I am in my 50's. Autism/Asperger Syndrome were not known as such when I was growing up. People had problems on the spectrum, but their conditions were called other things, like emotional/psychiatric problems. I was taken to far too many psychologists, psychiatrists, and therapists to count. These people had no understanding of what was really wrong at that time, so they were no use in helping me. They were all of the belief that somehow I could be "fixed" and made "normal" if they only kept at it and kept trying stuff. At least some of them were also of the belief that I wasn't really doing my part to try to get "fixed." There are some things that can't be fixed, no matter how hard you try, or what you try. On my own, over the course of decades, I eventually came up with coping mechanisms, but these haven't "fixed" anything, they just help me cope better. Because of the parade of visits I endured as a child, I now detest all psychologists, psychiatrists, and therapists. I have no faith in these professions, at least for helping me. I also don't trust any of the meds they prescribe. The ones I was forced to take as a child didn't help and had unpleasant side effects. My research on the web shows that all of the other psych meds also have unpleasant and sometimes dangerous side effects, and few of them seem to have a real track record of actually helping anyone, unless you choose to believe only the hype put out by the drug dealing manufacturers of these poisons. I choose to do without the meds. I did have to go to a therapist again a few years ago for a while, but that was required, so I could qualify for much needed medical benefits. Thanks to qualifying for those benefits, I found out I had cancer, and was successfully treated for it. I am now 5 & 1/2 years past my cancer surgery, without any recurrence. This is considered "cured." I was definitely very depressed at the time, but an improvement in my living circumstances helped me get past that. The therapist had nothing to do with it. I couldn't stand her. She absolutely did not have any empathy for me, and probably not for any other patients. I had to pretend that we were getting along okay, until a while after I qualified for medical assistance. At that point she decided that I was "improved" enough to not need therapy any more.
I have only unpleasant memories of my childhood. I was labelled with so many things that I know now are part of having Asperger Syndrome, when so many symptoms are present.
-Socially Awkward
-Cry Baby
-High strung
-Emotional/Emotionally ret*d
-Not good at staying focused, unless I was interested in the topic.
-Slow, because it often takes me a while to get things, that others pick up right away.
There were many other labels I had to put up with, as well, but I prefer not to dwell on my childhood and early adulthood. It is just too depressing for me. I can't go back in time to give my younger self a much needed hug, or to explain to that younger self that my problems are caused by Asperger Syndrome.--That I am not just some kind of freaky emotional ret*d. Finding out about Asperger Syndrome has helped me cope better, because now I know what is really wrong with me. My research on the subject has also helped with coping mechanisms, too. Some of the best ones are:
-Good food
-Living Alone (at least in my case)
-Keeping oneself distracted with things of interest, so I don't dwell too much on things that make me depressed.
Unfortunately, I'm not too good at eating a proper diet, and because of health problems, I am not able to do much exercising, but I have managed to avoid other vices, like drugs, booze, smoking, gambling, wild parties, etc. Besides, who is a hermit going to have wild parties with?
Good luck to all in your journey, as you march to a different drummer.
A Different Drummer
If a man does not keep pace with his companions,
Perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.
Let him step to the music which he hears,
However measured or far away.
--Henry David Thoreau