Im not sure if it's cause I'm an aspie or maybe I'm also bipolar... But some days I will have uncontrollable energy. The world seems to move to slow and I feel like I can't push myself hard enough. People at work joke and say oh your on coke again but it really feels like I am. I also feel little reason to watch what I say and tend to get easily angered during said state of energy. It last for several days or only a day. My therapist said bi polar people tend to have manic episodes once in awhile but I have one at least once a month or every other month. Any thoughts? Any aspies been diagnosed with being bipolar. I'm a psych major but most of my research is focused on autism and I know little about bipolar disorder aside from texted books. Oh yeah I find sleep impossible during this too... I'm currently experiencing these feelings so forgive my rambling.
It does sound like you're having manic episodes. I don't think they're a standard thing with Aspies or Auties, though. Probably best see a therapist.
I have a depressive cycle as well as being an aspie, but I'm just (still low-energy-normal) at the highest of my cycle. Long before I knew about Asperger's at all, I've occasionally remarked that I wished for manic episodes so I could at least get something done during them, but have been assured by people who know that I really don't want them!
See a professional.
I have really energetic days too but that's because I have combined ADHD. Some days I'll barely have the motivation to get off the couch and other days I'll be unable to focus on the TV and need to move around.
I thought I had Bipolar once because of my hormonal depression (once a month during that time of the month) but I kept a journal and then it finally clicked what was really going on.
My Bipolar friend takes ADHD medication too and it does not calm her down like it does me. She has even more mania when she's on them.
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Before I was medicated properly, I had moments like that - they were more hypomania than mania because they didn't impair on my functioning. I would have a lot more energy than usual, would throw myself into projects, plus I had racing thoughts [so, lots of thoughts happening at the same time], decreased need for sleep and pressured speech [I would talk faster than normal and my words would tumble out of my mouth]. I was also a lot more sociable than usual.
On the bright side, I got a lot of things done.
Those periods would last from a few weeks at least, to months.
Now that I'm medicated, I haven't had a full-blown hypomanic episode since 2009, although I had something that was kinda like hypomania this year. I was in a state of increased energy, which was noticeable to others, and I was feeling more confident in myself and generally quite good. It didn't really develop into anything more, though.
Anyways, clinically hypomania is described as something that has to occur over at least 3 days. If it's just a day or so, then it's more likely an issue with emotional dysregulation. There are some clinicians out there that advocate the view of very rapid cycle bipolar, but personally I'm not entirely convinced because I think it's too hard to tell if those are actual hypomanic mood swings or just plain ol' mood swings.
Said the apple to the orange,
"Oh, I wanted you to come
Close to me and
Kiss me to the core."
Think you're ASD? Get thee to a professional!