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01 Sep 2011, 6:14 am

Oh yea but usually I'm mature about it tho and appreciate the gesture


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01 Sep 2011, 7:50 am

I've received a lot of unwanted gifts from my husband's brother and his wife, which I've graciously accepted and thanked them for. The first Christmas I knew them, they bought me a pair of American tan nylon tights - I was 16, that's what older ladies wore in the 80s, so I gave them to my mum. Over the years, they've bought me a lot of gloves, which haven't fitted (one size women's, when I always buy 10-12yrs). I hinted about my tiny hands several times and they never got it. They never had a label that I recognised, so I couldn't ever exchange them. They either went to my mum or the charity shop.


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01 Sep 2011, 8:11 am

All the time. I just re gift.

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01 Sep 2011, 8:45 am

My grandparents once gave me a touchtyping computer program. Perhaps they had been told that I was having trouble learning to touch type from my parents, but that was one of the worst things that they could have given me. For the record, I type possibly the second fastest out of my family (second only to my dad, who actually got some use out of the damn thing and regularly types up plays from scripts for his theatre group/s) using only my index fingers. I had no interest in learning how to touchtype, but the highschool I attended basically forced you to learn to touch-type at the start of every computer class. I ended up pulling out a book and ignoring the teacher for 5-10 minutes while everyone else typed out nonsense with all 10 fingers.

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01 Sep 2011, 9:16 am

When I was a kid I received a detroit Lions T-shirt from my Aunt. I responded by saying "But the Lions are not a good team", instead of saying thank you.
On the other hand, I am terrible at picking out gifts for other people.


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01 Sep 2011, 11:26 am

any time I get girly stuff I get irritated.


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01 Sep 2011, 1:31 pm

While I think "hate" is a bit of a strong word, I did get gifts that I didn't really like.

I hope I don't come across as a spoiled brat because of this post. I feel pretty embarrassed about these things now that I look back on them with adult eyes.

One year I was really into Digimon and I asked my parents for a Weregarurumon (bipedal wolf monster guy) action figure, but the toy store didn't have one and I got a Metalgarurumon (metallic four-legged wolf guy) action figure instead. I was pretty disappointed.

A few years prior to that, I was at Target with my parents and my mom told me she bought me a surprise that I would really like. I fully expected it to be something related to the movie Balto, since that was my primary special interest at the time. But instead it was something related to the movie The Land Before Time. I was so disappointed that I actually cried over it. :oops:


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01 Sep 2011, 4:19 pm

TeaEarlGreyHot wrote:
Of course, but I cherished every gift I ever got because it meant someone took the time to think about me. Even if they had no idea what I would enjoy.

Whenever someone reminded me that "It's the thought that counts", I had to ask, "But what were they thinking?"


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01 Sep 2011, 4:27 pm

Clothes. Well, I don't hate them, they're just boring.


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01 Sep 2011, 4:40 pm

The only one I hated was the time my sister took dirty twisties, made a stick figure out of it, put that in a box, and gave it to me for my Birthday. I looked at it and said "What the hell is this? Where's my present?" Kind of a 'what the fudge?" moment, you know. She broke down in tears, crying how she worked oh so hard on it, and my parents very mildly gave me a verbal punishment on the spot. Then mother said "It's the thought that counts.", so I faked a thank you, and hated doing it.

The best 'no no' gift I ever got was from my Grandmother on Christmas. I was in my early teens, and they were two edgucational books for toddlers. :lol:


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01 Sep 2011, 5:09 pm

I wouldn't say hate, but a fragrency spray thing, is a terrible thing to get as a gift as an aspie who is highly highly sensitive to scent.


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01 Sep 2011, 5:31 pm

I got an ipod touch for my birthday this month, I wanted to bring it back but unfortunately I took it out of the box.

I can't stand the thing.

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01 Sep 2011, 6:47 pm

I've received glue sticks before. That ended much worse than you could ever imagine.

That was actually one of the best gifts ever; I spent the whole hour after laughing at the thought of it.

Seriously. Glue sticks.

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01 Sep 2011, 7:10 pm

LOL Worst gifts...I've had several:

The first was this butt-ugly witchy-looking marionette from Mexico (she looked like the ugliest sister of one of the wicked witches). I think I was around 8 years old or so. She was so ugly, I think I cried....I know I was shocked! She ended up in the trash or something. I wanted nothing to do with her because she was so hideous...I also hate/despised dolls! Then again, that was not the only ugly gift from that family..they had a history of giving me things that others would consider ugly (kept the Steiff hedge hogs because they were so ugly they were cute!). Still have those some 40 years later.

The next was a cowboy hat. I never wore cowboy hats & had never asked for one. I was 16 or 17. My parents had built up the gift, saying how special it was. I thought I was getting a horse! Yeah special...I gave it to my dad. I cried...heartbroken & devastated, because for years I had begged & pleaded for a horse. I would have even settled for a certificate for riding lessons. I think dad may have actually picked it out anyway.

The next were some flowers from my now ex-husband. He bragged about what a "steal" they were at the market. Yeah, they were real cheap...when I took the plastic wrapper off that protected the blooms, the flowers literally fell apart. I was mad. I told him no more bargain basement flowers for his bargain basement wife! Why waste pennies on dead flowers. He could have just gone out & picked weeds. Oh wait....that would take time & trouble. He made it quite clear I wasn't worth his time. :-(

Last gift, also from my ex was an anniversary present. He got me a book on the Irish Uprising of 1918. That was the beginning of the end of the marriage. Mind you, I love books, & Irish history is great. But not for an anniversary gift (I would have gladly accepted it for my birthday or Christmas). I was thinking something more romantic like a nice dinner out, or something along those lines. Instead he gives me a book so he wouldn't have to spend time with me.

I can laugh about these now. At the time, they hurt my feelings. But that was years & years ago.

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01 Sep 2011, 8:00 pm

iceveela wrote:
Like, for christmas, or your birthday, and you opened up the present and your face just fell in utter dispair?

Well, it was Christmas one year and I got a navy-blue T-shirt with a bandaged monkey on it holding a peice of dynamite in his hand, the shirt said "i'm a slow learner". This was apparently supposed to be funny, but i kinda misinterpreted the meaning... I feel bad about it now, but I thought it was a insult...

Now, even if I hate the girft, I fake happiness... so I don't upset the person giving it to me... even if I totally dispise the gift!

Any similar stories?

lmao oh that sounds so terrible.

There is this girl who keeps giving me little fairy statues for Christmas. I have like 4 from her now. They are just not my thing. At least she could give me dragons or something, you know? I don't know why she thinks I'm into fairies. And I feel bad because I always forget to get her something back, because she's really just a friend of a friend. I have no idea what to get her even, but maybe that doesn't matter since she obviously has no idea what to get me either..

Also one time when I was like 14 my aunt got me a plastic toy instrument with big buttons, that looked like it was for a 4-year-old. XD;; She hadn't seen me in a while, so I guess she forgot that little kids grow up. I don't even remember what instrument it was..

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01 Sep 2011, 10:11 pm

super_machine wrote:
On the other hand, I am terrible at picking out gifts for other people.

Me too! I try--but not usually successful.

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