not believe now, nor will I ever believe he was autistic. If you are autistic, you would have been one of his targets because to him, you are inferior and unworthy of life.
Diagnosed with classic Autism
AQ score= 48
PDD assessment score= 170 (severe PDD)
EQ=8 SQ=93 (Extreme Systemizer)
Alexithymia Quiz=164/185 (high)
I think Hilter was mentally ill, but probably talk austic. After all he was very well like in his country for quite sometimes. He may have thought thought kill the Jews, other races, and other group of people was good. The fact is it was very, very, very evil. He may have been demon process. I believe God want us to celebrate our many different races, religions and cultures. I think whatever was wrong with Hilter was no excuse for his evil acts.

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I agree. Anti-semitism was pretty acceptable in those days and the mythology of the Aryan race could've been easily as persuasive to those dismayed by Germany's misfortune in the first world war as many are by religious promises of Jesus's salvation. Religion and mythology can make a person do pretty much do anything and think it's "good" if they believe it strongly enough. Many people who view Hitler as plain evil who thought his own deeds were evil lack serious historical perspective.
As far as autism, I can say YEAH RIGHT! He led the freakin' beer hall putsch people, effectively what amounts to a mob. Really few autistic people could be an effective gang leader. A technology company leader, sure, but a gang leader? Pfttt....
Last edited by swbluto on 28 Aug 2011, 11:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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No. You guys acknowledge that. If you want to pretend Edison had aspergers then you need to pretend Hitler had it too. You can't just accept the good people.
Shall I repeat? He hunted people that didn't fit into his "perfect" society, so people with any disability, physical or mental, were sent out to his lovely concentration camps.
Hi there! Please refer to me as Moss. Unable to change my username to reflect that change. Have a nice day. <3
What does that have to do with autism? Autism is a neurological disorder, not a most-of-us-look-like-we-were-beaten-with-an-ugly-stick disorder. Also, I don't know what you are getting at, but I do not find Hitler attractive at all. How is this supposed to relate?
Who said he was charismatic from a distance? He must have been more charismatic than that since he successfully managed to brainwash thousands upon thousands of people. Besides, charisma was just one example I used. I still do not believe that he had an ASD even if he was the least charismatic man out there, just because I don't think he fits the bill.
I think he might have OCD, probably some narcissism as someone else stated, or maybe even something else. I do not believe now, nor will I ever believe he was autistic. If you are autistic, you would have been one of his targets because to him, you are inferior and unworthy of life.
No offense to you personally, Lily, but I wish that people would stop taking things that I've written out of context and stop reading things in the things that I have written that aren't there.
You are the one that said the ugly thing. In my place of work there are a few of us and none of us are particularly ugly. I was merely stating that autism is hard to spot unless you are talking to someone one-on-one. He communicated with most people from a distance, in writing or on film. Most of the people that did communicate with him one-on-one did not like him or were afraid of him.
I personally don't believe that he did have ASD, but the evidence that we have is inconclusive.
And as for the rest of you that were offended by the other things that I wrote. I am usually not aware of what people find offensive. My brain only deals in facts. If you ever cultivated your own seed to improve the fruit of future crops you understand what Hitler did. It's not pretty or "good", but it is effective. He's not the first or the last to do such a thing. I encourage you to do some research on "Vlad the Impaler." The facts are the facts. They don't change based on what you think about them. I do apologize to anyone who is offended by this it was not my intension to offend, but I do feel that I was unjustly attacked.
You can not blame God for the things that men do.
I actually agree with the intent of the original poster: Aspies tend to focus too much on the good people who are supposed to have had Asperger's based on one small detail we know of the person, forgetting that the same can be done for bad people.
"Be slow to fall into friendship; but when thou art in, continue firm and constant. " -Socrates
AQ: 40/50
EQ: 17/50
SQ: 72/80 (Extreme Synthesiser)
Aspie test: about 150/200 Aspie, about 40/200 NT
Reading things in the things...? I don't even know if I understand what that means.
Anyway, I wasn't reading out of context. I was responding to what you wrote. You don't have to agree with what I wrote, but you cannot diminish it by saying I was not responding to specific things you chose to write.
Did I? I think you brought up attractiveness first! I was just responding to your comment. Perhaps you are the one taking things out of context.
Then you should have said that. I don't know how to read between the lines.
Were you there? He also did a lot of public speeches.
It was your poor choice in words when you said if we had an openmind we could see the good in what Hitler accomplished.
And had you said that, then you likely would not have gotten the responses you received. People seeing the word good in relation to the mass murder of millions upon millions of people does not go over well. Regardless of your intention, that was how you phrased it, and a lot of people around here do not read between the lines well.
This back and forth is becoming redundant. You clarified yourself, I agreed that what you said LATER sounded more acceptable whether or not I agree with you. What more do you want? Now let's move forward instead of just repeating ourselves continously again and again.
Diagnosed with classic Autism
AQ score= 48
PDD assessment score= 170 (severe PDD)
EQ=8 SQ=93 (Extreme Systemizer)
Alexithymia Quiz=164/185 (high)
Alright Lily, I really don't want to respond to you because this is getting redundant, but I just wrote to you personally and apologized, despite the fact that you keep seeing things in what I wrote that you apparently want to see, and you attacked me again. I see now that this isn't going to get me anywhere, but here it goes...
You're obviously lying or joking, but based on the tone of the rest of your post I'm going with trying to insult me.
Did I? I think you brought up attractiveness first! I was just responding to your comment. Perhaps you are the one taking things out of context.
I did not say anywhere in my comment that autistic people are ugly. What you did is the definition of taking something out of context! And you're the one that said that autistic people can't be charismatic. I was just rebutting that statement. So, by your logic, you called autistic people ugly.
What did you think I meant by communicating from a distance? Have you given a speech to someone that was two feet in front of you or did you think that he made people stand across the room from him?
Again out of context and not what I said. If you choose to look at the original text you will see that I was reffering to the effect of removing defective genes from a "gene pool." I did not mention removing other "gene pools" from the area. I did not use the word "accomplished." You once again have proven that it is not in what I have written that you are angry, but you are angry at the truth of what happened, and unable to come to grips with the fact that some good may have come out of evil. Unless you are arguing that lower intelligence and more disease is a good thing, stop attacking me. We are all angry about what happened.
And to all of those of you that keep saying "Never again:" It's still happening. It's happened to other people over and over since then. It's happening to Christians all over the world, right now, but nobody is doing anything about it.
You can not blame God for the things that men do.
I just said that.
I didn't get it.
This is erroneous. I am seeing what you write. You are expecting me to read between the lines, and as I am not a mind reader I can only go by what you write. Like it or not, that is how it is.
LOLOLOL How on EARTH did I attack you?? Blowing things way out of proportion, are we? Let's go back to your own advice: "chill out!"
No, falsely accusing me of attacking you really won't get you anywhere!
LOLOLOL This is UTTERLY and ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS! NOOOO where was I attempting to insult you. If ANYONE knows what "reading the things in the things" means, then please speak up and prove that I am a moron because I have absolutely no idea what that means.
Nor did I say you did. But what you did do was mention you are attractive and so you cannot judge if a person is autistic based on looks. I replied with a question asking what your being attractive has anything at all to do with what we were talking about, stating that autistic people are no more ugly or attractive than anyone else. You, "Brain", are the one who is taking everything out of context.
Incorrect. That is what you have been doing since you started arguing with me, and that is what you are still doing.
LOLOLOL If anyone at all agrees with this statement from what I wrote then they are just as delusional as you are! I believe I said autistic people are NOT ugly because they are autistic. You are the one only reading what you want to see, twisting every sentence I've written. At least I am responding to exact things that you said, not reformatting them into the opposite thing.
No, but I have at about five feet. That is not "a distance" to me. To me, if the person is standing there physically, that is not "at a distance". So apparently I do not know what your definitions mean. Perhaps you should clarify your ambiguous terms on occasion.
It was EXACTLY what you said! How am I supposed to know that is not what you meant when that is what you wrote. For your own benefit, let's break down the delusion now. I am going to go cut and copy exactly what you wrote.....
but if you have an open mind you can see the good that it did.
Those are YOUR words, not mine! It was a poor choice in words to which you later admitted, so why do you insist on continuing this argument? I don't get it. When you admitted your poor choice in words, I responded with:
I don't think anyone here was calling you racist. People were just responding to your poor choice in words. Perhaps you should practice what you preach and do some chilling out over there yourself.
I never once maintained that you were racist. YOU were the one that kept this going on and on and on. And I am not going to sit here while you accuse me of attacking you when I have simply been on the defensive since that aforementioned comment.
I know what the original text says. We have been over this...again....and again. You already admitted to your poor choice in words. I cannot read between the lines. Now that you have admitted to your poor choice in words and have explained what you meant, I GET IT---but then I have ALREADY STATED THAT. How many times do I have to state it: I GET IT! I GET IT! I GET IT! I GET IT! I GET IT! Do YOU get it now??
Wow--you must be as bad as interpreting people as I am! Actually you are WAY off. I hate what happened, but right now I am completely 100% fed up (I wouldn't say angry) with you!
Now, this is what I am disgusted by. You say you disagree with Hitler, yet you continue to state that what happened was good. If "good" means something else here, then please don't beat around the bush and say what you mean. Otherwise, I take it to mean that you think what happened was a good thing. And I find that revolting.
Okay, so NOW I know what you mean by good. At least, from what you wrote, this is what I got out of it: it was bad that he killed people on the basis of race, but it was good that he killed all those who were disabled and not smart enough for the "master race". It is good to know you feel that way, considering you would have been one of those people he saw as less desirable. You wouldn't even have been sent for slave labour since autistic people would have been deemed to be too useless for that. You wouldn't have had a chance. But according to you, that is a good thing.
Diagnosed with classic Autism
AQ score= 48
PDD assessment score= 170 (severe PDD)
EQ=8 SQ=93 (Extreme Systemizer)
Alexithymia Quiz=164/185 (high)
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